How To Get A Pouch Workbench In Core Keeper

by pokogame

When you look for a vast underground world Cover keeperYou are about to reach all kinds of items. Weapons, coaches, blocks, crops, seeds, different materials, insects, fish, furniture, and many other.


Core Capper: How to get wool

Need some wool for your next coach’s pieces? Time to find beautiful and itching bambak.

Certainly, you will have a ton of breasts to store things, but still, your inventory will inevitably be filled, and you will need to make another trip back to your base. If you want to increase your inventory and keep it organized without needing a new bag, many pouches can provide you with considerable support.

What are pouches?

Player inventory, which shows four rows of pouches inventory, each has different items in the core keeper.

Pouches are special items that Add additional slots to your inventory It can only be Filled with specific itemsWith, with Four varieties To be their Your own set of pouches:

  • FishWho get brown inventory slots.
  • Seeds and plantsWho get green inventory slots.
  • OutstandingWho get the inventory slot of the Manjata color.
  • Blocks and oreWho get brown inventory slots.

They need to be Stash quickly from your inventory or hot bar Like if you were equipped with the coach, and then, you would have Either five, eight, or ten additional inventory slotsDepending on The pouch status.

You are not limited to using a pouch category. You can The same pouch is tire and category equipped, and the sole range is a total of four pouches the total.

Now, when To get something for fitting in these four typesThose items will be automatically Go to the first pouch slotAnd be separated from your central inventory Unless the pouch is out of slots.

How to Craft Poes

The role of the player is buying a pouch work bench from a bearded merchant in the core keeper.

Can lower and middle -level pouches Just be developed in the pouch work benchAnd get one you’l, you will need Beat the boss firstAfter defeating, makrooh mass A bearded merchant will be issued From their jail, and become Is available to buy goods from.

You can Bearded merchants like the NPC move with you in the appropriate room and move to your home. At least four by four tile size and at least one bed.

Open their shop inventory, and they will already be Sell ​​the Pouch Work Bench for 100 ancient coinsWhich can be obtained by which Selling anything in the game For them, except blocks, breaking wooden boxes, or Open the breasts of the treasury.

Keep the pouch work bench anywhere, and you Place the recipes Already open for small pouches and medium pouches.

All the small pouch

The role of the player in the pouch work bench is preparing to make a small ore and block pouch in the core keeper.


Materials needed

Slot added

Conducted Items

How to get crafts content

Little valuable pouch

Fiber x3

Copper Bar X2

5 slots

Any valuable goods

The fiber can be obtained from harbing plants, fishing in any type of water, defeating cavalings, breaking large crates, opening regularly or larvae hive, or saving any kind of coach.

Small block and ore pouch

Any blocks or ore.

Small seeds and pitches of crop

Seeds and increased crops.

Copper bars can be obtained by smelling copper ore in the furnace. Copper ore can be heard in underground, clay caves, or forgotten ruins.

The little fish pillow

Any fish

All medium pouch

A pouch work bench has to prepare medium seeds and crop pitches in the player character core keeper.


Materials needed

Slot added

Conducted Items

How to get crafts content

Medium valuable pouch

Fiber X6

Iron Bar X4

Gold Bar X1

8 slots

Any valuable goods

The fiber can be achieved by harbing plants harvesting, defeating kiwings, breaking large crates, opening regular or larvae hive breasts, or saving any kind of coach.

Iron bars can be obtained by smelling an iron ore in the furnace. The iron ore can be mined in the forgotten ruins, or by defeating the kiwings, breaking the ancient crates, and a potential reduction from the mother of the hive.

Medium block and ore pouch

Any blocks or ore.

Medium seeds and crop pitches

No seeds or crops.

Medium Fish Pouch

Any fish

How to get large pouches

Player as a drop by Ezos the Sky Titan in the core keeper who has a large valuable pouch.

Are big pouches The last level of the pouchesAnd provide The highest number of slots in tenBut they Could not be prepared. Instead, you will need Find them while searching Out in the world, and Type can be found on A Different location or method.


How to get

Big valuable pouch

Breaking large metropolis crates in the Furron Metropolis Sub -Baome in the submerged sea.

A possible drop by defeating Ezos Sky Titan or awakened Ezos.

Open ancient cheeses or Titan’s breasts in non -serious metropolis sub -biomy.

Large block and ore pouch

Breaking large charder crates in a sub -biome of molten mines in the beginning desert.

Potential drop by defeating the molten large -scale agencies.

Open the soliding breasts in molten ears.

Large seeds and crop pitches

Breaking large flowers’ large pots in the deserts of Ezos.

A possible reduction by defeating Dravidra to Wild Titan.

A possible lack of defeating a special Floorkada enemy in a scada bro in the deserts of Ezos.

Big fish pitches

Fishing in ordinary water or seawater in the submerged sea.

A possible reduction from defeating Atlantin insects in a submerged sea.


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