How to get
Encyclopedia feat
Box of frogs
Discover half the frogs in the Encyclopedia.
You will need to raise new tedges permanently to log in to new types of frogs to your encyclopedia. The frog entries you have not yet discovered indicate what you need in them.
Discover all the frogs in the Encyclopedia.
This is only for the basic 24 for the frog species. Login their variations is their own success.
The spice of life
Discover half variations in the Encyclopedia.
After discovering the basic version of the frog, you can move forward to make two different shapes to each species, in 48 total variations, and in 48 total variations. Login 28 to achieve this success.
Genetic expert
Discover all types of encyclopedia.
This requires learning the truth about Midbourne.
Filled on the flowers
Discover half of the mushrooms in the Encyclopedia.
Mushrooms grow in all kinds of variable conditions, which are indicated on their encyclopedia before you log them. You will need to focus on the world, daytime and climatic conditions to find a unique kind of mushrooms.
Discover all mushrooms in the Encyclopedia.
There are 24 types of mushrooms in Midbourne, but some of them are limited to maps of the middle game that you unlock by following the story. By unlocking them all, you will be able to create every form of magic mud to use in breeding projects!
Big Hunter
Discover half of critics in the Encyclopedia.
This success tracks the insects you’ve caught. You will need to find the bug again and they will need to eat themselves again.
Discover all critics in the Encyclopedia.
Looking for each map to log in to each critic, you will turn away each of them between the worlds of waking and dreaming. The more developed your tediples, the more they will ask for different flavors.
Flower baby
Discover all kinds of flowers.
There are flowers in the world of waking and dreaming, as well as the gateway alliance.
Trash of a frog
Find a shiny thing.
This gateway can be found in the nexus around the nexus.
Another frog’s treasure
Find all the shiny things.
Environmental feat
Central expert
Taste the taste of each of the seven flavors.
The seven flavors of insects in Midbourne are bitter, salty, sarcastic, spicy, thin, sweet and unhealthy. You will need to personally sample a problem of every taste.
Hop, leave, and a jump
Seek the chest of the submerged treasury.
First of all, what you are seeing will probably be on the kind of kindergarten map.
Cleaning Duty
Clean some of the ponds from the ponds.
When you are looking for a spinning pool, you will see that there is plenty of alkaline pushing your path. You will need to remove it in these new areas.
Combination of forces
Make your first hybrid mushrooms.
What is my goal?
Make a species of mushrooms that have no effect.
The mushrooms you make can not change a single thing about the frog’s character when used in magic mud.
Extract a flood room.
To do this as part of the story, follow the Commandium Guide through the Dowan The Drain Bob.
Free it
Melt the frog stuck in the snow.
To warm the area, bring a frog with a high ceiling estate and place it in a heater near the frozen frog.
Fast food
Eat 50 insects on the faster.
This is the best when you find large crowds of insects. After eliminating the last problem in the group, they work very fast, but for safety you, you want to find two Big Spoon locations together to make this success pop. A large number appear on your head to inform you of your current scroll.
1 UP
Edit every trait of frogs using the same magic mud.
You will need to balance your mushroom powders very carefully to achieve this midbourne success, which cannot happen unless you have access to better caledron later in the story.
Big fan
Discover every frog plush.
Is doing my part
Recover many trees.
When you cut down the trees, you will find a lot of Akurin to recover what you have been destroyed. It also allows a degree of landscape freedom, as you can lift the trees where you see fit.