Fan Speculate Switch 2 Might Be Getting GameCube Controller Support After New Filing

by pokogame

Fan Speculate Switch 2 Might Be Getting GameCube Controller Support After New Filing

Despite being over 20 years of age, the game cube controller is popular with Nintendo fans, especially when some sports are talked about. There are some fans to file a new FCC through Nintendo, which has speculated that Switch 2 can get some kind of game cube controller support, but it is unclear if the connection is valid or not.

Up Famboards (Through Nintendo Life), Fans reacted to FCC filing from Nintendo, which dealt with game controllers. Fans found that the attached model number is a former fly, which is compatible with switch 2. A joke of the “wireless Bluetooth controller” has controlled a fan over the game cube controller on it, concluding that the controller may be a wireless game cub controller for Switch 2.

Some other fans argued that the Mockup Switch 2 could be for a pro -controller, but the original poster argued that the controller lacked NFC functionality, which would almost certainly have a fictitious pro controller.

It is worth noting that Nintendo has already released the wireless version of the classic video game controllers for their retro -concentrated switch online sub -scrapation service, which includes NES, SNES, N64, and genius controllers. However, we do not yet have game cube games on the online switch, which will make them a potential add.

It is unclear if we will get a answer to this question on Switch 2 -based Nintendo Directors in early April, but we will continue to post you with any updates that we get.

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