How to play Dead Rails on Roblox

by pokogame

I Dead railsYour goal is to run a train in the Zombie -affected desert to reach Mexico, where a treatment has been discovered. If you are new to the game, see this early guide to better understand how to play how to play Dead rails On Roblox.

How to start dead rails on Roblox

How to play Dead Rails on Roblox
Find and sell gold. Screenshot by DotSports

After loading Roblox Experience, Jump toward the front platform in front of you Start a run. You will not be able to choose a class or buy anything in the initial area without bonds (which you will not yet find unless you are planning to buy them from the bank with robxes).

When you first enter the run, you will join a safe zone in which the train and the gold bar will be placed in front of the sale table. A yellow arrow will indicate the location of the gold bar, as well as “drag the gold bar to the table (0/1).” Selling a gold bar will give you $ 50, after which you are instructed to buy coal for $ 20 at the general store.

There are also newspapers that you can find outside the general store. Make your sack (Hotber No. 1) and press f When shaving to store a newspaper from the inside. This is the case for storing anything in the game.

Buy a gun in dead trains.
I will advise the gun. Screenshot by DotSports

You may have started your run with $ 20 and get $ 50 more from gold, so you should have a total of $ 70. Now you can either buy three coals for $ 20 from the general store, or you can buy a coal, a revolver, and an additional round of ammunition (the latter is available on the left side of the general store with two gangs).

Pro -tip: Wait at night in the first secure zone Because the zombies and the Verovilovs will literally die when they spread there. After three nights, I managed to fill my train’s fuel tank with bodies and was able to wait to do so. However, you can only wait for two or three virolph/zombie bodies for just one night.

About the dead rails on Roblox you need everything

What are the safe zones used?

Safe zones do such a thing In the rest of the areas where zombies and other risks may not enter.

They are important To reuseFor, for, for,. Sale looted.And prepare for the next part of your journey. There is always a store in the safe zone where you can buy coal, ammunition and other essential goods. It is recommended to reach a safe zone before night to avoid unnecessary risks. It is difficult to avoid night in the desert forests, and if you do not have the right reservations, you will find yourself dying quickly.

How to defend your train

It is very important to defend yourself and your train. Instead of being used as newspapers, fuel, the enemies can be kept straight to the door at the entrance to the train with a small space. Another modern setup can use newspapers for a solid barracks, sheet metals to cover windows, and barbed wire for extra defense.

How to fight and loot

Snake oil in dead trains.
Get your snake oil! Screenshot by DotSports

If you buy a gun, you The best source of income Is fighting illegal. $ 35 per out grant to kill an illegal and bring them to the sheriff’s office. Outlaws camps have valuables and weapons, which make them a danger.

Sheriff’s offices and guns are the best places to find weapons and ammunition, while the doctor’s offices provide bandages and snake oils for healing or sale. Outlook effectively fighting, with a small group removing a small group, should be enough to have a revolver round of close to 30 30.

You must Lace Your arms stick from your hot bar And to use them, and then just Left click Your mouse to fire a gun or hit an enemy with a two -sided weapon.

How to live the night

If you find yourself trapped at night, Hid in an empty house And withholding it with newspapers, sheet metal and other large items is the safest approach. This ensures that zombies and other creatures cannot easily come to you.

What to do in towns

Full fuel in dead trains.
Coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Screenshot by DotSports

Cities are guaranteed to spread between safe areas at a distance of 0-10 km. The first city is often dangerous, but Later provides the city Valuable. Banks also have bonds along with gold and silver bars. Banker Zombie gives you a Walt code so you can get even better rewards.

Churches always have at least one crucified or sacred water, which can be sold in extra cash. Furniture stores provide fuel, while mines contain coal, which is the best game fuel.

How to raid the towns

For a successful raid, it is recommended to have a rifle with at least 40 rounds. Small and medium cities are manageable, but big cities are very dangerous. One useful strategy is to attract zombie using a horse before raiding, but caution is needed, as the banker zombie can join them.

How to get a horse

A black horse in the dead trains.
Giddy UP! Screenshot by DotSports

Horses are a valuable asset Dead railsAllowing fast travel and strategies while fighting zombies or out -of -loose. They can be Found in warehouses Or Cried in the wild By riding and hipping them. You can also store them in your sack, which I find very strange. Zen horses can allow more movements and can help to avoid risk more effectively. Horse raids also provide an effective means of removing the zombie from key locations.

Important checkpoints in dead rails on Roblox

A town in the dead trains.
Screenshot by a town dotc

In addition to targeting different cities, there are four raidable buildings you should be aware of Dead rails.

Fort Constitution (20-30 km/50-60 km)

LOO to prepare this area, you should be one Rifle With at least 90 rounds and Snake oil For healing. Inside it, you will face the soldier Zombie and Captain Pritkat, which costs $ 150. The fort includes powerful weapons, healing items and six bonds.

Tesla Lab (20-30 km/50-60 km)

In the Tesla lab, you will face scientist zombie, who regularly behave like zombies. For this raid, Nicola Tesla’s body needs to be collected using virolf parts, which triggers stormy weather when activating. The central loot includes bonds and electronic weapons, which can only be reloaded during the storms.

Castle (40 km)

The palace is located 40 km near the secure zone. It consists of a large number of wolves and Peshawar. Players complete the castle raid to get Vampire knife. The vampire knife has a special ability that allows it to eliminate a certain amount of health, but it does not defend everything in the palace, so be prepared with a large reservoir of snake oils. Try to use Molotovs To clean the area quickly.

70 km outpost

A good method of avoiding 80 km checkpoints is to prepare 70 km at the checkpoint. Strengthen your train With barbed wire, sheet metal, and tower, Fill your fuel reservesAnd instead of defending the night at night, leave around 10pm to reach the next checkpoint.

80 km outpost

The defeat of out -of -loose and sharp zombie in this area is relatively easy to ease, so it is mostly about how well you have developed. If you have lack of goods, you can Loot houses I Out La Base To find additional ammunition and weapons. As alternatives, you can Hide on the bridge (Although they can patch it in the future).

How to get bonds in dead rails on Roblox

Buying bonds in dead trains.
I’m not doing this. Screenshot by DotSports

Bonds are an essential currency Dead railsEnable players to buy valuables, gear, and unlock classes. How to get bonds during your trip here is an error:

1) Complete a run

Successfully completing a run will give you 10 bonds. This award encourages you to make it through raids and purposes, preparing tough challenges.

2) full challenges

Throughout your run, you can complete the challenges on the Challenge Board to get extra bonds. Depending on the challenge problem, you can earn up to 30 bonds per task.

3) Looting towns and buildings

Bonds are often hidden in large buildings such as banks, sheriff offices and doctor’s stores. The more the population (especially major cities or cities) is more likely to find population bonds. Some specific loot locations include:

4) raided on the palace

Castle, located about 40 km marks, is full of loot, which includes 15 bonds per run. Cleaning dangerous wolves and Pashtuns will reward you for a lot of looting, so if you are ready for it, it is worth the challenge.

5) discover

Although bonds are rare in other buildings outside large places, they can still appear as random drops. Keep an eye on the map detection, especially in places such as outlook bases and small cities.

6 WeE Roboxes

In the lobby, there is a Bank Where you can buy bonds using robxes. Prices depend on how many bonds you want:

  • 5 Bonds = 49 Robox
  • 10 Bonds = 79 Robox
  • 20 Bonds = 129 Robox
  • 50 Bonds = 199 Robox

Best classes for early people in dead rails on Roblox

Choosing classes on dead trains.
Yes… Hao…? Screenshot by DotSports

Resume Dead rails There may be a difficult experience, especially if you are playing solo. Although the team play is generally recommended, some classes are good for solo players, who offer a more manageable start. Once you have bonds and can choose class, here are some of the best classes for the early people:


Great for fireworks Quickly cleansing areas. This is the class The most efficient in small cities Where you can use molotov to effectively clean the zombies. By making a pair with a horse, you can ride around the city, taking the zombies to clusters before tossing Molotov out.


Cowboy class is an excellent option The player of the early game. Equipped with a revolver, two ammunition and one horse, you will have the need to avoid night and deal with the risks. It is very important to have a horse to avoid enemies, especially in the mid -and -late games of Blood Moon.


If you prefer health and speed, the doctor’s class is ideal. This is the class Is perfect for quickly looting and raids When things get tightened. With healing abilities and rapid motion, the doctor can ensure that you survive longer during the precious looting. If you want to form a group with other players later, this is an excellent class to learn.

High roller

If you want to raise solid cash from the beginningThere is a way to go to the high roller class. You will start with more currency, which may be used to buy gear and supply before your first raid. This class is an option for players who want to start smooth for their race.

Once you get the game’s execution, consider joining the squad through it Dead rails Discover server for team -based experience. Although solo play is possible, keeping a group can help you clear tough challenges and unlock more rewards.

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