In the luggage Bullying genius One is an important but unexpected mechanic. It is easy to think that most of the character of a character comes from the spirit card that you collect during the run or during the upgrade found in the soul shop. The random equipment you find in the chest can be easily forgotten or checked only at the beginning of a run.

6 Things that we wish we knew before we started a bullying genius
Before you start playing a bully Geniya, you would like to consider these early points.
When you approach high levels of worlds and challenges, it is most important to create a system of equipment. Some runs will disable your second upgrade, or you will need to squeeze the maximum of all the systems together. This is how the goods work and the best ways to use it.
How does the surface of the goods work
Will be one in all the gear you meet The level of the soul below its statistics. It is different from the character level and Checking all sources of soul card Including stage prizes, level UPS, and shops. The positive benefits of an item increase the level of the soul while the negative magic reduces the level of the soul. If the surface of an item is above your characters, its benefits will not be dynamic and the luggage screen will be shown in red.
Top of setting your goods at the beginning of the run, you may also be able Change gear from the pause menu at any time. Any estate increases for which you do not meet the surface requirement, they are highlighted in red.
This system means that you are encouraged to use different equipment at the beginning and end of the run. You can start a run with goods that promote the editors as well as a large flat so that they can be kept dynamic. Once you have made some progress, you would like to exchange the other set of goods that either meet a specific play style or have high editing around it.
How to learn new magic
Whenever you recycle an item, you learn how to apply its magic to the same kind of future equipment. Since the magic item type is specific, you will need to recite a large pond of gear to make the best possible goods.
After implementing the corrupt editors at the beginning of the run, the easiest way to find more than one part of the same equipment is in the ROG mode challenges. The Challenge Mode will ensure that only the designated item will appear in the breasts, while the level of corruption provides an increase in gear levels and fragility.
There are also many challenging modes in the item that you cannot manufacture yourself.
Item | Challenge | Benefits |
Hello | Sick | This gives many state multipliers and does not need any level. |
The gloves of the Noblasslear | The favorite of the sniff head | These Causes harm than elite and owners It can be replaced when the elite or the boss level is not. |
Nightlocks | Driving a dual car | The locktot allows you Start the game with a specified weapon. You can equip the sevors of the set -up set for evolution. |
The stone of the element | Stone | Every stone edit this Drop the rates for its own factor And gives a useful estate editor without any level of need. |
Monocal of the expert | Exceed the limit | These Increases the quality of all the goods you meet But you need to complete the mass -dependent challenge on the Equipped lace gear. |
How to Craft How to Start Gear
At the beginning of the run, the items you want to equip are those who promote and fines, which is why they bring closer to zero as much as possible.
Corruption -editing is amazing for low -level equipment. If corruption is threatened to eliminate you, you can only remove the goods and eliminate corruption (it also allows you. Choose high or lower corrupt options in event nodes,
- Negative movie speed causes less discomfort to lower levels Because you are rarely enough enemies to defeat you.
Until your weapon is strong enough, negative invaders can be managed at the grassroots level. Even you can use gear that reduces your attack speed but Bonus grant on the overcil.
- To lose a critical opportunity or loss It doesn’t matter if using weapons without critical tranquility.
- Negative modifications that are on a level scale Can be used and then when they become harmful, it can be done.
For positive modifications, there are some fields that all roles want to perform well at one level.
- A huge flat promotion in electricity You will allow everything in the zone to be a shot or an over.
- Additional pick -up radius and experience Help me better equipment faster.
- Gold increases you use Zone One Shop When you usually can’t raise enough money from the initial competitions.
Flat defensive growth will damage the tank from any early enemies, even if you have traded a group of hit points to get it.
How to develop high level gear
Making high -level items is expensive. You will need to use a lot of content and soul coins to upgrade them, especially if you do not have the current high -level item to use as a base.
You often continue to neglect negative modifications on any gear you plan to wear in the past 100, but there are still some on which you will take a look:
Negative defense is useful Faith transforms negative defense into additional losses.
- Corruption reduced experience And can be paired with a purification card to reduce the negative results.
The reduction in precision health can be used for manipulation in the protection of a shot and enables you to reach an active inflammatory status. Reduce your maximum HP to low double digits and then get several hundred healed factor.
Positive benefits, you have found a wide range of useful options than you are at the beginning of the run.
Evolutionary models who provide per level statistics are much stronger than flat bonuses And will apply from the retreat for your previous levels. A single item with electricity can give you more power than any single card card.
- Multiple Once the number is high, a lot is to play.
Dash COLDOWAN EDROWING CAN Add to how long can you be unbearable with anachronism. The construction of a knife knife can live in frozen time throughout the life of some boss battles.
- Items that promote specific types of weapons It depends on what gear you have found in the run.
How to use the load -out
The game allows you to get several loads on the fly and exchange between them. Easy use is to set two loadouts with low and high level gear we have already developed but you interact with the system even more deeply with the system in which you want to advance the limits of the game.
Load -out use | Application |
Purity/abuse | Many purity cards appear only when you have a certain amount of corruption. If you want to use the light soul to develop the sun’s sword, Archite Lance or Solla Lance You need to collide your corruption more than 50. |
Drop rate | Different elementary stones Increase the drop rate of the tag card. This is especially true when trying different avatars: Is less likely to loot a fire card in the rogue But you can offset it with a stone and still get the bonuses of the air to the air. You want too Increase a drop rate of false cards until you have a void soul upgraded And then you want to avoid this type of drop. |
Start gear | You can start with the first level Two locks of Knight are equipped to receive their early weaponsAlso, a trainer glove to start with your weapons. Once you are really in a game you can change them for other gear. |
State’s Requirements | Some cards will appear only when you meet certain requirements that are harmful in the long term. The stolen card only falls on negative defense playersBut useful in building tanks. |
Groups of weapons | You can Make different load -out of weapons groups Based on their tags, such as area weapons, critical weapons, or weapons with high knocks. |
CHALLENGE Ways | Some challenging mode uses goods in new ways. Have a good example Stoned challenge, which starts player at the level of 95 But without a card. |

Bullying: Genisia – How to unlock the evolution of weapons
If you do not look for them, you will never find the evolution of weapons in GeneSia. That is why we have a guide to how to unlock them.