How To Play The Laughing Jasper Flint Commander In Deck Magic: The Gathering

by pokogame

Laughing Jasper Flint first released Magic: gathering The thunder junction set is one of the best commanders if you want to make a deck around the out -lose. This rockus (Black/Red) commander offers a hybrid type of play style, which is half of it illegally, and the other half is theft deck.


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The laughing jasper Flint’s game is not the same, because what you can play depends on what your opponents are playing. Technically, it can also be a mill deck if you have enough out -of -leo. This is a diverse deck, so if you like to play unexpected results and your opponents’ cards, laughing Jasper Flint is best for you.

Deck list

In the background, MTG Hill with Art Card with Art.

Commander: Laughing Jasper Flint

Mental Stellar Dragon

Chard Gurorobber

Persian Minor

Farah heart looted

Gaisa, Halerizer

Lords of luxury, luxury

Got, Knight Minister

Fixer of gray water

Hot Rental

Halespur Bruit

Halespur Pose Boss

Kellog, dangerous brain

Magda, Hard Master

Mari, murder quail

Morbed opportunist

Killer Red Cap

Nizomy Link Breakers

Party thresher

The enthusiasm looted

Plax and Nassari

Powder ginger


Prosperous, tum binding


The royal killer

Geo, Scores Scores

Thief works

Woodmer, new blood


Wild magic wizards

Back to the city

The traumatic act

The surprise of Sogur

Toxic flood

Large score

Warp of chaos

The deadly dispute

Inflammatory robbery


Arcan Signet

The storage of robbers

Waste board

Charcoal diamond

The circle of commander

Felor stone

Fire diamond

Headron archive

Brain stone

Rocks Signet

Civil color

Eden staff, Walt key


On the Nafispoint

Bitter blossom

Black market contacts

Bramestone round up

Luketh van’s court

Clever rhetoric

Descended in Evensus

Careful retreat

Gobelin bombing

Passionate archeology

Monster staff

Stolen strategies

Black Kali Cliffs

Castle Lokhwan van

The command tower

Dragoncol Summit

A foreign garden

Phantom Ridge

Jigd Barns

X10 mountain

Mount Dome

Smoke marsh

Sulfur fountains

X12 swamp

Tapped peak

The temple of false god

Deck list 30 creatures, four witchcraft, five quick, 14 samples, 12 magic, And 34 lands. Almost whole creatures are line -ups outlook, with an average number of reinforced rocks to make sure you can put a ton of laughing jasper flint.

Key cards

Jasper Chakmak while laughing

MTG is laughing whose background Jesper Flint Card with art.

The commander of the deck does a lot. Jasper Chakmak while laughing Unless you own them, all creatures control your outlines (That means they didn’t start the game in your deck). This increases its other effect to deport out exile cards from a player’s library.

Outlook is a creature that has any of the following types: killers, tenants, pirates, bullying and Warlox.

Something worth mentioning Laughing Jasper Flint’s effect committing a crime because it targets a player. This produces various other effects in the deck that increase the value in the form of a creature or treasure token, both of which give you more obedience to work on the battlefield and more and more illegally.

Mari, murder quail

MTG Marri, a coal card for murder with art in the background.

Mari, murder quail Gives your half -section a death touchWhich you do not own includes any of the creatures in which you play with the laughing Jasper Flint. This too Closes any of the cemetery strategies, Since it deports the creatures of your opponents when they die.

If a lot of creatures are deported, you can Ramps quickly with two treasures token while drawing cards. Mary deck provides a ton of price, which makes you a ton in your hand to work in the post -game stages and get the card.

Gaisa, Halerizer

MTG Gaisa, Halerizer Card with art in the background.

Gaisa, the easiest way to make the Hellerizer Outlook battlefield. Whenever you commit your first crime, you will find two zombies rogue tokens. Tokens themselves are nothing special on their own, but it is mixed with a laughing Jasper Flint, it provides you with more cards from libraries.

Crime is committed when you target anything of your opponents, including your opponents. This includes targeting their permanent, cemeteries, mantras and libraries.

Token fights make great champs blockers in fighting. You do not need to stay around them because they are only 2/2 creatures (or as long as Giza is on the battlefield). They help shut down sports, though if the number of lives looks low because the gaus also pose a risk to the token.

Gobelin bombing

MTG Goblin bombardment card with art in the background.

Perhaps the Goblin bombing in the first deck is not very understood. However, This is one of the best scrolls This can cause unlimited amounts of damage to the right cards on the battlefield.

There are two different ways to get it. Is the one With passionate looting and Farsakin MinorAnd the second includes Scale with Jiw, murderous red cap.

Here is a passionate looting and foresight minor.

Mandatory Terms: Persian Minor, passionate looting, and Goblin bombing are on the battlefield.

Step 1: Activate the goblin bombing for a damage to any target dealing with a damage.

Step 2: Both triggers of passionate looting and Farsakin Minor. If you stack it, Farskin Minor resolves the last.

Step 3: Extraordinary looting makes a treasure token. Use this treasure token to pay black Mana, which requires Farskin Minor back to the battlefield to commit a crime.

Step 4: 1-3 steps.

This loop will cause you unlimited damage that can be used on both permanent and players.

It is a scroll with GV and the murderous Redcap.

Mandatory Terms: GEV, Scale Scores, Assistant Red Caps, and Goblin bombing are on the battlefield. Killer Red Cap Does not Keep any -1/-1 counter on it. A competitor may have lost at least one life when you use this scroll.

Step 1: Active Gobelin bombing, killer Red Cap sacrifice.

Step 2: To trigger the permanent ability of the killer Red Cap, return it to the battle with the -1/-1 counter.

Step 3: GEV enters with the murderous red cap +1/ +1 due to the scalp abrasion because the opponents have lost their life. It negates the counter -1 counter.

Step 4: The murderous red cap enters the battlefield without which its permanent capacity can be reused without a counter.

Step 5: 1-4 steps.

This loop will cause you unlimited damage that can be used on both permanent and players.


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How to play Deck

MTG monster staff card with art in the background.

The laughter is Jasper Flint Commander Deck About to cast your opponents’ cards by committing crimes and playing out -of -lies. At the beginning of your turn, as long as the laughter is on the battlefield, You can commit a crime at every turn. There are not too much payment to commit a crime, but the deck involved in the deck is widely promoted.

You Deck needs to be flexible while piloting. Since most of the cards you play are going to be an opponent, you will never know what can be exiled (especially if you are not playing with a play group you are aware of). You Want to target competitors that have the greatest risk of stealingAs you can deport one of the key cards needed to win the game.

Deported cards with a laughing Jesper Flint still need to be cast, but any color can be used to cast them. Thus, Make sure to get as much as possible in the battlefield as much as possible. Chreng works also helps to produce the extra manner of casting cards that you do not own.

There are there Deck’s multiple wins terms. One of them is through a traditional fight, which is to collect a major battlefield of Outlook (made easy with Giza, which is the effect of heleezer). You can Also win with burning loss.

This can be obtained by the Goblin bombardment loops, or through a passionate archaeological and brainstorming steeller dragon. The descent in Everens can also be heard in a ton of burning loss (but it can burn you too, so be careful of it). In very few cases, you Can win through the mill If you laugh, the jasper deports enough cards from Flint Libraries.

The biggest weakness of the deck is how much he needs to be. Rocked is not a colorful dress known for ramping, so you have to rely heavily on the rocks to ensure that you are more likely to work with. Thus, You will be less than defense in the early stages of the gameAnd often on the cards when you can put with a laughing Jasper Flint unless you are too stable on the believer.


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