How Kepler Interactive balances artistic vision with gaming innovation

by pokogame

Kepler Interactive is already proud of one of the more sports portfolio of the sports, from New Caledonia to Techia’s blue sea to survival horror adventure game, praising the visuals of its scary dream fuel, and maintains a creative studio that allows the company to cooperate with the culture and culture.

When we interview CEO Alexis Garriyan, the company is still celebrating the French Indi video game studio tactical adventures. He talks more about this new partnership, how the Caplar Interactive is combined with new game developers, estimates and works, and what are the biggest challenges facing the sports industry at the moment.

The Capler Interactive has a diverse portfolio, and it may be difficult to see if the game connects the game like Techya with a joke – can you explain that a project makes a Caplar Interactive Game?

As a baseline, Kepler Games Champion Bold Art Direction and Modern Game Design. We always start from there, but we especially like sports that look out of sports, affecting every form of art, culture and experience. Many games look very internal, mainly referring to a small group of other sports and other media clutteum IPs. We see the opportunity to work with the developers that look somewhere else for inspiration, and I think you can already see in our portfolio.

Teachia draws Owaisib’s new Clydonian heritage. Claire Ozar: The campaign 33 does a similar thing to see JRPG through a clear French lens. The Pacific drive was affected by the trinity of Jeff Wandermier’s Southern Reach Tri, but Casey Draquat also had a living experience and affiliates and reliance on the Pacific Mediterranean via the United States.

This is a connection that gives us a lot of freedom to sign various projects, as it is not a prescription. We want that link to work for us.

How Kepler Interactive balances artistic vision with gaming innovation

How does the strategy adventures fit, especially in this framework?

Whenever we bring a new studio or partner, it is important for us to be compatible with our values ​​and help raise the whole group – whether they master a new area or gender, or with modern ideas and development techniques, we always want to increase our knowledge collectively. With Solista, the tactical adventures reach the RPG gender through the lens of the tabletop gaming, the deep planning fight-where the vertical, positioning, and solving the creative problem is the center of the center. We are excited to help them continue this path, but to learn from them and their ideas. Our role is to help them in any way in our skills, whether it enhances their game access using our widespread marketing capabilities, reinforcing the presence of their platform with our Publishing Department or gaining a strong relationship with the platform and partners. Also, our group composition means that all our studios divide knowledge, tech and feedback in a way that allows us to run at the equivalent of very large publishers, while they ensure that they maintain creative control and freedom while doing so.

Can you generally discuss Kepler Interactive’s approach to the initial access release regarding Solista 2?

Decisions on how our studios want to approach their sports is completely dependent on them. Tactical Adventures is a studio that is comfortable with the initial access model and has surprised for Solesta: Majestar’s crown. It is important that the studios and developers we work with can develop our launch projects that make the most meaning for their games, gender and community, so it is always something we allow to flexible.

How do you go about the search for the titles you want to work with? Do people come to you, what events are important when they will return to the post Coid?

It must be a mixture of different methods there, only due to the volume of the game signed there. The best opportunities often come through the personal networks of the people in the Kepler team, but it is difficult to predict where the most exciting projects will come from – we have signed sports in the events, through recommendations, replace them on steam, and through blind requests through our website. It is impossible to see everything, so we try to wear the widespread net and then make sure we only sign the games that are in line with our creative values.

It is really important to keep these values ​​in place. We talk a lot about it, but when it comes to scouting, it is very helpful to guess what the Kepler game should be. There are many good projects. We spend all the time on good sports. We are looking for extraordinary sports that will help to enhance the identification of the Capler, and they are rare.

When it comes to signing a game, is there anything that is a Dell Breaker for you tomorrow? Not just a quick?

There is a very familiar pond of these effects that have been very used by the industry, and we give the privileges of the games that avoid the inclination of these trumps. Cultures like Star Wars, Blade Runner, Zombie Movies, Greek legends, Superhero Comics (List of some examples)) look and feel a lot of games on culture, and we are trying to see more than those people – Pacific Drive is a single environment in a different environment that is not commonly seen in other sports, and other players are not commonly played. I am not seen. This is what we are looking for, and it is easy to find a place for the pitches that do not have it.

It is very difficult to achieve any kind of success, so I can understand why a team can see the hope of guaranteeing the audience, but we see it as a threat. This happens whenever a game really breaks and surprises everyone. After the heads, after dozens of pitches, its template was followed with different taming, and we are all preparing the same thing to be with a game like Baatro. Sports that follow such trends are likely to enter the saturated market by then.

How does Kepler Ghost Company support your goals?

We have developed auxiliary functions that allow us to work with the most excellent studios – whether it be through project financing, publication or by White Label Service, which offers Kepler Ghost. Our contribution to a great video game compared to developers’s extraordinary work is minor. We wanted to be able to provide an offer that is a reflection of it, where the creators find all the identities that they deserve without compromising or distributing the spotlight. Since our view of philosophy and sports becomes something we are known for – the way we consider them part of a wider culture, the ideas that we see when we sign them – we have found that the developers appreciate our identity and welcome the Capler. We never want to force it, but it’s always special to us that our developers feel like this for a while after working with us.

I have to ask about the part of the Capital Interactive Puzzle (Creative Studio (That Robin Lunch website is wild)) And important for you, at the top of every work, why?

This is important to us because we are always interested in finding out where the game touches other cultural and creative places. We think about sports as we think of fashion, architecture, music or design, and we like to experience how these mediums can interact with each other. Rubin Lynch’s support came to the fore because we saw his FW33 show and felt a relative sentiment that he created the world around his collections and the world we make in our sports. A Kepler Game is one that appears apparently and influences other forms of art and culture – so it seems right that as a publisher and partner we also participate in this cultural conversation and challenge the point of view through such projects.

The sports industry is always changing, but what are you the biggest challenges right now we will face in the next five years?

Change is the only permanent in our place. However, it feels as if things have recently increased sharply. Geographical political changes are affecting our class intensely, and we are turning away from going into a very high heaterclight world, with regional differences in the world. So you have to focus on designing things that are aggressively different.

In the past, many studios have thought about “safe” concepts to increase their difficulties in getting funds. I see these infinite derivative ideas to be dead, and if you do not recommend a modern thing for players, you are going to struggle.

The Capler Interactive is so unique that I would love to make you feel the day of work. They say you will find yourself with a whole afternoon and no meeting is booked or even for preparation – how are you spending this time?

It looks like a good suggestion that never happens: D. Usually I spent a few hours playing the latest construction of my titles and other recently exciting sports. If from time to time we try to experience other types of culture we have discussed. We recently left in London The listening room of the Devon Turn Bill in 180 studiosIn Paris last week, we spent some time digging through the shelf Yuvin LambertThe whole team went to one Erica de Casier Show A few months ago. I think it is important that the culture of our company reflect our sports and their electoral inspiration.

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