How To Find The Chest In Path Of Secrets In AC Shadows

by pokogame

There are different activities scattered around the map The killer’s profession shadowAnd you can easily identify them with their orange icon. Most of these activities require you to go to a particular location and interact with something or enter a particular place.


Shadow of the killers: Every main character and his voice actor

Every VA gives it all in it.

Hidden trails are the only activities you don’t ask for something specific because you just have to walk on a path, which usually leads to another point of interest. The path of secrets is one of these hidden trails, and here you can defeat it.

The path of the secrets

The murder of the killers on the map

Before starting your journey on the path of secrets, you have to find it first Going to the province of Yamato in the Shadow of the killer’s profession. You can see the Asoka Rocks Basin in the western part of the province, which has areas of Katsurgi in the northwest.

From Katsurgi Kakoriga in this area, You are going to a small road southwestern direction. This road will lead you directly to this route. It is recommended not to try to do this in the night or in the winter season because the trail turns hidden.

You want to go with Naoe on these routes because theyThere are a little ropes and small gaps to go to him.

How to beat the path of secrets

The murderers' beliefs enter the way of secrets

After being on the path of secrets, you can go to the broken bridge at its location and start your journey on it. Here, you can Swing twice to the other side of the bridge and continue to the left side to the left side. If you fall very little, you can raise your height by pressing the toggle climb/desand button.

Once you go to the left, you will see a small tree branch to your left. On it and then go to the yellow platform on the next treeWhere you can tighten the next bit again. Stand the front wall and you will find a gap that you can squeeze with a lamp.

After passing through this space, jump on the tree and go All the way before going to the walls of a two couple. Keep going to the walls in front of you until you see the other space on the left. You will not need to squeeze this gap, and pass through it, you can jump down on another tree below.

Reach the end of this tree and jump down the bottom Find the last chest from the other side of it.

The route of secrets. Rewards

The murderers' belief in the last chest of shade secrets.

When you arrive at the right chest in the way of secrets, As the chest icon appears on your HUD, the separated audio effect will end. Opening this chest will give you NaOE, 1,000 Exp, and a smear hood for a scientific point.

When you rotate on the map, you can see the recommended level for the way. You can easily do this, even if your level is less than recommended. Further, if your level rises, the route level with your account will increase, which means that The gear you finally meet will be like your current account level.


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