Fields of Mistria museum collectables list

by pokogame

The farm of Mistaria A Museum Filling with collectors and you will be given furniture and money for doing so.

The museum has been broken into four wings: ArchaeologicalFor, for, for,. FishFor, for, for,. BotanicAnd Insects. All these collectors can be tracked in your game in Almanic And You can check the toll tip on each individual item to find out if you have already donated them to the museum. Welcome!

Below we list the list that you need to complete the museum The farm of MistariaNote that this cannot be completed 100 % according to the current initial access release.

Update (March 12): We have updated this guide with parts of the new museum added to the first large update (patch 0.13).

Fields of the Mistaria Museum Archaeological Wing

A section of Mistaria character digging a sampling

Photo: NPC Studio by Polygon

Archaeological wing is focused on digging circular spots that you see in the ground with your balcony or pickens. Land mines and surfaces are dug spots and different rewards are available in different areas. Some archaeological wing items are also obtained through fishing and diving, though you will need to unlock a specific skill in the fishing and archaeological tree to obtain these items.

Below we have to dig a list of different parts of the archaeological wing as well as to dig or find these items. Note that two sets are incomplete. The “Metals of Mistress” and “Mistress’s jewelry” sets may not be completed, as one of the required items is not available in the current initial access.



Item 1

Item 2

Item 3

Item 4

Item 5

Digg site metal setsAnywhereClayBellyShard MossShardsSod
Pragithask sample setBeachAmber stuck the insectGoodam eggsWadageSmall dinosaur skeletonTriobite foam
Ancient sample setWestern ruinsAncient crystal golatsAncient gold coinsCircle the ancient HarnAncient Royal RajpatterAncient stone lantern
ALDA sample setSweet Water FormAlda Bronze’s swordAlda clay potALDA FIDELAlda mini braceletAlda wall pills
Calidosin Artactic SetEast roadCalidosin breastCalidosian drinking hornCalidosin Emperor BreakCalidosin SwordThe statue of the Calidaris
ALDIAN ARTIFACT SETCloseALDIN GOTTOTTLYAlden swordAldin Battle BannerFamily crust lockElderia’s Wali Ahad lost
OPARTER ARTACTACT SETAnywhere, “well -placed” skills neededBlack pillFully incorrect mapChange cubesUnknown dragon statueRestless
The seat of aquatic samplesFishing, requires the skills of “aquatic antiquities”Coin lumpGiant Fish ScaleRubber fishRusty treasure chestThe circle of water
Set of sinking samplesDiving, requires the skill of “drowning secrets”Criminal confessionThe comb a combRainbowThe rock with a holeRusty shield
Deep Woods Artactic SetDeep forestsCrystal AppleCollecting basketMetal leaf
Buried sample setLand minesDiamond -backed mirrorChakmak Aero HeadObsidian bladeShortcut scrollA horse of stone
The upper mines sample setUpper Treasury (Mines 1-19)Miner’s helmetMiner’s pickesMiner’s RickskMiner’s slabTin lunch box
Tide couror sample setMULL CORRESS (Mines 21-39)A statue of shrimpDense waterStar Light CoralThe shell of the stoneTed Stone
Deep land sample setDeep land (mines 41-59)The stone affected by the groundThe rock of the sideReally rounded rockRock sculptureSeriously square stone
Lava cave sample setLava Cave (Land mines 51-79)Fire CrystalRainbow jiwidRed OBSidenSmall volcanoHot rock
The formal sample setFormal chambers in mines, date â € € € € € €Ritual beadThe formal fortyFormal incense burnerThe formal RogerRitual pill
Vintage Form Tolls SetForm, €Vintage brushVintage cow bellsVintage hammerVintage scaleVintage can give water
Metra seat’s metalsLand minesThe perfect copper oreThe perfect gold oreThe perfect iron oren/aPerfect silver’s ore
The gems of Mistaria SetLand minesPerfect diamondPerfect emeraldn/aPerfect RubyPerfect sapphire

Fields of the Mysteria Museum Fish Wing

A farm of the character of Mistaria gives a large fish fish in the ocean

Photo: NPC Studio by Polygon

The fish section of the museum is straightforward, as each set is arranged by both its location and the weather. Note that catching legendary fish L you, you will need 30 fishing with “legendary” skills.


Fish 1

Fish 2

Fish 3

Fish 4

Fish 5

Multi -seasonSomebodyPikePollenSmall Mouth BossTrout
Spring stream fish setBlueCarPChabPidfishGuardian
Spring pond fish setAngel FishBarbBrown troutCrosin carpGold Fish
Sea Fish Set in SpringAnicoviBobbleMacherOceanCrab
Summer stream fish setBrimLoachBeastSweetfishTarpon
Summer Pond Fish SetBrown Bill HeadGiantGolden ShinnerLake chubRing
Summer Ocean Fish SetFourCrabDartGradeStingry
The fall of the river fishGirningLampyPirReesekStream
F. Pond Fish SetBlue FishKilledRainbow troutStriped bassWhite
Fall Ocean Fish SetButterflyHalibetMilesauryShark
River Winter Fish SetBolfishdayEel of sweet waterHerringShadow Boss
Fish set of winter poolsEligator GarBrobotFlat Head CatfishGiant TillipiaSeed
Sea fish set in winterHorse MacrielKing crabsoarfishSand lanceThat boss
Deep forest fish setJungleLake troutAllianceSilver Red HarrisSunshine
Uppermunicles fish setCave ElCave sharkCave shrimpRock roseStone loach
Maize cores fish setArcher FishMoney Wheel SharkSapphire sonTransparent jellyfishWater balloon fish
Deep land fish setEarth ElEmerald horn chargerPubl ManuRock batterSHRARFAN
Lava cave fish setArmored bassCandelabra CedragonFirefish fishLava piranhaSulfur shrimp
Fictional fish setCherry fishLeaf fishLightning fishSnowfrust of the snow

Fields of the Mysteria Museum Flora Wing

A farm of the character of Mistraia stands through some extraordinary flowers in the spring

Photo: NPC Studio by Polygon

Most of the museum needs to grow on your farm or fodder. Every season you need to grow four crops and a tree (though some seasonal fruit trees spread around Mistaria locally).

Specifically, red mushrooms fall from enemies in the upper mines of the Red Todd Stool Item. This is not an unlawful goodness that is just sitting there.

If the season is over and you lose something, keep an eye on the Bloor’s merchant cart, as it sells off -season items, though its stock is random.


Item 1

Item 2

Item 3

Item 4

Item 5

Spring crop setCauliflowercherryPotatostrawberryTurnip
Set of spring flowersDaphodelDandelinelilacSnow Droop Animonetulip
Spring fodder setFancyFidel HeadMorrell mushroomsNatelWild Lake
Summer crop setchili pepperCorncucumbertomatowatermelon
Set of summer flowersKetmentCosmosBladderIrusMergalid
Summer fodder setBasildillOriganoChapterTheamium
Crop Set of cropappleBroccolicranberrypumpkinSweet potatoes
The falling flower setSelosiaChrynthamimFog arckedHeadorVicure
Fall Fodder SetOakGarlicHorseradishThe fruit of the moonNephew
Winter crop setLegitimateCauliflowerDyank MollypomegranateThe peas of snow
Set of winter flowersCottageFrost liliJesamePoionatiaSnapdragon
Set in winterBirdic rootHullOyster mushroomsPanish roomRoses hip
Deep vodes fodder setBerry BerrySoul mushroomsThe flower of the templeForkWalnut
Uppermunicles fodder setNaros KosRed Todd StoolShadow FlowerSweet RouteUppermares mushrooms
Maize cores fodder setJade dolsLand minesPineappleMausoleumUnderreases
Deep Earth Facebook SetCrystal berriesCrystal rosesArthur RomeRoarotShell grass
Lava cave fodder setAsh mushroomsThe breath of flameFlame pepperWarm potatoLava chestants

Fields of the Mysteria Museum Best Wing Wing

A sector of Mistaria's character lifts his own net to catch a bug

Photo: NPC Studio by Polygon

Although insects have seasonal and timely requirements, they do not have to be associated with the level of skill, so you do not need to worry about opening a specific thing to find all the bugs. However, you have to make sure you are seeing in the right places at the right time.


Bug 1

Big 2

Big 3

Big 4

Big 5

Set of multi -season wormsAntbumblebeeFuzzy wormsHummingbird Hawk insectsMontess’s Prayer
Spring bugs setButterflyCaterpillerLady BigLuna wormsPolythe polythe
Summer bugs setCicadaCricketDragon FlyFire FlySand bug
Set of falling wormsCicada nymphInchesKing ButterflyTiger Niglitel ButterflyWalking leaf
Winter worms setLuminous bulb insectsCrystal caterpillerFrostWalking stickWinterpler
A set of rare insectsJewel BeetleElectric Dragon FlyMagma BeatleMistOrchid Montis
Seat of grass insectsThe grass shopperIce shopperLeaf shopperPetal shopperStraw shopper
Seat of batch wormHopperHermet shrimpRelik shrimpSurf BeetleWaterbug
Deep forest insects setDragon Horn BeatleLam Caterplermote fireflyCatidated songWind Leaf Butterfly
Uppermunicles bugs setCopper Nougate BeatleLantern insectsMine cricketTunnel maladedWorm
Tide cores bugs setCoral MontessesHermet slowThe excavator spiderMarkeWater Fly
Deep land bugs setCrystal Wing insectsCrystal line cricketDeep Earth wormMini -shard caterpillerRock roach
Lava cave bugs setCoke Top BeetleDiamond BeatleFire TwitterLava slowSmoke insects
Set of legendary insectsPre -flyThe crown of flowersSnowball BeetleFast slowStroke Fire Fly

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