How To Recharge Your Weapons And Drones In R.E.P.O.

by pokogame

Have you purchased a device from the Service Shop? RepoOnly once to realize that its energy will be lost, it will be useless, will you force you to buy again?


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What could possibly be wrong?

Well, it’s not really needed like this. You can recharge your weapons and devices using energy crystals and a strange -looking machine in your truck, which can save you thousands of dollars in weapons and gear that you can recover thousands of dollars. Let’s go on how you can lose some of these energy crystals, and how you can use them to recharge the items.

How to get the crystal of energy

Energy Crystal at the Service Shop in Repo

Energy Crystal Service can be found in the shop on which you will visit between all levels, and They will usually run between 000 7,000 and, 000 9,000.

First couple’s first couple of you, you won’t need any energy crystal Instead, focus your money on upgrade and health.

According to Level Three, you will start earning the maximum amount and potentially start buying weapons and drones. When you will, you will like Invest in some energy crystals as well.

Method to use energy crystals

When you buy energy crystals from the shop and then go to the next stop, You won’t look any crystal of energy Where your purchase usually sits on the truck.

Instead, View the device with an energy symbol In the back of the truck. The right side meter will be filled a bit, and you will look Energy crystals you bought inside the machine.

Now, when you have a device you need to recharge, for example, like a stin gun, Just leave him in the basin on the left The machine’s machine will continue to shine for a few seconds, and then your Item will be recovered fully!

Since the price of many devices you buy in the shop, 000 can be more than 50,000 -, 000 50,000, The use of energy crystals will save you a lot of money in the recurrence.


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