If you decide to go with the turmoil for your main or just damage type Cover keeperYou have enough options. Here are many types of swords that you can craft, some axis, daggers, and even spares and clubs if you want something different, but a sword stands above all: running.

Core Capper: How to Make Folders
Folders are the initial game items you can use in the core keeper. Here, we will fix how to make them.
This legendary sword was created by people from ancient civilization that was basically settled, but time causes its destruction and its pieces are scattered. If you want to operate this weapon in your battles, you will need to find far away.
What is run song?
Run is singing One of several legendary tolls and weaponsAnd this is a sword that plays not only the game More damage And good abilities, but A Unique skill called the trailing Melody.
Trailing chord Creates a damage trail in the direction of the cursor that reaches six tiles Depending on how long it is charged and can target enemies through the walls.
Other legendary weapons such as Phantom Spark, Ron song is also a The process of more complicated crafts More than ordinary weapons, such as A special prescription is requiredAnd Components of three unique crafts Found through some ordinary content as well as research. Overall, it is Six ingredients:
Run pursuitIts prescription
Broken handleA weapon and its first unique material.
Chip bladeAnother unique material.
Clean gemsThe third unique material.
50 iron bars.
10 ancient jewelry.
For Three unique materialsYou will need to find them in Specified scenes or bosses. Iron bars are obtained The iron sharp roar in the furnaceAnd may be luh ore Mining in forgotten ruins If you have at least one toll Mining Power 85 To break Stone blocks they are found.
There are also ancient gems Is easy to findAs they are a Possible drop from each breakable And All kinds of chest In the game, regardless of the scene that they are found Found as an oreAnd something Enemies can leave them Nos, like Most of the Caulings.
How to get Ron Percury
Run is one of the parchment Several special recipesAnd it can be Purchased from a sheets merchant For 2,000 ancient coins, but only After activating the cover And Removed the great wall Blocking three mid -game biomes.
Activation of the cover is done by defeating the first three major owners – film, stare, and malvagaz – Bring their key items into cover and put them in their own sculpturesThen talk to the cover.
If you Don’t be ancient coins Its you, you can Form and sell more coaches Hidden merchant or bearded trader, or along with Dig and sell additional valuables By someone Cross -shaped spots In the land With a shovel.
How to get a broken handle
That The content of three unique crafts Used to make run songs, Broken handle is the easiest and oldest You can get
They have a The opportunity to fall from a large ancient breakable I Forgotten ruinsEspecially if you Is the race of chambers Type and there is More scope for them To spoon, and the hive mother is also a Each time you hit a chance to leave Her.
The broken handle also doubles as a turmoil weapon, and if you get quickly during the detection of a forgotten ruins, it causes a decent upgrade Until you find an iron sword.
There is also one in a broken handle Likely to fall. After hitting Sky Titan from Ezos. There is also a chance Find them in Lock RedAnd at a lower rate in it Regular and ancient chest Found in Some scenes in the desert of EzosSuch as big maze, kavaling farmhouse, or lost camp.
How to get clear gems
There is a clear gambling stone The third unique material Need to make run songs, and it can Just be found in the middle maze scenario. It can spread in both The desert ruins and the desert of EzosWith a Is guaranteed to spinBut a Maximum three in the world Possibly
This scene is made of medium sizes Maze made of unforgivable OBSiden blocks And contains a Dart Trips of Fat StoneA tiles of water you will need blocks or bridges and for a Center Rome with regular chest.
No enemy spreads within medium maze, but Nearest enemies can take you to the maze to reach you and they will visit before you goAnd you can hide when you are on the chest.
When you Arrive at the center Room, you will find Clean the gems stone inside the chestAnd it is too Is guaranteed to have ten ancient gems20 ancient coins, ten iron bars, Five gold barsAn Okarina, and a Remember the idol.
How to get the Chipped Blade
Is the chipped blade The hardest Of the three unique materials to find, as it is Specially found in the temple of the chip cat Perspective
It can do the scene Only spread in the desert of EzosAnd they can be It’s hard to find Their small size and because of Mass size of the desert of EzosWhich also includes a shining frontier sub -biomet.
To Three can spread in every worldAnd you are Is guaranteed to be at least one Somewhere, but you A shining tulip is required To open the door, so you Want to keep one with you When you look.
The easiest way to find them Have to do Find the way Near Ivy toxic moss or azos near Sky Titan, and then start branches from all sides, either use a Lose high mining damage or Slage hammerAs is made of one Octane bars.
Then you can Map of biome boundaries To achieve a limit, and then Go backwards from the region Even you find a flat blade temple. If you go to a considerable extent but don’t meet one, you can just do justice Use a memory Idol to return the teleport to the coreThen back Way Point in the desert of EzosAnd go into one Different directions.
If you do not have a glowing tulip on the hand or forgot a bringing before leaving your base, you can Occasionally get them growing in the deserts of the Ezos.
When you find the Chipped Blade Temple, Catch a sparkle tulip near the door For some seconds Make closed door open. In, you Find two pedestals: A is a Gold crystal necklaceAnd The other has a flatbly blade On it
How to Craft Ron Song
Put them when you have all six ingredients In your inventory And ensure Ron Mercury is in your Hot Bar.
All you need to do is Use as if you are a useable item A to bring A Progressive barAnd when it will end, you will Receive run song.

Core Capper: How to beat Overworth Citon
Omorut is the main boss of the core keeper’s submerged marine biome. You will need extra preparations to defeat this terror deeply.