Infinity Nikki It allows them to prepare many terrifying organizations without spending cash. However, you need to cultivate the material for them, which requires a little work and patience. Especially the mask wings are easy to remember.

Infinity Nikki: Queen Felomia’s palace ruins the duration of the basement
Avoid the risks of the Queen’s oppression and the basement.
You will find these insects hidden under the fruits they are taking to their homes. Grab them all in the middle of their efforts and hard work. Although you can collect many fruits from chronous trees, you can only catch some mask wings and then you will need to wait for the server reset every day.
How to find mask wings
Mask wings make their bills Close to Chrono tree in the forest desire. You will find close to three of them near each tree, and they will be busy carrying the fruits of civil fruits and darkness into their bills.
Wishing forest is open during the main chapter of the main game.
To catch them, you Need to collect fruit first That they are taking. Once you do this, the insects will go away, but they will not disappear. Then you can catch them To lay your bug catching dress.
If they have already reached their bill you will See a new fruit falling from the tree, and a mask wing will spread Take it to your destination.
Once you have collected all the mask wings found under the same tree, they will not be again, even if you shake the tree to leave more fruit on the ground.
How to use mask wings
Mask wings are rare collective Craft organizations and rare pieces using sketches That you will be gathering on your journey in Milanda.
You can craft Rose buddy and batting plus rare pieces Using mask wings. To move forward through the story, you also need them to make a miracle organization.

Infinity Nikki: Lonely Song in Quest Walk Throw
A promise can exceed time and space.