Valve has posted its annual Steam Year in review of 2024Which is proud that “2024 was our largest year for seasonal sales so far, which increased the revenue by 10 % compared to 2023.” Four seasonal sales are always remarkable, with the current spring sales it has its own trailer, free stickers to earn through the queue of their discovery, and, oh, deep waiver in various sports. (Like Path Finder: Anger of good people for 90 % off.
2024 was also the company’s largest year for sale of its small theme, focused on individual gender or niche. They have been running since 2019, when only six of them were. This year is about 18 to be sold, and you will need 2025 of the steam calendar calendar Keep an eye on them.
Then there is the City Builder and Colony SIM Fest, which will run from March 24 to March 31. Then after some of the small pigeon holes of the Sokoban fest, which is affected by it focuses on puzzle games. Classic Japanese warehouse capping block Pushper. At the end of the year, the steam zombies vs. Vampire Fest will host the steam screams 4 fests for time for Fashing Fest, Political Sim Fest, and Halloween.
So, 2024 was certainly a huge year for steam, which crossed the 39 million content players line in December. This year, he broke 40 million, so it is expected that next year’s review post will once again be full of good news for Gabie and partner.