Treatment is on fun A new update For Control the final edition Nowhere, add special to all pre -issued organizations in the pre -order. It is available for PC players and will arrive for the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S in the “future near”.
Suited from the extra Terror The DLC, which is open by the crowded arcade machine, is open by overcoming crowds or eliminating deadline challenges. However, perhaps the biggest addition is with Dr. Yoshimi Tokoi’s directed imagery experience Metal gear Creators are providing Hudo Voice Over. It was previously special for the digital delax edition on PS4.
Other notable features include HDR Support, an ultra -preset for ray tracing, cooperation to offer resolutions above 4K, 48: 9 ultra -wide monitor support, and more. PC players can even look forward to DLAA and DLSS 3.7. In addition, the last credit is not related to this problem but the result of “unnecessary channel mixing”, which sets update.
See full patch note below for more details. You can also check our reviews Control the final edition Here
March 2025 Update (1.30) Release Note (PC)
The following organizations are now available to all players. Organizations can be accessed and equipped with a control point in the central executive sector area.
- Easter Diving Suit (First Pre -Order Special)
- Tiratic Response Gear (First Pre -order Special)
- Urban response gear (first pre -order special)
- Unusual suit (Acquisition in amazing DLC ​​by eliminating first SHüM)
- All the players will find the experience of the mission of Dr. Yoshimi Tokoi, which will feature the voice over through Hedo Cojima. The mission is viable when you choose to collect Dr. Tokoi tapes in the Economic Lab of the Research Department. (This mission was previously special to the PlayStation 4 Digital Delax version of Control.)
- HDR Support added
- Added the new ultra -ray tracing preset, which receives you per pixel and high temporary stability
- 48: Ultra Wide Monitor Support up to 9 Monitor
- Added FOV Scailing Setting for Game Play Camera
- Updated the SDR 10 -bit (from 8 -bit), which reduces the visible colored banding
- With automated selection between DX11 and DX12, detection of improved graphics adapter in Startups
- Implement the screen aspect ratio reform for ultra wide monitor
- Your existing monitor resolution can now be selected reliably from screen resolution and rendering resolution menos
- Added from Randing Resolution Support 4K
- Implemented structure streaming fixes
- Ray Transing Big Fixes
DLSS Support
- Added DLSS support for disobedient resolutions
- DLAA Support added
- With high temporary durability, DLSS updated in DLSS 3.7
- Film grain added back to DLSS SR
- Fixed Shadow Resolution when DLSS is enabled
- MIP Map Prejudice was added to the resolution for DLSS. This increases the quality of the structure, for example when the DLSS performance setting applies.
- Updated audio on cinematics and end credit to remove unnecessary channel mixing. Now you will not be heard anything you do not intend. (It wasn’t laugh, it was ours. Sorry.)
- Several bugs and crash fixes