Must maintain Metagim League of Legends It is very important to keep tabs on the best champions in the game while the ranked ladder, It is also important to find the worst.
I know the worst performing champion League There can be a two -edged sword. You will potentially make a better champion pool by avoiding under -performers, but when one of your team chooses them, it can also eliminate you.
Keeping a low win rate especially does not mean that no champion is incredible League. They may be mechanically challenging, which has happened several times in recent months. Here are the five worst champions of the game that are through their winning rate in their usual role According to the U.GG.
League Patch 25.05: Calista winning rate at 47.24 %

Virtue I have one of the oldest ADCS League of Legends And one who saw very little changes after his initial release in Season 4. The last time it was suffered from the riots in 14.13, and it was still important, leaving the ADC of this age to decay between the attacks of the deadly, deadly and unexpected champions, most of which are exactly.
His overall incompetence in fighting their new champions or performing in the changing conditions of nine League And its map has pushed the colosta slightly down, and left it on a 47.24 % win rate And a scale 1.8 % picking rate Overall, almost no one plays it and when they do, they usually lose, so hopefully the riots are keeping their ears on the ground and are taking a way to bring this classic ADC back to the field.
League Patch 25.05: 43.3 % of Scruner’s winning rate

Although he found a big job he thought he would turn his elderly into a new and better champion, SCRANER The jungle and other roles are struggling. Almost no one is taking it into the role of 1.1 % in total, with the worst jungle in the scrutiny patch in 25.05.
Skinner performs horrific performance against the champions DragWhich has been dominating the jungle for a while, which can play an important role in its total low statistics. Many neurfs who have stopped his powers also play a role.
With many champions being able to go out, capable of being able to outplay a tired screener, outplayer, and outgun, there are some rid of this champion, yet it once again put into practice all efforts to make it viable.
League Patch 25.05: 44.52 % of the simulator’s winning rate

Patch has not been so kind to 25.05 Trafficker Either, the worst performer became the top liner. Although the top lane is not usually the champion, players have chosen to play a simulated as a classic on hit top lane champion like many other Marx Main Top Hybrids. However, the results are not so big, and the champion sits under the heap, though he rent better to some other positions.
She’s just a ted K’SanteWhich is the traditional top liner to perform the worst in patch 25.05 45.15 % win rate Overall, although the smoker is worse, the rate of selection is also small in the role, which is why they rent it badly.
League Patch 25.05: 43.78 % Miss Fortune’s win rate

Support Miss FortuneA trend that has been going on for a long time, low winning rates with justice keep falling deep and deep into the trenches 43.78 % For this, composed matches. Although AP -based MF support may prove to be a viable choice in some cases, it has been shaded by many other new and better construction routes and champions and has just lost its attention.
However, she looks at the rate of large -scale restrictions, however, 10 % of the lobby has prevented the champion from choosing, which shows that the players are still scared and are afraid that the appearance of the champion should be supported or made as ADC. Nevertheless, it appears that Miss Fortune has died, and she will not be remembered.
League Patch 25.05: 45.23 percent of the Izerial win rate

ezreal The mid -lane has performed horrific five patchs, or the S25’s fully mid -lane. Although the champion has not received any significant changes during this period, it appears that they are too good against more traditional mid -liners like Malzhar and Yasu.
Champion does not do very well in the boot lane, either, which is its traditional location, which ends the win rate 48 %. Once the dominant ADC-AP hybrid is no longer in a good position and when it has received some real attention from the riots, and it is desperately needed.
Honorable Mention: Mail

Fair It has the latest increase League of Legends Rostter and already the most unpopular, at least in the sense how the players see it. The champion has been named as the “MAGE for Children” and is watching the rate of 49.4 % ban in all rows, which has led to the fully desired champion. League of Legends.
Since the launch of the season at the beginning of 2025, the mail has been performing less with one overall 47.72 % win rate In the mid -lane, its main role. This number is not in favor of it, even when other characters are seen, which especially shows how fewer players choose it outside the middle. And it doesn’t look like it is expertly connected, because the higher the level, the performance of the mail worsens.
Keeping in mind, it is surprising how Mail has gained the reputation of being a repressive, easy and toxic mid -lane that can dominate others without breaking sweat. He saw a large and minor, several adjustments during the S25, which is why his winning rates declined, some of them were increased his abilities slightly.