Super attacks to use in dragon hair are one of the easiest mechanics: sprinkle zero. By suppressing the nominated combination of buttons, you can harm your enemies massively and give yourself a benefit.

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero – 10 Best Rolen Entro
These roles show interviews Dragon Ball: Zero’s roster performs well.
The rise to zero super attacks begins with some of the most famous moments of the franchise. They come in different types, such as barrages, energy explosions, rush tricks, energy beams, etc. However, some of the characters are attacked, which is very fast and very difficult. They can completely change the match results by giving players almost guarantees.
The Penisher Drive
“I am neither Goku nor vegetable”
The film, Dragon Ball Z: In 1995, in Fusion River, is still considered one of the most hype moments in the franchise. From this, sprinkling zero makes the fusion faster and adds it to a rush -type super attack called Penisher Drive.
In this attack, the Super Gogita (Z) will quickly make its way to the opponent to remove the barrage of punches and kicks like the film. However, the speed of these attacks is very sharp, which makes them hidden with the bare eyes. On any average role of spraying zero, this super attack can easily reduce a whole health bar.
Ultra Barrage
“This Bashar is really something else”
After his introduction to the Super Series, Goko’s ultra -ethnic change broke the Internet. The first scene of the characters easily overturned the opponent of the Arc in the case of seconds. The spread of zero turns this incredible moment into a super attack, ultra barrage, which has terrorized the most difficult of the online rank players.

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero -Curlin Character Guide
Make the strongest man.
In this, Goku will use the newly founded ultra -ethnic powers to target its enemies at an incredible speed. The attack can track the enemy from one end of the map in a second. Avoiding the Ultra Barrage, Zero, will require the right time to remove the block input from the teleport or stop it to accelerate zero players. The best way to use this super attack is to follow it after throwing a couple.
Explosive bullets
“I am tight with your sports”
Explosive bullet is a basic but unique type of super attack in sparking zero. The energy attack used by the superhero movie Ultimat Guan sees it as a removal of energy into the enemy.
Unlike other attacks in spraying zero, this is quick. After launching it, Gohn will teleport in front of the enemy and blew them up with several energy blasts. However, the negative aspect of the move is low production of its loss as it will only have half of the health. Enemies can easily or stop the attack. The best use of explosive bullets in a match will be to fasten the enemy’s super attack as it is moving towards you.
Explosive Flash
“Wide open”
There are many sparks sparking Zero, but none of them come close to the explosive flash of Guwan Best. In it, he quickly telephones the enemy and sends them far away with a powerful kick in the intestines.

Dragon Ball: Spark zero – Bo Character Guide
The way to play as a smell in the dragon hair is: sparking zero!
Explosive flash is a unique rush -type super attack as it can also be used to sprinkle Zero’s giant characters. This is due to a canonic reason, as Guwahn used the attack for the first time in a superhero movie against the living cell Max again. One of the clear ways to use the explosive flash is to scroll down with the ability of the ghaan, the animal’s sense of ability, which causes double damage for a little time after its use.
Instant Transmission Lucky
“Goko is crazy, but she isn’t so crazy”
After its introduction, the immediate transmission quickly became the most desirable superpower for the majority of the people. However, his eligibility really reached the top of his top when Goko combined it with his famous lambs against the perfect cell in Android Saga.
In sprinkling zero, the quick transmission shirt can be used through Z and Goko’s first two super -sained changes. As the name suggests, this super attack will teleport Goko in front of its enemy to launch the launch to launch a good deal of damage. Although Super Sian 1 is as the final attack, the Super Sian 2 uses the move as a super attack and thus receive it for a few seconds to cause additional damage.
Time Slip/Jump Spike
“You can’t win”
The notorious killer of the universe, Hit, gave a lot of trouble to the heroes of the series. Using his time -based abilities, he was able to go to Monday against Goko’s strongest changes and even comes out of the top. Zero’s hit looks so powerful.
Although his other abilities may seem true and amazing, it is a time slip/jump spike that can be considered the most effective tool. Just as some of the other super attacks on this list, Time Slip/Jump Spike has allowed their enemies to track and teleport their enemies in a couple of seconds. In this attack, the hit performs a series of corrosion to launch its enemy across the map. Like the explosive flash of Goan Best, this super attack can be used to scroll with hit skills, time skip and clone.