DualSense lasted SIX MONTHS before the right stick started drifting

by pokogame

I have heard the stories that these dollars’ analog sticks are so proud of the six months? Fucking Christ Sony. I got my PS5 back in September and now I need to pay a new, expensive ass controller. And if I want to fix it, I need to pay the shipping. The most sad thing is that they fuck me twice. I just ordered a dual edge because now how expensive the dollars controllers are, I will only pay a better controller, which will only cost $ 20 when the sticks must be reduced again. So they got me.

What is the end running with the quality control of the controllers in this industry? I had the worst luck with the dual shock 4. I may have been caused by most of these half a dozen analog sticks, but sometimes it was a problem in other buttons. I don’t throw my controllers. I Religiously Wash my hands before using them. I have fortunately with my Jokoons and my pro -controller, but we all know that Johns Time bombs are also hitting. My first series controller lasted for less than a year before he got a stack drop. Can no one suck these expensive controllers? Can we make the standard of sticks (or even better) standard forward standard forward? The price should not be a cause for concern for us from far away because they are already priced and unreliable.

I really like double senses but six fucking months …

DualSense lasted SIX MONTHS before the right stick started drifting

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