The romance in the dragon’s Dagma is not like another RPG. Instead of meeting some of the requirements to get a comfortable scene of intimate, making a La Dragon Edge, making someone in your loved ones, is an ongoing process that includes collecting locations for almost any NPC. Unless you face the UR Dragon, you will not see any real result of your romance.

Eldon Ring vs Dragon Digma 2: Which game is better?
Comparing the two best RPGs of the decade.
You will collect the affiliation and, regardless of whether or not you are familiar with it, will get a girlfriend, so it is better to take a better approach unless you mistakenly move to your home. There are some more NPCs worth your love.
Refreshing on March 15, 2025 by Alfredo Robelo: Dragon’s Dagma is a classic that is ahead of its time, and the release of Dragon’s Dagma 2 has not changed. After almost any NPC was able to become your beloved, we decided to bring this article to the standards today so that you could better imagine who was in your next play Throw.
A romantic humorist
Almost anyone in the dragon’s Dogma can become your beloved, so why not a small jester that has even smaller mustache? Certainly, when you first visit Duke’s Demisus, he humiliates you, but he cuts a beautiful amazing personality in this skin tight motley. In addition, it is funny, which will take you ahead in a more relationship with you.
Romantic festivals is not the easiest. There are no specific questions to enhance its commitment, and when it roams the floor of the Duke all the time, it is difficult to go to dates. But, give it a lot of fish, and you will be given the most fun of every possible end of the game.
Effectively at the most cost
An arms and coach’s nonsense, a cacheston shop is one of the places where you will visit the most in the Granses during your time, so it is understood that a romance between you can open. He is not the most charming man on the earth, but he is a sharp dresser, and is excited about his work.
If you are looking for a convenience wedding, Cacton is also the best choice. It may not end the romance, but the weapon that you have in your bed is very useful, especially if you continue your life as an adventure.
Old friend
As your childhood friend, Kona Looks like a clear choice of Roman. There is a chemistry between the two of you from the beginning, and they are worried enough to sit with you for hours after removing your heart through the dragon.

Every class in the dragon’s dagma, ranks
There are nine classes for you to choose from the dragon’s Dogma. You can exchange all of them, but some are worth your time than others.
Sweet, beautiful and kind, Kona spreads the simplicity of your hometown, Castardis. She is the best partner to go back after a difficult day’s adventure, or if you want to go back to a simple life, retire with her.
Mercedes Martin
Shining knight
The daughter of Hartha Stone’s ruler, Mercedes wants to be a night, though her entry core is a political appointment. She is not unusual, but she has a heart for her job, and wants to make a difference.
It seems that there is a bug during Griffin’s Quest where Mercedes’ affiliation decreases if there is no harm. If a soldier is not killed, refrain from talking to him after the struggle.
You will like it from the beginning, struggling to find Mercedes in the world. It is one of the most compelling ARCs in the game and will make you like it, even though she doesn’t really know what she’s doing. With a little help, it is easy to see that both of you become a power couple of Granses. Come for the tone, stay for his good heart.
Slow from the village
Like Kona, Valmo is also a childhood friend from the beach townards. Unlike the corner, it does not seem that Walmo has no care in the world. Instead of doing his work, he leaves the fisherman’s net and searches it. It has a sharp mind to study the patterns of life, and a curiosity that causes it to roam the whole land.
Sometimes, Valmo’s curiosity puts it in distress, because he is not particularly interested in martial life. After rotating in the Goblin area, you have to protect yourself more than once. Nevertheless, you can’t help it because of its enthusiasm and the practical lack of love. It has incredible hair, and a unique grace for men in Granses.
Walking Entrepreneur
Finding a traveling pedal, Rinard may be a bit difficult, but it may be worth it. Its shop is proud of one of the most wide lists of purchasing content, making it invaluable if you want to take advantage of the game’s widespread craftsmanship system.
Rinard is the easiest to find in the Casardis and Gran Soren’s insurance at night, though it is not guaranteed to be there every day.
If you manage to nail it nail and nail it in your heart, Rinard will spend a lot of time in the house, which will allow you to easily access its wide inventory. Just make sure you saved it from this group of Goblins at the beginning of the game. Unlike a character who dies in the pursuit of escort, he will actually die, and will return you to run his hand through this heavy wet hawk.
Greedy trader
Madeline is a woman who knows what she wants, and how to get it. In this way she has been so successful as a merchant, and has been so successful in winning your heart.
Madeline often looks for an escort on notices boards, so keep an eye on them if you want to Romana.
Madeline’s fall is his passion for money. She was raised as an orphan and began to hate living in poverty, which sometimes means that she chooses a question with whom she belongs to. It also means that it is difficult to look beyond the surface, but if you are sometimes ready to be prepared with the abrasive personality, it can become some kind of diamond.
Former pedestrian
Selen is not actually a witch, but his presence may be surprising. Although she is a maid, she has an interviewed charm that provides goth girl energy for days. The couple, along with the Quest Line, which involves their death from a group of angry villagers, and you will soon find yourself investing in a mysterious woman who will spend their day with other people with their Ted Stool.

Dragon Digma 2: All End, explained
One circle can only end one way.
Selen is also unique in your powers that he is initially a pedestrian. Throughout your time, you will see that when it receives its humanity, which opens up some horrible possibilities about the true nature of the infant. At the end of the game, its dialogue is also contrary to another, which makes it a romance if you want to see everything in the game offering.
Dark Knight
Julian, the Jhand prototerial bad boy, has found some serious combat chips and some serious loyalty. Although he has to support the kingdom of Granses, he is actually part of a great conspiracy seeking to fall. Although he is not a true believer, he helps the difference of salvation with their goals, one of them is that the dragon allows everyone to destroy. It may not be the most good match match, first.
Behind all this darkness, though, Julian is really good. He has invested so much in the health of his nation, Wildova that he is ready to chase any end to helping to be promoted. Once you remove your differences, he is a loyal companion with serious allocated wibes.
Classic princess
Although he is technically Duke’s wife when you meet her for the first time, it seems that Elanver is a tailor -made beloved, and, if the game was more linear, you can see it just filling this place as default. Duke bound to a politically fast marriage, it seems that she falls for you at the first time, and it is difficult to return her love. She is just as good as the Medaline, but she has a deep sorrow that lends her depth, which lacks other roles.
In the speed run form, Elanver is almost always the default beloved, even when it is never talked, possibly due to his initial commitment.
Joining Elenor is a dangerous suggestion, and after observing the dark secrets of the Duke you will be jailed. However, letting it be resolved and released from the fortress of consistency, and it will reward you for a romance for ages.