If you are pursuing the news of Disco Elsim and his spiritual successors, there is a chance that you have seen a specific picture of Hoop Town, a disco successor from the Lango Games.
This is the same screenshot in which the main character is surrounded by an old woman surrounded by an old woman involved in a beautiful disco -elastic conversation, which has a properly designated pigeon lady compromise. “I lick the bin instead (I knock the bread with his hands)” and “Yes, feed the people! So let the people do it. Eat it, the sky mice! (Take bread)” is one of what can be said. The screen has been separated from you and I, such as disco fans, all are asking an important question, all the studios have faced the important question: is it worth to be considered a disco wi?
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Hope Town Director Grant Roberts told me, “To go to the kickstarter, this message is really difficult to say, ‘We are about, this is the game that is playing, why you should take an interest in it here.” “We had a picture showing the sample, such as a conversation in the game for example. The main purpose was that his kickstarter had to stay on the page (and say) here.
“Before, talking about all the methods of working system of the conversation system (a little), then (a bit) talking about some skills, and in the meantime it (icon) was used for promoting, marketing, and therefore the first example of Hop Town Out writing in the world is now a basic image. Is this the best representation that we send?
“Maybe not, but we will not be able to reach this point” is going to be written here, here you should consider backing us or join us in this journey. “So, we are considering working like early access. We are considering doing something like a demo to give people to this place, and we are not looking for you to do this. “

Roberts does not accuse people of eliminating this image (and other marketing and promo materials of Hope Town) to such an extent. “It has been difficult and not,” he says. “When we are making a game that is so clearly affected by the CRPGS legacy and it also includes disco Elsim, when people see something like this – and I will do the same – what is in my head is the most amazing moments coming from these games when I have a felony as I think about it. There is no one to keep this level of investigation to this level.
Roberts joined the Long Dave as the Director of Long Dave in Hop Town in October 2024, which means he has been in office for only five or six months. He tells me that he was “one of the first people to be brought to the company full -time”. Until then, as is in detail A wide report of IGN in November last yearFormer ZA/UM developers Argo Tulk and Dora Clound & Zucker; i & cacute; Company Tech Entrepreneur Riaz Moula was founded by Langdo, had already separated the routes with Kogaram. This resulted in a dispute over the release contracts, which led to a court trial, causing the tool and client and Zucker to be left II & Cacute; Kunda Disco Elsem is waiting for six months before starting work on the spiritual successor studio, after which he announced, eternal in the summer.
Roberts and Hope Town Technical Lead Putter Sobilesky have told me what I have told about the development of the game so much to reflect the impact that you can expect to do on the development of a game.
Roberts says, “When I started, a bit of work was done on a original concept, before I got there, the slash arrived there. But many of the work – the layout, the main character and the equipment – all have been obsolete from the work we have been doing at that time, but it was still a bit of a real idea, but it was just a matter of time. What will you see on the kickstarter? “
“Those who are initially here as the former Za/UM people, were January about specific themes and specific settings and specific things and specific things that could happen in the world,” they say a little later in our conversation, “When they left the studio and other people made something very passionate about it, but a lot of passion about it, but a lot of passion about it, but a lot of passion for it. It is very emotional about it, which we are very fond of and add our blood and our hobby to it, and make our blood and our emotions a lot, but they have something else about someone else.

So, kicker. How about the game? Well, it presents you as a crooked journalist in a northern English mining town that is “suffering from corruption and electric dramas”. The journalist’s part of the equation is a direct link to Roberts’ past.
He told me, “I was a journalist in college for a while. In order to become a journalist in the modern era, what would be the meaning of becoming a journalist in the world?
They have changed for it in recent times, with a lot of traditional journalistic efforts, “now by the public or the beneficiaries, and with the need for a” strong “press in 2025, how much it has changed for it, and in 2025, the” strong “press is needed, when the world is sometimes slow, sometimes in a speedy.
Meanwhile, he says building a fantasy town north of England is something in which Long Dave’s art director is looking for visual references. “The northeast of England and the area of Yorkshire is the place where I think we have sought inspiration. There, there, or at least about the period we are seeing (inspired)), as well as some visual.
The Roberts team has also planned to use the long history of the real -world World UK of coal mining for “helping to inform the game”. They say, “It’s not dry or we have a lesson of history or a documentary movie or anything.”

On the other hand, both Roberts and Sobilesky cleared something that would not include the game: Generative AI. Some speculations about it were flared by Sobeloski Linked profileWhich refers to its PhD ability in AI, as well as many of the tech characters.
When I bring it to it, Sobeliuski replied, “This is my second passion with the development of the game,” but I am not meeting them in Long Dave. These are the things that are my personal things I am doing to live, and for my personal development. I am not ashamed of it and I’m not hiding anything. Yes, I am an AI adviser to different companies. To me, I think the use of art is like eating in a way, and if it is not done by a human being, it does not have a soul. It is like eating plastic.
“I think AI is great because it understands the human language and can convert non -imposed data into structural data, so it can in fact get some information from documents,” They continue, “I don’t think AI should be used as an alternative to human creativity. I don’t think it is a good direction.
Roberts adds, “Our writing is the authors of everything we have presented,” our art is from artists, and this will continue. Even if we want to use Generative AI to make the game’s content content – what we do not do – technology is not available to remove good writing. It will write a dialogue that looks like a good writing, but people who praise good writing can tell the difference.
Meanwhile, the narrative director has a CV that does not receive much attention from the disco fans. During a long career in the game giant, he has worked as author of Bongi’s destiny 2 and the Rock Study’s suicide squad: Talk to Justice League. He tells me how the development process works in major studios of triple-A projects, he has given him a really zomed out theory about performing it well, leaving this spirit, while he is applying in a small-scale Hop Town.
He added, “It was still really satisfactory to find new stories with these characters that people already liked and those who already like the worlds,” he added, adding that adding personal sports with big sports and a new IP like Hop Town can make the difference. “But in my opinion, worth building a new world, a new world that people would like, I think, in a different way, is interesting.”

Although at the end of the day, as the aforementioned non -screen shot has proven, this freedom for Hope Town is coming with a measuring stick that has tapped its game. For better or worse.
“There are many ways when I ask him directly when I ask him directly when I ask him directly,” says Roberts. “We are not especially honoring the inheritance of a single game, it is more about the history of this genre. When we initially used this messaging, based on those who were working on the initial concept that is no longer with the company, it was understood that it was a spiritual successor.
“So, there are parts of the disco Elsim that we are affected by and we want to make it in this game. Psychological complexity and story, which is intelligent and modern and mature, but not in the dark and enthusiastic way, but like an adult way. Really very high with game characters, highly effective conversations, both inside and outside your head. The disco impressed us a lot in these ways, and many games have been seen like a disco in the last few decades, they have got this camera approach, either isometric or dietary, or how you want to think about it. We are going to look like this, we are going to discuss dialogue and skills that will talk during the conversation, and will guide you during the conversation.
“So, it’s for those who – I think I described it the other day – if you like Disco Elsem, you might like Hoop Town. And if you don’t like disco Elsem, then you like Hoop Town anyway.