From the 1980s to Today

by pokogame

PC and console gamers consider the idea of ​​”Mac Gaming” a bit joke, but the fact is that for most of Apple’s history, its computer (even before Mac) Place to play the latest and greatest games. That is why everyone has a good time to remind this fact.

First Mac Games

Mac was clearly not Apple’s first home computer, and Apple II was a very popular game development platform. Wikipedia lists 632 games For Apple II, and this is probably not a comprehensive list. Was a legendary sports house like Apple II Wazdari, Ultima, Kings Quest, Choflater, Crateka, Prince of Persian, And oh my goodness, I need to write a separate article for Apple II, don’t I?

From the 1980s to Today

The first Mac, which was released in 1984, did not come as a entertainment home gaming machine, especially since (unlike Apple II) Mac had a monochrome screen, and it initially sent with only 128k Ram, later 512K upgrades were possible. So it seems that shipping with very little Ram is an ancient Apple tradition!


My next Mac will have more than 8GB of ram, even if I don’t need it

Now the time of this sweet sixteen has come.

He did not stop developers from making games that would first go on Mac, such as Load Runner, Mac attack (Another The butt zone clone), And many interesting titles that, despite being monochrome, are incredibly crisp with detailed graphics and animation.

Mac’s purpose was more on people who wanted to “seriously” at home, but video games would always find a way, and even Mac participated.

Macintosh II brought color to Mac Games

Although it was not more powerful than the first Mac, McNososh II brought color to the Macline, which was badly remembered by many Apple fans, who stood on their colorful Apple II systems for gaming. It was not a system that brought a group of new sports, but multiple classic Mac Games got upgraded to support color.

However, it was a computer whose initial price was about 5,500 (today is more than $ 15k!), Which put it in the work station area. Which really keeps complaints about the “expensive” modern gaming PC! It is not at this cost that the installed base was on a large scale, making the game developers difficult to justify the time and expensive time for Mac, or to port them with other platforms.

However, Mac II was very different from the original Mac, which was not particularly upgraded. The Mac II line had a more IBM PC styling design that had many extension options, and later models under the line could play more complex games.


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This is 1981 and you just bought an IBM PC. What now?

Still, like the game The way in the dark, And the early first Person shooter by bang Hello Fame, Macantosh II’s Motorola 68020 entered as minimal requirements Game manual. So it was a very capable machine!

Game games in the dark.


Special games from the best forgetful Mac of the 90s

When Max was great for gaming.

Mist and Marathon placed Apple on the modern edge of gaming

During the 90s, Mac gaming reached a technical peak, especially thanks to the arrival of multimedia on the CD room. Like games Seventh guest And Mystic Show what can be done with a full motion video. Marathon And his two sequels gave us a special response from Mac Torment.

A screenshot of the marathon game series.

Max was a little ahead of the PCS and even the consoles on the multimedia front, until the original PlayStation and PCS Games CD room drives, sound cards, and the arrival of Windows 95.


The full motion video game is not dead! FMV’s best games old and new discovery

Full Emotion Video.

Apple console fails brilliantly

Apple Papin set up against the retro gaming background.
Lucas Govia / How Gick

Although undoubtedly there were some amazing games for Mac, they were a pleasant accident on the computer system for work, not a game. However, with the help of Bandai, Apple developed a gaming console called Pepin in the mid -90s, which joined the PlayStation and Nintendo 64. The killer feature of Papin is that it can play Mac Games, but it was very expensive, very slow, and none of them were sold hard. It is one of the company’s largest and most shameful failures.


This time Apple made a console

No, I’m not talking about Apple TV.

Apple lost Hello

With Hallow on a Mac, "Muttik: Grilled Lords" And "Marathon 2: away" In the background
Bong | apple

By the end of the 90s, Apple was ready to restore gaming. In Mac World 1999, Bongi showcased a new project – Hallow. However, Microsoft changed Bongi in 2000 and turned the Hallow into a flagship title for its upcoming Xbox Console. It was a major blow to Mac Gaming, as one of its most passionate titles became special to Windows and Xbox.

You can see the original demo below.

Of course, Hallow was not yet the first personal shooter at this point, and it was being developed as a real -time strategy game, effectively what we found later Hi wars The game is nothing to say, whether the hail we get on the Mac will be an important game that we know and still love today.


How did Bangi make Mac Gaming Power House

The Master Chief was almost a Macentosh Shubnker.

Apple Gaming Loll – Intel CPU, Boat Camp, and Windows Games

After switching from IBM Power PC chips to Intel processors, first Intel Max targeted the market in 2006, when Mac Gaming was talked about, matters were quite calm. One of the possible reasons I think was that Intel Max can run Windows using Apple’s boot camp solution. This meant that you could play a game of Windows PC on your Mac, assuming that it had a fountain to run it.

While double booting was disturbing, it meant that there was not much motivation to create a local Mac game, as Mac owners had a solid solution for sports in the Apple system. This does not mean that there were no local Mac Games, just that it was not common.

Another reason for Mac Gaming during this period was not at all. Thanks to the horrific, powerful Integrated graphics chips at that time. Even my 2019 Intel MacBook Pro can barely run the Mac ancestral version Bio -shock And Mac Desktop owners had a limited selection of AMD cards, which to choose, if they have no option.

Declaration of Resident Evil Village Mac

There was a turning point in 2010, when the valve steam in the PC’s largest store Front, Macos. It made it easier to find, buy and play Mac local sports from an easy place. Even better, the steam is free from the Mac App Store, and even today, it is usually much cheaper to buy a steam title than Apple’s official store front.

In 2014, Apple released the metal, its 3D graphics like API Direct X and Wilkan. Metal Open GL is a proprietary alternative, and it aims to provide low level console access to GPUs, which allows better performance and better power performance in sports such as 3D applications.

With metal, Apple founded game developers to easily make modern games for Macos, and it is also the basis of Apple’s abroad tracking and AI -up scaling technologies, which are later increases.


Apple’s Metal FX Technology is the beginning of the Mac Gaming Revolution

Gaming on Mac: It is fixing.

Apple Silicon changes everything

In 2020, Apple announced and released its M1 chip, the first of the new “Apple Silicon” Macs, leaving Intel behind. This has changed everything, since not only is Apple Silicon Intel’s chips more effective, but it has offered a significant improvement in the GPU. My base model M1 MacBook Air must play similar games like my PlayStation 4, and suddenly even the cheapest Mac was a gaming system.


15 Games You Won’t Believe Your M1 or M2 Mac can run

Who says you can’t play on Mac?

To this day, the modern Apple Silicon system is competing with medium -sized gaming PCs, and when it comes to graphical power, Apple has aggressively increased its gaming support. Many developers have intended to portray or port their windows or console games, and Apple has provided a game porting kit to make it as easy as possible.

However, thanks to the overall development in the compatible layer technology, this is why the steam deck enables to play Windows Games, Max may also not need many local ports again. For example, I have had a great time playing the game using Whiskey, which so far I have tried to run almost every game of Windows.


Thanks to whiskey, I will gaming more on my Mac than ever before

Wiskey is better for gaming from alcohol.

It is also important to note that Apple can run the same software like Silicon Max iPhones, iPads, and Apple TV. This means that the game developers must only portray or prepare the game only once, and then it can be divided into this large Apple users’ large user base.

Right now, the future of Mac Gaming looks much brighter than any location in the history of the company, and with a new interest in Apple’s ecosystem with game developers and players, I expect a lot of interesting progress in the next few years.

MacBook Air M3 13 inches

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