Fields of Mistria romance and best gifts list

by pokogame

I The farm of MistariaThere are a lot of The role of romance That you can please give gifts. You will join these characters in your daily history and those who want to run towards this romance will need to know what they have to give.

Be clear when there are romance candidates who will speak a bit of a shock to you, In the early access phase of the game there is currently no dating or marriage. Romance candidates have special kitcas that once you come with them in a certain number of unlocks, but it’s just for now. These are all features in producing more cotton, dating, wedding, and even children that have been planned for future updates.

According to the update of patch 0.12.0, you can invite romance candidates to the Summer 28 shooting star festival if you have four or more hearts, but you can’t develop past because of six hearts. (Note that you will need to complete the struggle for the “Beauty Plan” first.)

Below we are on the list of all options available of romance The farm of MistariaAlso, some of the easiest items of the initial game to win them. To give them. Note that our list is Not A complete list of their choice and choice items, but also a list of items that you can earn first than other items.

Update (March 11): We have added a new romance candidate that was included in the patch 0.13.0.

Mistaria wedding candidates and easy gifts of gifts

According to this writing, there are 11 romance candidates The farm of MistariaAlthough there is more to be added later.

Edilin from the fields of Mistaria

Photo: NPC Studio

Edlene is effectively in charge of Mistaria, the daughter of the town’s barns. That is what sends you the task to help restore the city.

At the beginning of the game, you can give it tulips (Spring) and peach (Summer), to promote your relationship with it. You can fodd up the map around the map and grow on the tree in the tight tree.

She loves Peach and creamMade of peach (fodder during the summer), milk and sugar. (Her brother, Island, peach and cream also likes, so storage on them will help both of them!) She also loves EnoughWhich you can buy from the Blur Cart or depend on their stock for the day, buy them from sleeping dragons for 100 tissue. You can also buy it from Darsi during the Saturday market.

Blur from the fields of Mysteria

Photo: NPC Studio

Bloor is a clever travel merchant that helps you send your items.

Initially, you can give Bloor RockWhich are found in the early floor of mines (floor 1-19). He also likes SapphireAnd EternalOther gems were found in the subsequent floor.

Little More Advanced Gift L, He also likes the perfect version of the above mentioned gems, such as Perfect RubyFor, for, for,. Perfect sapphireAnd thus

A stone dragon portrait on the yellow circle

Photo: NPC Studios

Calidaros is a magical dragon that helps you around the farm. He is just a non -locking as a romance candidate after completing a particular struggle.

Calidaros is not a candidate for the early game (seeing that you have to do a little to unlock it to start it), but he likes some foods you can buy in them, such as Crab cake And The soup of the beef. You can also buy it from Darcie’s stall (during the weekend market) as such Chocolate cake And Ice cream syndris.

He loves The statue of the CalidarisWhich you can dig from the eastern road model. If your inn has been upgraded, you can buy it Seafood boiling And Seafood ice pea noodles Also, which he loves.

Saline from the fields of Mysteria

Photo: NPC Studio

Seline is a soft girl who studies plants and loves nature. She is also the daughter of the general store owners.

The Calle likes flowers, making it an easiest role to build a relationship. She likes every flower you can fodder lilacsFor, for, for,. tulipsFor, for, for,. DandelinsAnd Bladder – You should find tons of spring and summer.

She loves HydarinjasOn the eastern road map, usually growing during the summer to east of Mysteria.

Island from the fields of Mysteria

Photo: NPC Studio

Eland is the son of the city’s barns, and she focuses more on archeology than her sister. He often helps the museum.

Unfortunately, Island is one of the hardest candidates for marriage that he really likes to affect and loves cooked food. He likes Candy strawberryWhich you can make food by using strawberries (in the spring) and sugar. You can also buy them for 250 tissue from Bloor’s cart.

Elland loves Strawberries short cakesWhich is not as unlock as a prescription for a while, but you can buy it for 600 tissue from Blur’s cart and sleep dragon.

Hayden from the fields of Mistressia

Photo: NPC Studio

Hayden is your neighbor in the west of your farm who also owns a farm. He specializes in animal care and you will buy animals through it.

All of them said, Hayden most likes animal products, including EggFor, for, for,. Cow’s milkFor, for, for,. ButterAnd Cheese If you start the animal farming, you can get all the items very quickly.

Hayden loves the perfect version of the aforementioned product, which means giving her gifts she loves is a bit difficult, but once your animals start developing things like Golden eggs And Golden cow’s milkYou should easily be able to win on his heart. Once you start collecting shiny beads by taking care of animals (you need to unlock the currency of care cultivation skills), you can trade the beads of these beads in a chicken sculpture for the opportunity to get these golden items, which will help you get more than that.

Juniper from the fields of Mysteria

Photo: NPC Studio

Juniper is a magician who runs a bathroom in Mistrah. She also helps you detect some mystery behind the magic of the city (or lack of it).

She likes magicians, such as frogs and mushrooms. Are the easiest things to get to give it Red Todd StoolsWhich can be achieved by killing red mushroom enemies at the initial floor of mines (floor 1-19). She also likes Monster powderThose who fall from the enemy.

Flip side, juniper’s sweet items are a bit difficult. Early prescription you can make her cooking food she loves The cake of the moon fruitWhich unlocks you after you complete the application for Juniper, in which it asks for the fruit of the moon. The moon’s fruit is only stuck during the autumn, so you can stock up when you can. She also loves Crystal rosesWhich are found in the deep land section (floor 41-59) of mines.

March from the fields of Mysteria

Photo: NPC Studio

The march is a little bitter pants and it is the city’s blacksmith. You will often see him and his older brother around the city.

He is still another wedding candidate who is very easy to cheer – he likes the ore and the limbs, which you have been in the mines so you should have plenty of quantities. Anyone will work raw metal and thumb.

He loves perfect ore, like The perfect copper oreSo if you have extra, you can use them too.

Rena from the fields of Mysteria

Photo: NPC Studio

Reena is the owner’s daughter and she helps run her family. She is a head chef in the inn and she’s a little.

Most of its likes include food, but he appreciates some simple ingredients, such as CheeseFor, for, for,. FlourFor, for, for,. RiceAnd Sugar. It is being said, you will need an open mill to take action on milk, wheat, rice poles and sugarcane respectively – or you can buy sugar for 115 tissue from the general store.

Raina is still another candidate who is primarily interested in eating, so it can be difficult to get dear items. The early prescription you can get Cabbage SlowWhich requires cabbage (growing in the spring) and fennel (spring fodder). She also loves Brad Kate FishWhich is not very bad to make the notice after unlocking the directive through the struggle of the notice board.

Rice from the fields of Mysteria

Photo: NPC Studio

Rice is a carpenter/wooden worker that helps you build warehouse, enhance your home, and anything good.

His favorite items are very easy and easy to achieve: WoodFor, for, for,. ClayAnd Stone. If you have cleaned the debris on your farm, you probably have a lot of things in it, so you should consider giving something to Rice if you want to win his heart.

Most of the rice’s cute items are the golden version of food and animal articles, but they also love Stiff woodYou can get the heavy stumps from the axis that you see on Mistaria (and on your form). However, you will need at least one copper ax to cut them.

Wallon from the fields of Mysteria

Photo: NPC Studio

Wellin Town is a doctor, which you won’t really see often as long as you’re playing it safe and going to sleep by 2pm

It is a bit difficult to please him with the objects of his choice. Is the easiest thing to give it SeaWhich can be found in the dark bubbles that can be found in the sea through diving. She also likes DandelinsWhich can be done during the spring.

Like some others, the objects of his choice are mostly ripe dishes. We suggest Deep sea soupWhich is manufactured from three items that you can find on the middleing floor of mines (floor 21-39): jade dols, mines miles and Androsis.

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