Donkey Kong Country Returns HD Review – Apes Hit

by pokogame

Donkey Kong has always been a brutal, more brutal, more brutal, more brutal, more brutal, accessible, accessible, accessible. Both Donkey Kong’s country and Super Mario are the classic side scrolling plateframers in their core, but DKC is less known to jump with joy and more to clear your jaw. Now as the Nintendo Switch has approached its eighth year and Nintendo is rapidly reaching its previous catalog for ports, DKC Returns has returned with a package that combines all the features of the WII and 3DS version-which can include some more comfortable and visuals.

The DKC Return HD has maintained the 2013 3DS port, which includes additional items and an additional health pipe at the cranky shop. Items in the Cranki store, especially to you, have been prepared to compromise the difficulties of selectively, as the banana coin currency is so high that you always have enough ench to save something two or two. They are temporarily incompetent to find pieces of items collecting puzzles. If your taste is high, you can choose the original format to play with the original WiI difficult. And it looks well on the switch on the OLED screen. That said, compared to Tropical Freez, the role models look relatively simple, which is the 2014 WII U game that was already offered to switch in 2018.

The purpose of the modern formation is to remove the edges of the notorious punishment game and make it more accessible, but there is no mistake to make: this is still a cruelly difficult game. Even with three hearts instead of the actual two, it is very easy to lose many lives (or near the end, tens of life) at the same stage when you learn its rhythm and different nets. And the difficulty in the return of the DKC is in accordance with its roots, which is a very high center on memorization. This game often introduces threats very quickly to react, and feels hard and heavier than the acrobatic mario itself. Even in the trick stages, a type of obstruction will be given, and then with frustration you will be punished for reacting to the fake out.

The surface design is the place where the DKC return is the most steep, which has a variety of biomes that introduce unique mechanics and visual pins that can be used only once or twice. At one stage you can ride on the rails, while the next you can put in the salmon with a bright red tie of DK as a color spraying. One of my favorite storms is set up, causing constant tsunami, which makes a madness to the next wall every moment that will protect you. And the steps are best used to hide the secrets, usually tied up with an extra stylish move. For example, you can easily jump to an enemy, but if you target someone at the perfect time, you will be promoted and you will find a high jump in a hidden platform that leads to the bonus area. If you want to uncover everything by offering DKC withdrawal, those nails and cranes produce a lot of replay value.

Donkey Kong Country Returns HD Review – Apes Hit
DK and Daddy were ready for action.


If you die several times in a stage, a helpful pig offers you a super guide, but I’m not sure I understand it. Immediately as a note, this is not in fact the completion, so you can’t just tag the AI ​​assistant so that one level can be eliminated for you. It also does not clearly try to catch the collective parts, even when they are usually on the path when they are already using. This means that it does not show you the places of secrets, so you can’t use all the optional letters or puzzles for the maximum path to catch the puzzle. It basically just shows you how to go through a phase, and although it gives you a very good rockown, just showing that the layout leaves you to do perfect precision process.

Like any plateformer, in difficult peaks and valleys, and some stages you can nail at the first run. This is a very satisfying feeling, especially when you suddenly find yourself holding your breath when you reach the final goal. Spokes of difficulties can be hidden on you, though, and it is sometimes difficult to say that after you spend many lives in reaching the checkpoint, a stage will be extraordinarily difficult. At this time, this is a difficult choice between buying some helpful items from the cranky store or forcing your way in the rest of the stage.

Even if you stop the pit at his shop, the cranky items take some trials and mistakes to learn their complications. For example, despite the name, the unacceptable item does not actually make you unacceptable-you are still sensitive to spikes, cracks and falses. The incredible item effectively adds five more pips to your health and gives DK a golden shell, and once it is spent, you will go back to your regular life bar. By grace, this effect lasts for many lives, so if you lose a pipe at a phase, you will start again with four. But the game does not explain it. If you want to be really incomplete, you will need to own several items at the same time to have many effects. Whatever you do not use, you return to you so you are not wasting the experimenting resources, and eliminating some irritation of knowing what you need to stack what you want.

Although most mechanics feel in line with modern plateframers, the other DCC games remain in an unwanted hold over confusion. A button is mapped in both roll and ground pounds, as was the case with tropical frozen, the only difference is whether you are moving in some direction when you press it. In practice, this means you have to make sure you stand Completely Still, the ground pound, or instead you will only go in some direction. I was trying to pound a button multiple times and instead wandered right from one edge, and at least once, instead of trying to get out of the way of obstruction and ground pounding.

But DK weight control helps to accelerate the best power ups of the game, Daddy Kong. Lifting Daddy Barrels effectively doubles your health bar and gives you the power to glide from Daddy’s rocket pack, and when you lose part of his heart, they leave. It is enough to transform the dynamic of the game into a dramatic way, which causes more punishment when you lose it. This is especially prominent in some boss battles, including the ultimate boss, when you can enter the battle with Daddy, you can lose from the first life, and then have to go without daddy for every effort. This produces a particularly insubular effect-if you were already struggling with a relatively transient daddy, it becomes difficult when it goes away.

Classic DK and Daddy Buddy are a clear example of referring to the original donkey Kong country, especially since it does not include fellow character Ducky or Kaddie Kong. Rabbi Rhino shows a hearing in some stages, but sports gives up the underwater stages and thus there is no room for an aging sword fish. And the game’s villain, a band of Evil Living Ttims, is a far -reaching sound as a famous role in the role of the King of the hard crocodile.

That’s all to say, the return of Donkey Kong Country is a throw back and through it. This is a little less novel when it was first appeared on the WII and was the first DKC game in more than a decade, and at the moment, many of its subtle and smart -level ideas have been left behind by the later tropical frozen. However, DKC returns is the best way to play and some really have to modify the advanced level design. The visual over hall looks good on the modern display and includes the improvements made in the 3DS port. Just be warned: Due to sharp and sometimes disappointing difficulties, only the most dedicated APE fans need to apply.

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