Best Early Build Order For Kaiserpunk

by pokogame

Caesarpank It’s not a game that allows you to rest, even for a moment. From the time you start a new game, you will plan, manage and improve. Just because you have limited options at the beginning of the campaign, it does not mean that you cannot make smart plays that will set the rest of your run for success.


What build first in civilization 7

With many such options to build in CIV7, you would like to make sure that you are making the best choice for your situation at the beginning of a game.

We have prepared our favorite opening blood order for Caesar Pink in several sports. Details depend on which region of the world you are in, but overall this blood order will run you faster and efficiently.


Starting with all accessories, including several lumbar yards and forms in Caesarpank.

As soon as the game begins, Take a look and take a look at the map more sequence. In particular, you should pay attention to this:

  • Location and quantity of resource deposits, especially Water, iron and coal To start.

  • Lines of beach suitable for building Fishing, Ship Yards and Navy bases Shortly

  • Mountainous areas that you May need to be built around Unless you unlock the tunnels.

Once you received land goods, Place some dirt roads; Nothing, just a intersection attached to your Town Center that expands you in all four directions if you want.

Production of accommodation and wood

When you settled in a place, build up Four labor houses, one forest, and two lumbar yards either from the forward either on the road or across the road. Keep a depot to easily reach the production buildings.

Additional accommodation will help you reach the goal of your first story, which is Almost always to reach the population of 120And to be Two lumbar yards instead of one Your plywood will accelerate the production, and will allow you to expand faster.

While additional workers are looking forward to jobs, Make them rescue buildings around the map To make your reservoir.

Food production

Now, Expose the game And build Two forms and a grain field. For example, they will all be within the limits of your current depot, but if you want to keep agriculture and industry separate and there are two depots that are fine, and later you can give you some useful options. It will be a bit more expensive.

On the other hand, Is free to move buildings after realitySo when the time comes, you can always change your placement.

At this stage, you only need a vegetable farm to feed people, but excessive construction you provide two goals. These Makes an additional amount That you can use later as a commercial stock, and it Accelerates your agriculture growthLet you unlock the criticism Flour mills and bakery Too fast


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From classical to the sophisticated and largest city buildings like Samsiti, they are the best.

Needs and luxuries are required

Printing press run by a substation and wind mill on the street corner in Caesarpank.

You have the next step Make sure your labor population is maximal So that they continue to pay their full share in taxes. When you look forward to the development of your agriculture, Make another Lumbard To get more plywoods, increase the residence of additional workers as needed.

As soon as you unlock Wind Mills and Power SubstationsWhich will happen in the first few days, Make at least one of each. Make sure that coverage of all stations includes areas near the forward and grain field, as is the next set of your production buildings Electricity is needed.


As soon as you unlock them, Make a flour mill and make two bakery In front of the grain field. To this point, your population will likely be at the point where you will need a second bakery instead of anyway, so you can now make it and get extra development points.

Leave room for at least one factory In both the boundaries of vegetables and bakery; In this way, when the time comes, it will be able to easily produce food rations.


With three lumbar yard running, you still have a wood manufactured in your forest which supplies a Cellulose factory. In fact, at this point you will probably be able to Upgrade your Fortar and Lumbar Yards Increase their resultsWhat you must definitely do. When the cellulose becomes the factory, Create a paper mill and at least two printing presses Next door

When you are waiting for the next level utility development, start your mining industry in the meantime Making roads to the nearest iron reserves and having an iron mine with a depot. If you do the same with coal.

Fire station and markets

Fire stations are expensive for the initial game, which costs cost 60 plywoods eachBut now that you have electricity, you should at least cover your residential areas, and maybe someone else may have a close mine. The fire will explode – this is not the question, but when – so you need to be ready.

Now another key building to join your city when lights are running Market Even if you don’t need Buy anything from the smugglerKeeping the market will help you Meet other world leaders. As soon as you do, 20-50 transport development for military development in a 30-day deal. It will ensure that as long as you are ready to start expanding on the world map, you have access to ship, aircraft, and perhaps light infantry.


Once you can make a water pump, find the accumulation of nearby ground water and build one. Now you can use Towers of water To supply your buildings. Make a one to start production from the cotton field, either one that you make by yourself or your one Repair the ruins and go to your city.

With cotton field operational, Make sure that the area has electricity from the substation And then make a weaver The cloth you can afford as much as you can. Keeping beyond the demand for clothing is one of Kaiser Pink’s endless works, and the cloths do not get an output upgrade for a while, so the construction of five, four, or five of them is not a foreign idea.

Make the fourth lumbar yard at this location, make wood instead of plywood, now if you are not already. If you need to make another forward to supply it, it may also be able to include plywood lumbar yards.

Industry and the army

A midwives group of fields, fields, and bakeries supply factories that manufacture food rations in Caesar Pink.

Is the last step of the early game Establishing a basic military presence. If you haven’t already done so, Make iron and coal minesThen a smelly or two to start producing steel. As always, one is enough but two are better because you will need more later.

At this location, you will need Manufacturers. If you have brought your agriculture development to the place where you can build Fields and fishingVery good – if not, Create additional forms and bakeries to accelerate this processAnd in the meantime try to make copper and zinc mines to supply smelly for brass.

Once you make fish and fields make meat -producing fishing, Start construction of manufacturer houses. Four to six has a good start number, but It will take a little time to fill them Since you have an early immigration rate for manufacturers Only one -third of the laborers.

The army supply

Once you are preparing Steel, brass, woodAnd a surplus Vegetables, bread and celluloseBuild, at least build Two factories and a weapon factory. You may need to stick them with the growth of your manufacturer. One factory should be close to your fields, and the food rations should be prepared, while the other should be near the steel silk to produce the handgun. The weapons factory should be close to either cellulose factory or brass simulator (or both, if you can swing it) to produce ammunition.

Thanks to your science contract, you can also create artillery and tanks, but will need shells and diesel to take care of them, not to mention extra steel. If this is your first game, save them after the deployment of Malaysia.

To deploy the army

Now you have everything you need to deploy a basic army containing militia units. Make a military base Place a new depot near any depot (or near or near it). You would like the least Three militia To handle the neutral armies around your starting region. Every unit takes 50 handguns for training And it is needed 2 rations daily and 2 ammunition. Once they come to the field, you can start spreading the world’s victory!


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Every other count in the dark age: the final stand. The building will effectively ensure that when you dream, you get ready.

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