How To Beat General Sonya Shulen In The Suikoden 1 HD Remaster

by pokogame

In the partial culture Socadon 1 HD Remaster Shasarazade is the base. This is not particularly a big basement, yet, it includes two boss battles against you, which can surprise the helpless players.


Socadon 1 HD Remster: Full Guide of Recruitment

This is the greatest. This guide will give you instructions on how to recruit every role in Sivadon 1 HD Remster.

Preparation is the name of the game here. It is quite likely that if you are not well equipped with this basement, you will end a game. Thankfully, we can tell you all the steps to avoid this luck.

Preparation for Shasarazad

Sivadon 1 HD Remster Heals an unbalanced vicator during the Venice Climp of Toron Lake Castle.

There are two things you need to know about. There are two owners in this basement, and you will not be able to rest between the two battles. So, You would like to have a ton of mega -midson in hand Before you move forward. There is also a magical attack of both owners who will affect the entire party. So, if you want, you can try to make a party around these magical attacks.

Keeping some members of the party with electricity or thunder runs is a good prerequisite for being relatively unoccupied by Venice’s Shell Boss. The characters like folk, Karoli, and Tangar have a big meg estate, which determines your magical defense. So, they make good choices. In addition, Any role with lightning ron Venus will be able to tank the attack of the Klem, even with anyone Water will be able to tank Sonia’s magical attack.

Connecting the running run with a decent magic on the party member is a great way to give himself a benefit, because it has the magic of living party members. You Should This Ron has been acquired from the Constitution Temple Curren.

Shasarazad’s basement

McDahal Sivadon is about to face Venice Clem in 1 HD Remster.

The original Shasarazad basements are highly allocated and straightforward. You’ll go down from a set of stairs, get Shield of chaos From the chest, you will go down the way, go up and down to another set of stairs, then go to another area that contains the chest of the treasury The guard’s thumbAnd then another halt Master’s clothing. None of these chests are hidden, they are all straight.

Master’s dress is one of the best pieces of coach you can get in the game. So, equip it on a maker.

You will go down another set of stairs, and face the thorns. Go straight from the path leading to the west, and you will find something Mega -Madison Another treasure chest. Back track, and move down the southern path, and you will be in the last room of the basement with a slice gate. It has been protected by a massive clam shell Boss: Venice Shell.

Boss War: Venice Shell

McDahal Sivadon is criticizing Venice Klim Bass in 1 HD Remster.

This war is not a big deal, but if you approach it like any other boss, you will eliminate your resources and make the real boss of Shasarazideide Duration More difficult. So, for this fight, you want to use your major mantra. Instead, we are going to rely on united attacks, attack skills, and good OL ‘regular attacks.

Venus shell has two attacks itself: it can fire pearls in the same unit, or it can cast A lightning magic that will kill Each Party member. This means that you want to load your party members with mega -midson. You will need to do in the range of somewhere 15,000 damage To kill Venice’s shell, so, you would like to form a few members of the party who can hardly hit the united attacks.

Sikodon 1 HD Remaster on a united attack on Venice Claim.

Some great candidates are Ronnie Bell and wear and Tai and Yamko. There are united attacks on both of them. Although these united attacks will leave the units unbalanced, since you want to be fine mostly, you can use them only as healing. While They are unbalanced. In addition, Tangar and Hooks are very good here, because they have a united attack And Tangar is a very strong Mage.

McDohal has extraordinary resistance to magical attacks, so, you do not need to worry more about fitting it as much as possible. He will suffer less than these magical attacks.

Once you beat Venice’s shell, you will develop in the dam, turn it off, catch Thunder Ron From the chest, And backed your path through the shasarazade basementBefore General Sonia Sholin goes out of the basement. Depending on how many times Venus Shell uses its electric magic, this is a very severe war, because you will be worn.

If you do not take a step forward after defeating the shell of Venice, you can run away through the Sabbath, leave, heal and then return. Therefore, if matters get worse, and you need to use some of these four -level mantras, you will have the opportunity to come back and be healthy. As disturbing, it is better to go into a fight that you can’t win with Sonia.

Boss Battle: Sonia Sholin

Like the Venice shell, there have been two attacks on Sonia. Has a physical attack that will be united for a considerable extent, and the other one Water Magic Attack that will affect the entire party. Additionally, Sonia is Extremely Dodging, and counter -attacks, are good at regular attacks.

So, the last thing you want to do is attack it with a regular attack. Thankfully, here’s one thing in your favor: It has only 8,000 HP. So, if you have four mantras of all your levels, you can have a large number of it. In particular, the magic of the final decision of McDhil has been greatly damaged. She is seemingly resistant to other types of other magic, though especially strong Madgets will be able to punch this defense and still deal with some significant losses.

Beyond, we are using only runs and united attacks to deal with the loss. Do not use regular attacksUnless you want to throw your life! If you come to this war on resources, you have to pray that it does not use its magic frequently. If you Ron flowing on party member THat healing is good for healing, and it will make it resistant to its major magical attack.


Socadon 1 HD Remster: Full Guide to Unite attacks

Everything you need to know about united attacks at Sivadon 1 HD Remster is here.

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