How To Find All Kanegasaki Castle Daisho In Assassin’s Creed Shadows

by pokogame

In another fortress The killer’s profession shadow Kangasaki is another set of Samara Dishu to hunt and defeat the legendary chest of Castle. If you have completed some other fortresses in the shadow of Haasan’s profession, you are aware of this formula: defeat some dashes, claim the legendary chest, and maybe synchronization point.


Shadow of the killer’s profession – Yamazaki Castle Exploration Guide

Five Samara Dishu Guard or Mamazaki Castle Treasury.

Bursting at the front door of a palace because Yasuk’s straightforward is straight and it involves fighting its way throughout the area, possibly desired in the process. However, we will guide you as a NAOE in this area so that you can quietly focus on killing four semolina dashes and living in a shaky style.

Where is Kangasaki Castle?

You will find Kangasaki Castle In the northern part of Wakasa, Along the coast To the northeast of Sotomo Gate.

The palace is the nearest Fast Travel Point in addition to one Tasuroga Kakoriga In the south

How to find and kill the first Samurai Dishu

Refer to the palace from the south And note the scaffolds more up to the top The northwestern side of the hill – This is your internal path.

Measure the sarcasm And immediately deal with the guard with the guard to avoid detection.

Run in the guard tower and deal with this enemy, then scan the area for a better view of the palace.

Will find you First Samara Dashu I straight from the Guard Tower Southeast courtyard.

Unfortunately, this courtyard is full of guards, so you will need to rush to remove the Samara Dishu. To kill the silent On the first Samurai Dishu, go around in the opposite direction of the courtyard Stay directly on the semorrhage dashu.

Engage with the nearest guards with one Shinobi Bell, kill Dishu, then escape On the roofs

How to find and kill another Samurai Dishu

After defeating the first Samurai Dishu, use this tree to go to the northern part of the palace, where more enemies and looting are waiting.

Here, kill the first guard near the bushes, then cross the second courtyard.

After cleaning this courtyard, scales and then scales the tower and moved forward to the northwest in the next area, and killed the guard in the upper part to take it around.

You will see The second samra dashu Ignoring the southwestern part of the palace stands along an edge.

This dashu is surrounded by six guards: There are two rotating behind it, two practice in front of their bow and arrows, patrol between one, and one ignoring them all.

Kill enemies with this order (ignore people in front) to easily kill another dashu quietly:

  1. Before, Kill the watch watching the scene, Close to the tower

  2. Next, climbing above Structure in the middle.

  3. Wait To move toward the patrolling guard Return From the front
  4. When the patrolling guard happens Under the structure, kill Second Samara Dishu.

With the death of the other seamorous dashes, stay away from the edge to avoid the archery that practiced you see.

If archery looks at the body and investigates, wait for each of them to be investigated, remove them from one time.

How to find and kill the third Samurai Dishu

From here, in the middle, backing behind the structure, the patrolling guard, including the other dashu and ignoring the front enemies.

You will find the third Samrah Dishu In the same courtyard, A little north, At the beginning of a bridge to the upper north of the palace.

There is a guard in the tower from the third Samurai Dishu, but fortunately, he looks the opposite, while two guards are busy talking in the opposite corner near Dishu. All the time, the middle guard is still patrolling.

This puzzle solution is much easier than that but need careful time.

  1. Lift the position on the roof of the house Nearly where both guards are talking in the corner.
  2. From here, wait For patrol guards to go back to Archives.
  3. When the guard is away, Jump killed the third Samara Dishu, And run across the bridge in the next area.

How to find the fourth Samurai Dishu and kill them

After the third dashu, cross the bridge immediately after that Measure the scaffolds in the northeast.

Take care of killing each guard quietly until you cross them until you reach the northeastern courtyard where you will need to kill the first guard you near, then examine the scene.

The fourth and last Samrah dashu Directly in front of you The northern border of this courtyard.

Lucky for you, the sole guards around you are from Dishu and are facing the other direction, while two more are inside the house.

Take your time and quietly Jump Kill the fourth Samurai dashu when he stands along the street Between the wall of the house and the courtyard.

What a reward do you receive from Kangasaki Castle?

Nao claims that the killer's profession has a prizes for the chest of the Kangasaki Fort in the shadow.

With the defeat of all four of the Samara Dishu, there are more rewards for your attention.

Side loot

There are a few notable pieces of side loot to get when you are roaming in Kangasaki Castle.

  • Additional loot:

    • I Southeast part of the Lower Castle Area, You will find a chest at the Guard Tower where you first entered.

    • On Eastern side of the palace, near the first Samurai Dishu, You will find an open door with a pile of resources that you can smuggle within a small stable. Then, I Direct home from steady, You will find a cosmetic item in it.

    • I First courtyard, once you enter the northern area From the palace, you will find a chest where you killed another guard.

    • I The northeastern courtyard, In the house where you killed the fourth Samurai Dishu, there is a small chest that has been protected by a injured semolina.

    • I The northern courtyard with the point of view, You will find a small shade in which you get a resource bundle that you can smuggle.

    • I Main courtyard In the same building like a legendary chest, you will find a small chest.

    • I The northern area of ​​the central courtyardYou will find a small shade that has open doors and some resources you can smuggle.


Nao claims that prizes of Kangasaki Fort, including Hassan's profession, include Master Archer Headband.

Track with four Samurai Dishu, the track Towards the east courtyard under the mountain in the southeast Where you will find a legendary chest in the house where you killed the fourth dashu, which was protected by two talked enemies.

The chest contains:

  • 3,000 Express

  • A painting

  • Master Archer Headband for Yasuka

From here, you are waiting for you.

Synchronization approach

In the shadow of Haasan in the shadow of Kangasaki Castle.

At the northern tip of the palace, the west side, You will find a huge guard tower on top of which you can measure with the sync approach, and your new fast journey is in Kangasaki Castle.


Shadow of Hassan’s profession – Nagaama Castle Exploration Guide

The legendary award of four Samurai Dishu Guard Nagahama Castle.

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