In November, Google said it would do one "Test" In eight European countries that will leave the EU -based news publishers’ results for a bit of consumers. Are in the results, and the survey Says There is no meaningful financial value for this news company. But "Public experience" Was hard for scientific curiosity. European copyright law says the company will have to pay publishers for the use of pieces of articles, and Google will likely use this data to try to kneel to take advantage of news outlets negotiations.
"During our negotiations to comply with the European Copyright (EUCD), we have seen numerous false information that enhances the value of news content to Google," The company wrote in a two -sided manner in its blog post described the experience Results. "The results have now come up: European news content does not have any measurement effect on Google’s ads."
Google Economics Director Paul Liu said that when the company removed the news content from Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Poland and Spain, it did not change the advertisement revenue and did not use only 0.8 %. (It initially included France, but a court warned the company that it would break the previous deal and face it, so it was supported.) Liu concluded. "The use of lost use was from questions that did not raise the least or no tax."
Takkarch Note That Google is running an excellent line here. He has already faced an anti -trust fines in France on the contents of the news, and is pressuring German news licensing plans. No country was finally added "Experience"
The company has a long history that has a long history of using a potential return of dialogue as a negotiating stick, including a test stick in Canada, California and Australia, in similar situations. In the latter case, Asi Great dominated: After Google Threatened to remove the entire search engine from the countryThen Prime Minister Scott Morrison said, "Let me make it clear Australia creates our principles for things you can do in Australia." The bill was approved and enforced, and Google Hit Australian media contracts with companies to license content. And yes, Google Search is still available below.
This article was originally published on Enoget