Firebreak Is A Co-op Game Built For People With Jobs

by pokogame

Games from Ramidate Entertainment – like Allen Week 2, control, and Max PainTo become a single player, the third person, with linear adventures, linear adventures, many dialogue and end. FBC: Fire Break Past games are not like all. And while it can disappoint some treatment fans, I’m excited to see the studio doing something different.

Earlier this month I had participated in the Digital Preview event for First Personal Co -Science -Fi Harr Shooter FBC: Fire BreakWhich is ready to launch on Xbox, PS5, and PC later this year. Talking about their design philosophy behind fitness in the gods Left 4 dead 2As the shooter answered some questions, and showed a game mission.

What kind of game is Volcano?

FBC: Fire Break Has been set in the same universe ControlWhich is part of the big one “The universe associated with treatment“It also includes Alan Week. Especially, FBC SIX has been fixed after six years of events Control. Destructive Mutual Deployment .Noes are still mostly victim of ancient ancient home, impossible to larger and cosmic hover -filled headquarters Control Federal Bureau of Control. Lockdown is still there, and after all these years, the goods are coming out and people are desperate to take back the headquarters and kick the laughter for good for the forms. So the director of the bureau –Control The main character, like Faden, has ordered the establishment of a fire break enhancement. It is a voluntary emergency response team that has been entrusted with the task of stopping the laughter.

To confirm one of the first things that put me in surprise FBC: Volcano There is no deduction. This is a part of Ramidi’s desire FBC Pick up one of the pillars of the basic design of the game and play friendly. The idea is that it doesn’t matter how many hours you have played, you should be able to hop quickly with a friend and spend a good time.

The other two pillars: make sure FBC Repeat is fun, and the content needs to feel that it can only be found in the wild, strange world Control.

During the event, Ramidi showed a pre -recorded mission that included three players. Treatment calls the “jobs” to these collection missions, which is the only primary purpose in which the action is spread in multiple parts. Players can overcome how long and difficult these jobs are before hoping, which will determine such rewards and how much XP is finally awarded.

The job we saw was called paper chase and included three players who worked together to fight through laughter, including many enemies that were shown. Control, control, While thousands of sticky notes are destroyed and scattered around the ancient house. Subsequent notes can remain on you and make your vision unclear. The fight reminded me what you could get Left 4 dead 2 Or Back 4 bloodOr even a mission Destiny 2. Many shooting, managing space, and working together to defeat the Badiz army or complete the small sub -objects.


Picture: Treatment entertainment

Each player takes a special cut in the war that includes different tools that can change things extensively. These include the tower, which is just guns that are tapped on office chairs, or a boom box that attracts enemies to it. Like l4d2Players arrive at large emergency checkpoints throughout the mission and can breathe and work again. How many of these doors appear in the mission will depend on how difficult you have made a job.

Finally, at the end of the mission, this group took a large monster made of yellow sticky notes. With regard to key pillars, it certainly seems to be something that can only happen in the universe Control.

FBC Wouldn’t feel like another job

If you are wondering why the treatment decided to restrict FBC Instead of more traditional four, only for three players, the gods explained that they initially tried four players but felt like “a little more to pay attention” during jobs, and the three players “felt better.” If you want you can play solo, or just with another friend, but it’s no boot. So you will need some friends and you will need to plan time to play together.

Many adults and treatment for treatment is difficult to be friendly. Their purpose is to make the game very easy to move forward, so or not to add any katasan or long tutorials, and any FOMO elements. FBC Feel like a “second job”. You can leave playing FBC For months and then come back and you will not be left behind to catch friends or you will not need to grind.

Relatedly, when I asked if I asked FBC There was an end that players could eventually arrive, I was not told. This game means to be played repeatedly, players have unlocking new facilities and gear to change how they play while trying hard jobs. Interestingly, there will be no major “basipok” story refreshing here. So it seems to the world of the world FBC Some other online games will be quite stable.

As a big fan of ControlI asked how? FBC: Fire Break Will already be declared and will affect Currently in progress Control 2. For most parts, this will not happen. In response to the email after the incident, the treatment provided more details on his thinking.

“It was a very conscious decision that was initially made to protect Control In order to follow these stories and protect players who do not go out of their gender -conquer zone, they should not feel that they need to go out of their gender -comfurt zone to understand. Volcano“Game Director Mike Cata said. Treatment confirmed this FBC “Canon” is Control And indicated that some of the game characters may appear in the break of the fire.

Is FBC: Fire Break A straight service game?

It was revealed during treatment FBC The paid cosmetics and launch will add updates, which is another major departure from Remidi’s past games. However, he acknowledged that he was reluctant to use words like “live service” or “season” because they mean very different things for different people.

Instead, he explained that he wanted to respect the players’ time. I have no content FBC There will be a “time ban” or based on the FOMO. Ramidi insists that he is working hard to make a game “for children with children”, Arf Gamers with limited time. He also confirmed that all the game -capable content updates would be free and more specific details were promised near the launch.

When I asked what FBC: Fire Break The answer was quite ambiguous or not. I sought some explanation and received this answer:

We do not have timely procedures to supply material. We will disclose more about our post launch shortly, but eventually we can confirm that none of the content will be released on a limited time circulation. We want to make sure whether you play daily or every other week, you will have the opportunity to get all the same things.

The article titled Alan Week 2 Davis titled the article image designed for children and people with jobs

Picture: Treatment entertainment

When I asked how? FBC: Fire Break Other online shooters and cope will compete with the games, the treatment was pushed back and said they were not competing with such sports. Instead they want FBC “Slot” your life among other sports that can demand more time you demand. FBC You may come back whenever you want and have some free time. Once again, the giant raised the target of not making FBC Feel like another job.

Finally, I asked about Switch 2. Treatment during the presentation to talk about it made a point of how they try to make FBC The steam deck has been confirmed and wants it to run well on the lower specific PC. So I wondered if that means the switch 2 port is in work.

“We’re very busy making games for launch,” Kiata said. “So we have not given any thinking to Switch 2 at this location, but things can always change in the future.” Well, I tried.

For now, FBC: Fire Break Launch on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC later this year. This Game Pass and PS Plus will start a day onAnother way that is trying to treat FBC The best shot in searching the audience and avoiding his fate Sony’s Failed FPS Coincidence.


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