How To Get The Mystic Illusion Earrings In Infinity Nikki

by pokogame

I Infinity NikkiThe possibilities are unlimited how you can spend your days. Whether you want to decorate Nikki in extreme fashionable clothes or the Sour score of the best handicraft material, only you can decide! As you enter the Eri season, you will have more questions to complete.


Infinity Nikki: Queens Lamont Event Guide

Celebrate the weather in the style!

The ghosts are running around the ruins of the palace, and only Nikki can face his fears to fight them and reach the bottom of the mystery around the ancient palace. You need to know everything to help the ghosts revolving around the palace ruins in the infinity Nikki and rotating around the ruins of the palace in the infinity naked.

How to unlock the struggle of the bench of the whisper

  • Before you can do Unlock the bench of the whisper Quest, you will need Complete Photo Investigation with Divinso At the border gate in the field of high grass. She needs to help you Detect all three ghosts In the picture, and they can be Found in a line as well as windows With a third Hidden in the bushes After on the side Looking for three ghostsDivino will tell you a legend about the ruins of the Queen’s palace, indicating The struggle for the bench of the whisper To start. You will need Go north from the border To reach the ruins of the palace.

  • The three ghosts wandered in a picture.


Where to find a whisper bench

In the ruins of the Queen’s Palace, Make Waylin Square Way Head along the stairs at the door Giant Vallen sculptureThen take a seat One of the benches at night. Someone will do, so make your choice!

The statue of Vallen in the courtyard through the High Tower is not what you are looking for. The correct statue is more north.

After sitting on the bench, Ghost Sentinel will appear. He is looking for someone’s help, because he is a ghost and cannot communicate with the material world.

How to get a famous feather

Especially the ghost cennil A famous feather is required Repairing a valuable sample for a friend. Thankfully, there are plenty of these black birds around the ruins.

There are some who would like Appear with the gastinal centelBut when they shocked, they fly. Move them slowly to the groom!

If you are already Have a feather In your bag, you can hand it over. Otherwise, Comb through the ruins To find a celebrity and Refer to them with caution. Use animal manufacturer clothing Recover the featherThen bring it to the censorship.

Ghost will thank you Help him in repairing the valuable brochic brochic head Percy And reward you with a sketch for a couple of delicate earrings. Now you can Craft mystical illusion’s earrings To wear and end the struggle.


Infinity Nikki: The whole moon and the true Quest walk.

This is the way to complete the entire moon and the quest for truth in the infinity of Nikki!

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