How to play The Demon’s Hand

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How to play The Demon’s Hand

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Specializes in the Demon Hand Money Game in the League of Legends.

If you are fans of deck builders UpperYou will feel fine at home with new League of Legends The mini game, the devil’s hand. Use your deck, equip your style of powerful smuggled, and fight enemy competitions with limited resources. Demon’s Hand Money Game Playing All You need to know League of Legends.

Demon’s hand mini -game explained

Demon’s Hand Money Game is a limited time mini game that will be available for the next 40 days, as well as some special rewards for it. League of Legends Countries

Your deck

You play using a standard deck of 52 cards. Anyone familiar with the cards will know the format. You are looking at four suits (moon, fire, sun, rock) with 13 cards. There are 10 standard cards, and then there are 10 non -counting cards called command cards. It is basically your deck’s joker, Queen, King, and Akka and their number is 11, 12, 13 and 14.

Total 52 cards with League of Legends Demon's Hand Moneygim Deck Review
Your full deck. Screenshot by DotSports


The fighting faces an enemy unit, which has a fixed amount of health, the cost of the attack, the attack timer, and a unique effect. You can deal with the loss of the number on your card and you can deal with the damage to the bonus using a combination of cards. Your goal is to bring the enemy’s health to zero. Pay attention to the turn timer to the left, indicating how many turns you are before the enemy attacks. Unique effects are different, such as disabling smuggles and resisting some cards. You can examine these unique effects by shaping the enemy.

League of Legends Demon Hand Managim with Fighter for Health, Attack, Turn Counter
Compete against powerful enemies. Screenshot by DotSports


If you want to increase the number of high loss rapidly, you need to learn and use many powerful combinations available. Instead of just one card, you can choose multiple cards, and if you create a combination, you also get some bonus loss with the amount of numbers on all the cards you select. For example, a two 10s dried collection causes you 20+10+10 damage. If you are close to a combination but do not have the same card, you can try to waste your unnecessary cards in the hope of drawing useful tasks. Here is a list of all combinations:

SoloA cardCard costs plus 10 base loss.
DriverTwo cards with matching numbersIn addition to 20 base loss, card values.
DRIDE SETTwo pairs of drivesCard values ​​in addition to 40 base loss.
TrioThree cards with matching numbersIn addition to 80 base loss, card values.
TetradFour cards with matching numbersIn addition to 400 base loss, card values.
MarchSequence of five cards such as (six, seven, eight, nine, ten)Card values ​​in addition to 100 base loss.
HardFive cards with the same suit (sun, moon, rock, fire)In addition to 125 base loss, card values.
Grand War HostA tride and a dried175 Base damage plus card values.
Marching hardFive cards in the sequence sequence of the same suitCard values ​​in addition to 600 base loss.
The devil’s handThe highest price of five cards in one suit. (10, Joker, King, Queen, Akka)2000 base loss plus card values
League of Legends Demon's Hand Managim Marching Hard 600 Damage Collection
Take off attacks for powerful combinations. Screenshot by DotSports

Note that even if you choose more than one card, if you do not create a combination, only the highest price card will be counted in the attack. For example, without the selection of cards One, Four, Five, Six, and Nave, a matching suit will result in the loss of the first four and only nine cards will be attacked. This can be useful when the waste is over.


There is a way to change your hand by getting rid of five selected cards and then pulling the same amount of money. You are allowed to have three discussions in each collision, but some models, such as enemy editors or sigials, can change it. Use wisely to try and configure the combination.


At the beginning of your devil’s hand game, you will have a fixed amount of 100 health. You do not naturally recover health after the fight. The only way to recover health is through some defensive smuggles or by making the tent to the rest of the maps around the map. Here you will restore 40 % of your lost health.

Map of the Hand Managim of the League of Legends Demon with the remaining node for recovery of health
Some rest and recovery. Screenshot by DotSports


You have six smuggled slots and a total of 73 smugglers in the devil’s hand game. There are five types of cigel:

  • Loss – 43
  • Defense – 5
  • Usefulness – 13
  • Economy – 5
  • Other – 7
League of Legends Demon's Hand Suggled Shop and Six Sugs
Sigle orders your play style. Screenshot by DotSports

To get Sigel You You will have to buy them using gold from the nodes of the shops on the maps marked with coins. You can also sell your existing smugglers but they will sell only two gold. Initially, only 49 of them will be available, with 24 locks. Make sure to prefer the poverful, powerful damage cigarettes of early individuals trying to clear the story mood.

Critical opportunity

Another important state that you need to know is an important opportunity to strike. It is an opportunity to draw an important card card. Critical cards have a purple brightness, which increases your total loss number +25 % at the end of the calculation.

League of Legends Damon's Hand Managim Card Opportunity Strike Opportunity and Purple
Stack the destructive damage. Screenshot by DotSports

Stacking several delicate cards in major combination attacks can cause you a ton of damage, so you should not reduce them. You can increase your critical opportunity by defeating the enemies of the elite through Sigelus or the elite, the optional extra strong enemy who gives a permanent important opportunity bonus.

Just so much you need to know about the mini game of Demon’s hand League of Legends.

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