Era, do you have at least $19,000 to spare? A VERY high-level, EXTREMELY RARE VIP game account is being auctioned off.

by pokogame

网络游戏一账号 14 万元起司法拍卖 , 拍卖方 : 账号等级高、绝版道具多

Finance. Cn

In the Chinese city of Sichuan, the court will auction the “High Level Game Account” with an initial bid of 000 140,000 (000 19,000). Basically, a person is ordered to auction assets due to financial credit bankruptcy by the court, and this game account is one of these assets.

The Account Game Dream is the Three Kingdom 2, which is quite famous in the mobile market. It has a steam version.

Era, do you have at least ,000 to spare? A VERY high-level, EXTREMELY RARE VIP game account is being auctioned off.

国风与电竞的碰撞、讲好三国故事。在梦三国游戏中玩家选择不同的三国英雄 参与各种 PVP 的竞技场的挑战或三国背景的 pve 副本 , , 取得最终胜利。 梦三国 梦三国 梦三国 梦三国 世界里 世界里 , 诸位三国名将的命运 历史如何演变 , , , , , , ,

This is a link to the auction page And it contains the character profile screen for this account. Anyone who ever plays the game of three kingdoms will know that this is our boy, take it in it.

Auction home workers have explained the account’s nostalgia:

“一般游戏用户最高等级是至尊 10 级 而这次拍卖的账号突破了原有等级 , 达到了至尊 11 级”

“The highest VIP level in this game is VIP level 10, but the auction roof breaks down and VIP levels reach 11.”

The auction will officially begin on April 4. Biders will need to submit 50 2750 and increase their bid in 8 138 increments. Mark your calendars at this time of life at this time.

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