If you are waiting to return the patch in the coronobal discharge zone, celebrate: Steker 2’s hot expected 1.3 updates have come up with more than 1,200 changes, addressing every corner of the game.
If you’ve got a few hours to kill, Full patch note Sticker 2 are available on the website, but highlights were shown in the steam community Post. From this beautiful wide general reform, such as mutant AI stealth and smooth war smooth, the balance pass on a sample host. For example, the strange dishes now doll specific defits, which depends on what the player eats with it instead of random people. There is also a small support for miscellaneous buffet and improvement, with explosive props, dealing with more damage and increasing stability for unique weapons. There has also been a general improvement in the A Life system, which has been slightly reduced since its implementation.
Although most of the patch is an absolute mountain of bug fixes and performance opportunities. According to the Steam Post, about 100 crashes have been focused, and it is easy to believe the vastness of the reforms. Potential memory leak plugs have been done, focus on the structure worms and flashlight VFX, and players can no longer exploit a problem that allows them to stack the effects of the sample from which they are rigid. If it is in Sticker 2, it is likely that it has a slightly polish, which is definitely called “boasted but fantastic” in Joshua Volcins, a game PC Gamer News author.
The GSC Game World reiterated that it is still the beginning of a long journey of support for the game, saying “comments are helping us identify these areas” and that any “unexpected irregularities” in the zone should be sent to analyze and annihilation. Despite its technical turmoil, the game was being removed immediately, but only after the GSC Game World Launch, the patch is necessary and on the way.
The continued development of Sticker 2 is a demonstration of immense flexibility for the GSc Game World, which has made its way to the office fire, the attack on Russia’s Ukraine, and more than most studios. With this latest era and a potential TV show on this path, it seems that things are as bright as they have been in a while later for the FPS series.
If you are preventing a broken savings, this may be the time. And if you haven’t visited the zone yet, the game is 15 % off at this time Steam.