Goat Simulator Devs Announce Goat Direct, And We Aren’t Kidding

by pokogame

Goat Simulator Devs Announce Goat Direct, And We Aren’t Kidding

When we approach the summer season of video game live streams, it looks like the “goat” party is preparing to start the party soon. The goat simulator developer, Coffee Stein North, has revealed that a goat Direct will be broadcast on PT / 10 AM ET on April 1 at his YouTube channel, and fans can expect a goat simulator’s announcements and several revelations of its partners. Yes, we know that the incident was announced for April 1, but the publisher coffee stains have assured us that it is so. Certainly Is happening and it will not be repeated Goat simulator musical This failed to do.

Coffee Stein North Creative Director Santiago Ferro said in a press statement, “Come, come to the end of the year of the Sub -Simulator’s birthday.” “2024 will always be a ‘goat year’ in our hearts, but we can’t wait to celebrate more interesting revelations in 2025. We realize that it is not always the best to declare many new things on the day of April Foles-but we think we have really left ourselves behind-so we believe in the goat.

Coffee Stein added that the goat directorate in the goat directorate will include a refreshing with the card game as well as several secret announcements. Does this include a goat simulator reality show about the love of Bai A Chilar? An art exposure to Vincent Van goat works? More stupid cat Pes? Probably No.

The goat Simulator 3 was released last year, and like the first game, it was another chaos -driven sandbox for players to run wild. The game reviews were not too much and no one has ever wondered why the goat simulator 2 is not present.

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