The new documentary series, Devil in the family: Ruby frank fallThe purpose is to take a look at the arrest of Parenting Volgar last year and the arrest of popular parents who have been convicted of allegations of abuse of children and subsequently.
“There are many shadows and many complicated reasons for Gray, because the family chose to do their job,” Oli Lambert director, Oli Lambert, told Yahoo News.
In a series of three parts broadcast on the Holo this week, Frank’s hard drives have not been seen as previously visible footage, as well as interviews with her husband, Kevin and her two biggest children.
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Frank gained fame in his YouTube channel, 8 passengers online in the “wax flounser” community, where he documentary documentary document with his husband and his six children, which collected two and a half million users at his height. But some behavior shown in the videos, including francs His 6 -year -old daughter refuses to bring lunch school When she forgot her and her Decide to exclude your two young children from Christmas One year, speculation of abuse in the commentary section.
In August 2023, the speculation was confirmed when the youngest son of the frank rang the neighbor’s door and asked him to take the nearest police station. Police replied, who interviewed in the documentary, reported that the 12 -year -old child suffered a nutrition, with duct tape and his body with scratches around his arms and feet. The incident officially launched an investigation into both houses belonging to Frank and its business partner Judy Holdbrand.
Both Frank and Holdbrand proved the crime on charges of abusing children, and, at the end of February 2024, both were sentenced to 30 years in prison.
Frank’s husband and 2 older children’s new insights
The documentary includes a few earlier interviews after his husband Kevin, and his two older children, Shri and Chad, after the arrest of Frank.
Recalling his upbringing of his camera, Shri, who is now 21 years old, described the family’s house as “more set than a house”. Chad, 20, was forced into a film as a provocation at school, which eventually led to the ousting.
Chad says about filmmaking with his family, “He reduced me to the nasty, I hated it.” “There was a time – maybe a year or more – where I really hated (francs).”
Chad Frank says he hated to be filmed with his family. (Holo)
Frank and Kevin were separated in 2022. But a year later, after arrests, many social media users and former passengers of 8 passengers accused Kevin of allowing Kevin to abuse his children.
In the documents, Kevin argued that his franc and Holdbrand had also manipulated, he insisted that he “did not know that he was walking in my family.” He says he initially reacted to some of the 8 passengers’ reactions to “an innocent, religious family that is being attacked by cancellation.”
He said, “I have learned that there was a lot of horror that was following the shadow and behind the scenes.”
Kevin Frank suffered a camera. (Holo)
Chad and Shri described some horrors about which they say that the curtains took place, remembering that Frank “blows” the children, and, they are alleged to have, sometimes defeated them.
Shri said, “(Chad) was once really beaten badly, and I helped clean blood from its walls.” “Turn to her, I don’t think (Frank) was a good man.
Frank’s family provided Lambert with archive footage boxes from the filming of 8 passengers, some of which saw the first time looking at the documents.
In some clips, children have been shown screaming to make a noise in the background when she was filmmaking or threatening to punish her for not cooperating on the camera, especially when filming advertising.
8 A look at the passengers, where a young Chad tells his mother, Ruby that he does not feel to read the ad. (Screenshot by Yahoo News; Credit: Holo)
Although Frank’s children have been angry at their lives permanently documenting their lives, the director, Lambert told Yahoo News that he observed that the camera sometimes acts as a buffer between children and the frank.
“It was not black and white for them,” Lambert said about the children. ” “She was less harsh and less harsh, and in some cases, when the camera was running, loved more. So she added just another type of encouragement to continue the camera, because when things were being filmed, she found a better franc.
New details about frank relationship with Judy Holdbrand
Frank’s frank with a frank with a frank, the second incident of Dokozares sinks, which was arrested and sentenced to misbehave with children along with Frank.
Holdbrandt is a co -founder of the Life Coaching Business based in Utah called Link. In the documentary, Frank’s friend Paej Hannah says he first told Frank about Holdbrand when Chad was expelled from a high school in 2019, suggesting that Holdbrund could help.
At that time, Hina said that he and many other members of the Mormon community considered Holdbrand a “guru”.
Judy Holdbrandat is hosting a conference video. (Screenshot through Yahoo News; Holo)
Chad describes his first few meetings with Holdbrand, which he soon began to see twice a week. He said that he had trusted Held Brend as a physician and he was not surprised that his parents followed his suggestions – even if they were slightly extremely.
Chad said in the series, “To bring me back into the line, they had to take everything away from me.” “(Then the francs) gave me the option to go down in the room or go down into the basement and sleep on the bean bag. I used to sleep on this bean bag every night for seven months.
Kevin confessed that he was also affected by the Holdbrandat, who was fast with the francs after the start of the Covade 19 pandemic diseases in March 2020, and until early 2021, he agreed to allow Holdbrand to go to his home.
“This is also a story of fraud, control and eventually faith,” Kevin said. “If you have your confidence in the wrong hands, you can lose everything.”
While Frank and Holdbrand have a unique relationship, a former employee of the Holdbrand shows that he probably had extreme purposes.
Patrick Benn says “Judy was always impressed by money and fame,” which worked for a year for a year in 2010.
Both Kevin and Shri recalled the details, which makes them speculated about the nature of the frank and Holdbrand relationship, including the fact that they sleep on the same bed. In public, their relationship was also raising eyebrows. In June 2022, Frank announced its business partnership with links and Holdbrand. The two began a co -host conversation about parents on YouTube, including objectionable suggestions, such as how Demonstrating complete control over children is the best way to show love And are discussing That children do not deserve privacy. At this time the audience called some of his comments HomophobicFor, for, for, for,. TransfoboicFor, for, for,. Racist And Capable expert.
When the two women were arrested in 2023, Kevin and Chad had left the family home.
As a result of the arrests, some former passengers of some of the eight passengers tried to accuse Holdbrand of allegedly abusing a frank relationship. But Shri does not agree.
Shri Frank (Holo)
Shri said, “The fact is that as far as Ruby talked about it, I would not blame Judy.” “(Holdbrand) put things in Ruby that was already in his heart.”
The documents noted that the film beans reached the lawyers for both the Holdbrand and the Frank and no response was received from any party.