Can You Help Me Identify This Sea of Thieves Controller?

by pokogame

The broken blog spotlink that Freezasors has attached to this video above:

Enjoy the videos and music of your choice, upload the original content, and share it with friends, family and the world on YouTube.

The video was posted on July 09, 2017 and was detailed.

It is now private/deleted. Looking deep, I got automatically copied for the video:

Hey YouTube This is Math I got something
Today you are cool to tell people that I got in the mail now
So what we clearly received in the weekly controller that is himself
Really cool but if we take a look at the box here is considered a brand
New New if you don’t really see oh it’s sealing there
My bad if you see here it is not seal and in fact the reason is it
Came from the color where we or it was done by the color where it was actually it was
Microsoft has come from Soft so if we open it here you’ll really look something
Really cool so I was lucky enough to win this guy I believe I was the only one
Made a few days and it’s just two seconds here you’ll look exactly the same
This is here so we go wow it’s really cool
So we have a custom Xbox elite controller here in gold
It looks like in reality is like gold like mustard
The camera does not work best but is really cool so it is
Actually the CIA thief for the game who is doing for rare microsoft and they
Giving this boy way i was really lucky enough to win it but i wanted
SO to show you guys So so if you look here everything is all customs in this color
You got the scigulated here that is really picked up that is really cool
Removable pads or the same color and if we take it out and flip it
You can look back there. It’s also a mustard gold color but yes he is
Really great is so thank you Microsoft and colorful clothing wow you guys is amazing job
This is really really good. Anyway people comment under the thumb if
You like this video subscribed this is my first video so I’m just serving it
Out but tell me what you guys think about what I should do with it?
Display this I think I can do some different things with him but anyway
Thank you for seeing the boys and I will see you later silence peace

If you want to contact the person who posts the video, I can DM you link to the channel. I’m not posting it publicly.

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