How To Complete A Good Scrub Quest In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

by pokogame

Come on the kingdom: Salvation 2 Offers a lot of content, so even if you have completed the main story, there is still much to be discovered. In the Cottonburg region, there is a very interesting quest: a good scrub, which can be mobilized by talking to the twist.


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In this mission, Henry helps the bathroom owner, daughter, as he faces some obstacles to doing business. If done properly, you can get discounts on King Fisher bathroom services. So, here we will guide you to see how to get the best possible results without any hassle.

How to start a good bush struggle

In Kingdom, a good scrub is on the map: Salvation 2.

This struggle may already be marked on your map, but if not so, Talk to Sarapar with a Quest Tupper sign On the east side of Cottonberg City and ask what is new. Mission’s icon will appear Near the hole in the wall of the wall.

Gun Maker Procop go inside the building west of the Elderus Shop and Talk to the daughter. He owns the bathroom and immediately. It will ask you to help him. So, Move toward the ground and pick up the package for it.

How to help the daughter

Henry stands in front of Wagner Matsic in Kingdom: Salvation 2.

Once you are in the Ground, Talk to Wagner MatsicIt is likely that he will stand outside the hotel. If he is not there, he will be inside. He will tell you everything you need to know about the package. So, go and Talk to the girls sitting on the table.

After talking to them, wait for girls to sit inside the cart. When they are in, Mount and talk to the girls again. One of them will ask you a “very important” question, so be sure to think about it and then answer. When you will talk to them, The game will make you travel fast in the bathroom.

Once you return to the bathroom, the daughter will give you another suggestion. After agreeing to help him, you must Choose the beginning, the middle and end of the speech To promote the bathroom.

Below are the options we have chosen, so you can only select them:

  • “Like anything you’ve never experienced”
  • “Calm your body and soul”
  • “Food, dance, and sing”

Make sure you go to four marked places on the map of the day, because if you do this at night, no one will be able to hear you. If it’s already night, leave time or sleep in the morning.

Henry is talking to daughter in Kingdom: Salvation 2.

After they choose, Confirm the speech. After that you will go to four different places and all this will be entrusted with the task of promoting the bathroom. All places will be marked on your map; You do not need to go to a particular place in the radiation of the struggle.

You don’t have to wait for Henry to finish the entire speech everywhere. As soon as he starts screaming, the purpose of this particular place will be fulfilled, so you are free to go somewhere else. Repeat this time saving.

Going anywhere in the radius will give you a hint in the game. Press the L1/LB buttonAnd Henry will start chanting slogans. Repeat this process for all places.

Cleaning the bathroom

In the state, drunk guests come to the floor: Salvation 2.

Now that you have successfully promoted the bathroom, Go back to the buttieAnd a difficulty starts. Immediately afterwards, there will be a party, but Will not be pretty then. After waking up, you will be given the task of cleaning the bathroom as the council is out to check things.

Do not go out of the front door, as the daughter is talking to Alderman. If you do, Alderman will enter the bathroom and start inspection.

Betty will try to stall for some time so you can clean the bathroom. Put on your clothes and First hide the drunk guests. Pick them up one by one, Take them upAnd collect your right inside the room.

Henry stands in front of the beer tancard in Kingdom: Salvation 2.

Once working, the time has come for the ground to lift the tancards from the ground. You need to take six, and four of them will be inside the room in which you were awakened. The other two rooms will be with the bathtubSo grab them. You may have seen some clothes on the floor. Pick them up too.

There are four pieces of clothing In the room, which bathtubs are. First, pick up one on the ground by stairs. Then clean the floor. You can do this by looking The same with the bathtub in the middle.

After you did everything, Alderman will come in and see if there is any suspicious Walking Once that work, follow it and end the conversation. With this, the twist will thank you once again, and this struggle will end. Also, too, Now you will receive discounted services from this bathhouseWhich can be changed later for free if you follow the mission.


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