If you were in childhood in the 90s and you were so fortunate that Disney’s Gargals could get the most briefing in its three -season run, like me, like me, you were immediately forced to tell the show’s amazing visual, imaginary fuel history, and a remarkable story. But the Gargols soon disappeared, and its dedicated fan base left for almost 30 years.
Thankfully, the show, a creator of the show and the most instrumental architect, Greg Weisman, has returned to Gargiels with comedy books several years in many years, which is continuing the story, with the recent period of this franchise in 2022 was launched in Dynamite Entertainment.
Now, in the latest chapter of Gargols Comic, Wesman Cartoon, Frank Porus, and one of the original producers of the Ringer Ruby Border, has joined Gargolus: Demona, the most amazing character of the show, its funny Fateel Demona’s secret history.
With a special release before the start of the full series in May, NewsRma caught the free comedy book day with the Wesman before the kick -off of the story, excavating the history of Gargies, it is like coming back together with the original creative sounds of another series, and makes Demona as a role.
Newsarama: As one of the creators of Greg, Gargies, you have been telling stories with these characters for 30 years. How does it feel that the comedians have been able to revive Gargiels, and now have been dug in so much deep characters and their world?
Greg Wesman: I like it I like to keep the characters of Gargies in my life on a full -time basis. But I am greedy. I want to tell more stories in this world with these characters!
Gargiles is a franchise that is full of great characters, but Demona has always been special, even in Gargols. What do you see as the things that make it compelled to be like both villain and the main character?
Demona has a legitimate grip. But he too is his worst enemy. Its psychology is complex, so it can take a real emotional height, which is a great thing for the storytender. Also he is powerful and weak. Ruthless, fanatical and occasionally charming. I think she was quite unique as villain in the 90s, and I think she’s still quite unparalleled today.
Demona’s new limited series has excavated her past in her past, which has been decreasing by the current continuity. How much has this backstury behind the scenes has been, and how much are you taking from what we know and walking with it?
Well, to clarify, we are not trying to cover the entire thousand years of life in the mini -series with just five issues. But we are planning to cover five snap shots of his life in the first two centuries of this thousand. All this fits in the master plan I have been preparing for the past thirty years of my life, but there are many details that Frank and I have been planning these issues.
I have to ask about Demona’s great secrets – Angela, besides her other daughter. What can you tell us about it?
Angela is the biological daughter of Demona, who was raised by humans. Angelica is not Dimona’s biological daughter, but she raised each other for about two hundred years. I think it should be interesting for the audience to look at the contradictions between Demona and Angelica, and the Angelica and the Gycle.
You are working with Frank Porus on Gargals: Demona, who was also a producer at the original Gargiles Show. What has it been like re -meeting with Frank, and working with it allows you to work as a writer?
It has been great to work with Frank. No one else has the same understanding, the same short hand when he and I will be together when it comes to Gargols. In addition, Frank’s pencils and ink are just beautiful on the book. And he and I are both loving the color that the Ruby Bard is doing on the book. Ruby was mostly colorful for the old SLG run. So it’s all like to return the band together for me.
As someone who has been a fan since childhood, I have always wanted more stories that I dig in the secret years of Demona. Do you hope that fans new and old will turn away from this humor?
Pain Extra Mystery History. Myths a little Shakespeare. You know … Standard Gargels region. Which will dig in a fresh way with the heading of our only most dangerous character. Established characters will be born again. New roles will be introduced. Each issue tells a story in a different pulp genre, which has its own stake, environment and mood. I am hoping that readers should take away something new and old that they cannot or cannot remove even after the last page.
Makes a list of Gargies 32 the largest dynamic shows Of all the time