How To Assassinate Akechi Mitsuhide And The Horseman In Assassin’s Creed Shadows

by pokogame

It’s been a long road to reach this location, but finally we’re on the final line The killer’s profession shadow And Shin Bakfu is ready to end once and for all, which has to get a few hours and a large number of killings.


How long does it take to defeat Hassan’s profession?

Japan is huge in the shadow of Hassan’s profession, but how long will you take you to end the story? We have received answers.

To this point of the game, only two members live in Shinbakfo but do not worry, because the two can be pulled out in some short questions that are not far from each other. Read to find out how to defeat Haasan’s profession.

Wolf and fox

How to complete NaOE’s personal journey

Nao is being asked to end his personal journey in the shadow of Hassan.

Once you beat Fox, the last target would probably take you down, you’ll see that Aki Metoshide’s Quest Line will be updated and Say you need to complete Naoe’s personal journey. If you, like me, let out a groan at the main Quest being length Even More, don’t worry too much as the requirements are quite simple.

The first thing you need is the one that is four Koji Carrie MissionFlashbacks that show Naoe’s past. These are all very simple and linear, and once you have done four You will find a struggle called wolves and foxes. You will have to meet and meet you, which is marked on the map and when you get there, some will be attacked by enemies. Clean them and then Talk to Hinzo to end this mission and unlock a one called the secret of the blade.

Place of the secrets of the blade mission in the shadow of the killer's profession.

While you Can Pursuing this part of Navo’s personal struggle (and since it should open the apprentice Hasan clothing), This is the place where the struggle of Matsuhide opens once againAnd technically, you have “completed” Naoe’s personal journey. You don’t have, but it is enough to continue the main mission, and you will not need to worry to do more until you beat the game.

Farmers who will be the king

Where to meet Lady Nanny

The farmer's place will be the King Mission in the shadow of Haasan.

Once you got in the quest for new, You can meet Lady Nine north of the meeting hillsAt this point we have marked the above map. Finding and talking to it will give you more details about the mission ahead and will basically determine the whole thing. This is just a chat, although, so pass through and Then finally be ready to compete with Matsuhide.

If you are not already, I will recommend to do more personal stories of Naoe and Yasuke because they will make sure you are good and level -ups.

Grew up the treacherous

Where to meet Hydyoshi

Haasan's profession to demolish the treacherous mission in the shadow.

You are right now, but you will need to meet first to start the mission. She is located in Yamazaki, and talking to her will eliminate things and allow you to choose to play as nine or Yasuk for the first phase of the mission.Which includes saving the palace from some basic enemies. To speed up things, I would recommend to go with Yasuka.

Once you start the mission, you will only need only Look at everyone in the way of murder of Matoshide, which is in the big tower. Make your way from there and take anyone out of your way, even when you come to the closed door. If you are Naoe, you can only climb up, but Yasuka’s breaking iT will need to sprint in it.

In the shadow of Haasan's profession, make a treacherous mission by choosing between Naoe and Yasuke.

After doing this, a little bit will play where the Matsuide tries to escape from the horse, Things that jump on the point of Nao because he takes the chase. You just need to continue here with Matsuhide, which should be easier after all the horse riding on the horse in your shadow.

I assume that if you start in NAOE instead of it, you will play at this point as Yasuka, but it doesn’t matter because you will exchange again soon.

Catch Matsuhide and he will decide to refrain from running away, when the actual war against him begins.

Akchi Matsuhid murder

Nao and Yasu are fighting in the shadow of Hassan with Matshohide.

Once Matoshide has finally stopped talking, You will take control of Yasuka to start fighting, before finally turning to Naoe. Mitsuhide is a quite powerful enemy at the level of 35 and he will Attack a lot with every tool in the game’s weaponsHeavy strikes that need to be fastened on the quick slash that you have to do in a row.

Matoshide is actually very difficult, because its tricks are not so telegraph. For example, When he lifts a sword over his head for a strong strike, he will sometimes hit you before attacking you. Its sharp strikes are usually carried out from behind his back, so he is always watching.

Na Hassan's profession is fighting Matsuhide in the shadow.

Once you broke his coach and snatched his half -health, NAOE will tag and depend on the rest to do. Its tricks are in fact a little faster here, And she has introduced a running strike as part of a chain of Peribal attacks. Matoshide becomes a very difficult when fighting NAOE, so you would like to see it closer to this period.

When you fight as a NAOE, I will recommend the use of Kasrigama because it has some distance from the heavy currency attack. Yasuka’s Naginata, as usual, is also the best prerequisite.

Choosing to kill Matshohide as Yasuka or Nao in Hassan's profession.

Once you have defeated Mathoshide, it will reveal what is in the box and who has it. Then you are presented with the choice of whom you want to kill MatoshideWhich is completely dependent on you. I finished going with Yasoka ever since I played a lot as it, but I would argue that nine deserves more than this last blow.

Man behind the mask

The murder of Ashkaga Yoshiaki

A man's place behind the mask mission in the shadow of the killer.

Along with saying and doing all this, it is time for Hassan’s profession to be a confirmed agricultural conclusion for shadow and Shankbako. As shown on the map go north of Jenbo HylandsAnd you are sitting there sitting there and waiting for his fate. You get some dialogue options here, But in general, you can’t do anything to advance the story.

A katsin in this mission is everything and it will be Finish you with the saving Yoshiaki whether you want or not. This is technically the end of the shadow of Hassan’s profession as a whole, but if you want to see the real credit, you still have the opportunity to go, for which we will have a separate leader.


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Come on Kingdom: Salvation 2 requires your full attention, and I’m ready for something less severe.

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