While there are so many things you can stuck during the game The killer’s profession shadowMost of them can be resolved by activating the instructed exploration mode because it tells you exactly where you have to go for a particular struggle. However, there are some things that you cannot solve.

Shadow of Hassan’s profession – Iron Hand Golds
One is one of the one -on -one search in the shadow of an iron hand glids, and here you can easily defeat it.
One of the best examples of this is a different caffrone that you can get into the game. In the Cofway, a unique collection of puzzles is presented for everyone, and Takati Cofway is one of them. It is more focused on fighting, but you can still lose it easily.
How to find and insert Takagi Coofon
When you first enter into the open world of the murderer’s profession, you are involved in the Ezomy Seytsu Province. This region is Divided into northern and southern parts of a streamAnd you can find Harima province in the west of the northern part. To find the Takati Cofoon, enter Harma by road near the southern waters.
Keep walking on this road Even you reach the northeast of cocoaua. From here, take the road leading to the north and you will find Takgi Otsuka Fort on the way to the Cofway. You have to go to Kofon, you must first defeat the robbers around the area.
Enter the fort with Yasuka and, when you beat all enemies, pick up an explosive barrel near the Cofone’s entrance to and Throw it on a breaking wall. Then you can explode the barrel with arrows and enter the Cofoon.
How to get the legendary chest in Takhagi Coofone
After entering the takti cofone, you can easily follow this route Different small lantern until you reach the first set of robbers that you have to beat. This is the only cofule where most lantern is already bright, making it very easy to develop in the beginning.
Here’s how you can reach the legendary chest after beating these robbers:
In the same room like robbers, you’ll see something Bamboo is covering the next path on the left wall. Kill bamboo once with your basic attack and it will give you up.
Pass through this route and turn right to go down some stairs, And then turn left to get normal chest.
After receiving the chest above, turn and You will see a high wall on which you can jump. Once you get ready, ring the space at the bottom and you will find another bandit to defeat the other side.
Passing through this crawl space, you will look at a Path to your left side where you can get a rare chest Plus
After defeating the bandit, walk on the right and the way Then turn right again to see something else. When you beat them, you can find some more explosive barrels to the left in the room.
Pick up these barrels and take them to the place Where you turned to the right to find this other group of robbers. You will see a breaking wall here on the right you can use them.
Pass through this wall and you will find another crawl on the other side. In the past, You enter the open room with another breaking wall in the front. To break it, first pass through the entrance to your left.
Here, you will find a dynamic box on the right. Move it to the main room and Find two boxes near the platform with the walll.
Then you can go back to the room Had a dynamic box and get the explosive barrels inside it. Throw this barrel first on the attached dynamic boxes and then throw it on the breaking wall before exploding.
In the past, pass through another crawl space, beat some robbers, and then use the other Barrels in the room to explode the wall to your left. You will find the legendary chest of the past from this wall.
After receiving the chest, slide down the other side where you entered and you Find yourself into the first room where you broke the bamboo. From here, you can easily get out of the location.
Takhagi Coffeen Rewards
Most in the second cofu, you can initially find the first rare chest. However, you will only find the first one in Takgi Coofone in the first crawl area, and you can Get the stalwart kanbo of notorious purple arms. In addition, you can also get some common chest that can give you different random items.
In addition, the legendary chest in Takgi Coofone can give you Death Bloom Legendary Tipo with immediate reloaded engraving. As the name suggests, the painting extensively reduces your tipo relocation time, which makes it a much better weapon to use.

The shadow of the killer’s profession – how to romance or recruit the genius
Dear thief Jinnojo Hassan’s profession is one of the romance options of Novo in the shadow, but you will need to make the right choice to get his interest