Zenobelaud Chronicles X: Exactly Edition There are several new additions and adaptations to separate itself from the Wii U original as the “final” version of this title. From quality of life changes to new areas, it feels like a new game. However, one of the most important changes that brings it to the table is a new scale model: hreesvelg.

Zenobelaud Chronicles X: Final Edition – 10 best members of the party to use
If you want the best chances of living on me, bring something best in your party.
However, unlike other scales, it is not available in the shop from the beginning. This is open after completing a specific commitment to the mission. This guide will detail how to access the mission of this commitment, how to complete it, and the unique features of this new scale model.
Terms of struggle for commitment
The search for a question, “New Scale on the Block,” is just three requirements that are able to start the struggle. First, player Chapter 6 of the main story titled “Dark Matters” has to be completed. This mission involves going to a deserted part of Naktlum to get you, Elma, Lin, and Lao to get the Allen match device. You are just limited to using these characters, so be prepared before taking it.
Once you work with it, the player Must have obtained their scale license By completing the “Scale License” Quest, which includes completing eight different tasks for eight different blade divisions. When completing these questions, the player will also get a free scale.
Last, player Must have at least 24 levels to accept the struggleQuest’s recommended level with 25 levels. There is also a suggestion of 25 in search of your scale license, so if you complete this struggle with some problems, you will already be at the desired level.
New Scale on the block
On accepting the pursuit of commitment, Commander Wandham will approach you inside the bladder barracks to present you with a special mission: Find and save a lost scale for Grenada GG, arms manufacturer. He tells you that his last place was in the Lake Seal in Slovum. When you arrive at the Lake Cile, a kitchen will start to show the missing scale from the enemies, only for him he will be shot and defended.
Of course, you decide to save and save the day, ie you have to do Beat the raiders by chasing them. Once these three suffer a defeat, the missing scale pilot gets out of the vehicle, and takes off his helmet to reveal himself Liesl, a fast, pink -haired girl who serves as a test pilot for Grenada GG.
Unfortunately, the scale that was running, Harcelug, needs repair to return to the new Los Angeles. Liesel requires two different materials to patch its hollow: Molted refrigeration and Salvin Tree SAP. The former is located To the southwest of the Lake SeylWhile the latter is located on The east coast of the same lake.
Once you get these content, go back to Li Liel to continue the struggle. After his scale repair was completed, Lisel returned to New Los Angeles, and invited you and your party to meet his back in the outfitter test hanger. Once you meet her, she will introduce you to her best friend Elvisia, who has been Design and work on the Harcelug Scale design over the years.
Due to the Lisel crash during the Harcelug Test run, his boss Granada GG violated both Liel and Elisia, while forced the player to see for some reason. Once the group gets out of the hanger, Lisel advised Moving toward an excellent search location found in Western Premardia.
The point of view that is mentioned is located in the Badick Hold Opproach Area in Premordia. To arrive there, Move toward the historical sign of Greater Gemini Bridge, cross the bridge to the west, and then refer to Quest Marker. From there, jump the mountain straight, as Liesel does in Katsin, and you will arrive on the spot.
After an emotional conversation between you, Liesz and Elissia, you may have completed this struggle, Unlocking Haraswilg as a purchase scale in Armori Eli, as well as unlocking Lisel as a playable party member of the game, With its unique coach set.
Which makes the herasolig unique?
In addition to the unique design of the Harcelug Scale, the main difference between her and every other scale in the game is that You cannot change or replace any of its goods. However, to meet the lack of customization options, Haris is Welg Are equipped with several unique weapons that may not be obtained anywhere else or used on another scale.
We found this scale model Is very useful for Buying and assigning party members because it requires very little investment In terms of buying and equipped weapons and coaches. Once you buy a scale, you just need that. If you are trying to train party members that you do not use often, Haraselig is a good way to give them some guaranteed firepower.
With the strength of Liel and its Hercelug, it would be more and more manageable to ensure the survival of the human race, fighting the wild and dangerous lifes of wild and dangerous lifespoints across me.

Zenobolad Chronicles X: Exact
Here is every major upgrade that you will find in the final edition of Zenoblade Chronicles X: