How To Find The Sakamoto Castle Samurai In AC Shadows

by pokogame

The killer’s profession shadow Open World is full of many things, but most of the time scattered around the world are still beneficial and entertaining challenges. These castles may be difficult and dramatic, but they all make meaningful progress.


The killer’s profession shadow: 10 initial points

Every killer should be ready. Here are the best points and tricks to help you start.

Sakamoto Castle is one of the middle ground palaces, where it is not as difficult as it is, but it is not as easy as it is. Most of the difficulties in this fortress come to this setting, which you talk about in the external and internal parts, you get very few options.

How to find Sakamoto Castle

Sakamoto is Castle In the Ommy regionOn, on, on The southwestern part of the lake widow. It is directly across the West and Ozuchi across the water, and the city is far from a very strong urban area of ​​the city of Sakamoto.

How to enter Sakamoto Castle

Despite being on the coast, there are some admission to Sakomoto Castle.

The easiest ways to enter are water sideWhich is on the east of the palace. Here, you can Use your grip line to climb a rock and crawl on the wall Or remove the clock standing on the ladder. However, there are more ways to enter the palace:

  • You can jump on the wall similarly Towards the northeastWhere there is a rock under the wall.

  • There are there Multiple posts in the northeast That you can use to enter the fort. Keep in mind that they are being protected.

  • Is the one Big scatters on the west That you can climb above the wall and above the wall.

  • Is the one Small wooden pole Staying out of the building on the other side of the ditch To the southwest of the palaceAnd you can jump from the outer wall of the palace.

Where to find every smooth

The profession of Na Haasan is hidden behind the seam in the shadow.

There are there Three Samurai in Sakomoto CastleAnd they are quite isolated from each other.

The first samurai

A Smorati Hassan profession stands in a dark yard in the shadow.

The first Samurai is in it The outer part of the palace, h, close to Armori. Here is a small phase of wood that is built there, and that Samara is at this stage, as well as two other enemies standing in front of it.

The seamori has an explosive vessel that is sitting with it. The blast will give you a good start to eliminate its health, and it will also remove at least one other guards from the other nearest guards.

The second samurai

A seamless night stands with his arms in the shadow of Hassan at night.

The second smooth is almost close Directly to the east of the lastBut I The inner part of the palace walls.. This Samara stands and the guard is watching the train. One of them is also a guard that can begin the fight, so if you want to be safe, take the protector down after any battle.

Third Samurai

Na Hassan's profession stands behind the seam in the shadow.

The third is Samara On the third floor of the main building of the palace. They are equipped with a weapon that has a lot of leases, and although it may not be an out -of -problem, it is something that has to be kept in mind if you decide to take this seam in a straightforward fight.

Where to find the legendary chest

A legendary chest is sitting in an empty room in the shadow of the killer.

The legendary chest for Sakamoto Castle can be opened once when you took care of all Samara, and is Found in the same room like the third Samara. This legendary chest The ship’s captain’s gear for Yasuka containsWhich gives you 50 % of the opportunity to ignore the upcoming range attacks.

Smuggler resources

Smuggler resources in a small building in the killer's profession.

Is a closed building Directly to the south of the main palace with smugglers’ resources for your hideout; There are a number of guards who roam the castle along the keys, but in front of the building the guard patrolling should be one, and it will be the easiest of closeness.

The north of the central palace building is another building of the same kind. It is a single lock, but it can be opened with the same key. It doesn’t matter where you get your key for Sakamoto Castle, you will be able to enter any locked area.


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