The next big patch of Final Fantasy 14, 7.2, had revealed the trailer for its release date and a direct letter broadcast today-and it looks like the most jam-filled update that we have in a short time. Here is a sharp shortlist that will be bundled in the patch, and when:
- March 25 (7.2): New main story questions, including a new basement and trial, as well as arcaden raids next to the raid.
- 22 April (7.21): The first zone of universe research.
- 27 May (7.25): Release for the long wait of the Donterial Explororation Zone, along with the new Allied Society and the Holdbrand Quest, as well as magic Crescent.
I am very excited instead, even if the FF14 is surprised to this content by updating – which is not surprising, though it’s still a bit disappointing, which is wandering around for some solid midworks content. Nevertheless, I had a ball with Arcadine’s first four battles, and the cosmic research probably would probably end me.
You can see the full trailer for the patch given below: It opens with a montage of secret Crescent, a lush green island is tied up with monsters to grind your new fancy phenotamic jobs. This will be the specific side development of the Exploration Zone, unlocking new capabilities. We also find some highlights of the fork tower, here, directly drawn from the FF5 and re -prepared for the MMO.

There is a short spinning jump scare, as we just have to remind us that MSQ is going to be one thing, before we shoot at the moon in cosmic research. As described in a direct letter, you will be able to access this activity after completing the end walker, and you will only need to take a craftsman or collecting class at a level of 10.
It will do a lot of work to restore Eshagard. A group zone with events and rewards to keep your tools busy. Oh, and there will be massive operations where some players will get the pilot matches. From now on, each big patch will add a different planet to discover.
Finally, we see something happening in the main story. I am particularly curious, especially as someone who was on the MSQ’s MSQ, even if the Square could return to the good waste of their players. All of it definitely Seems to be Interestingly, we have a mysterious science kid, and a mysterious hooded personality (which can be very well to OG Asfin), saying, “I … died? What do you mean?” Scary
We are getting more than Alexandria’s Queen’s unmanned version, and making all kinds of promises about eternal life. I am not sure how many times we have to continue to teach her and her special lesson her digital copies, but the counter is now firmly at ‘twice, at least’.
There are also some previews of Arcadine battles, even Disco Deva, a big painted lady, some kind of horrible Akira -style monster, and a big match is on the sub -duct. Interestingly, it seems how it is being separated from the battlefields, as little – and because a suspicious armband operates in the wall of his body. I am sure there’s nothing to worry.
In fact, I am really very excited to get stuck – even keeping my problems with the FF14’s slow patch cycle. Despite all my grip, I like the game, and I am with the PC gamer’s own Molly Taylor, which I want to achieve its development despite these problems.
For FF14 players, on May 27, 2025, it was pointed out on the day that Dontell finally has a solid base of midkur content that should be confronted as well, but should it take about a year a square? Is this patch a sign of improvement? I hope, because if I wait between 8.0 and 8.2, I put us in the same reliable confusion, I will be bad instead.