‘I made the world’s worst keyboard’: This YouTuber’s homemade board has over 1,000 keys and types in words not letters

by pokogame

A keyboard that has ten hundred keys – YouTube
‘I made the world’s worst keyboard’: This YouTuber’s homemade board has over 1,000 keys and types in words not letters


If you are looking for a new keyboard layout to try, a Utobar has invented a keyboard that can only type 1,000 most common words and, do not need to say that it will not replace your old QWERTY board.

Youtuber Attoparsc (Through Hecta) A new video is presented showing “1000 computer letter gaters” (1,000 words keyboard). After six months of work and 1,020 keys, the ten hundred computer litter gutters have a thousand most common words for communication, including some extra keys to create longer versions of words like “ING”, “ED”, and “Est”, and the keys to such utility as “escape” and “enter”.

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