If you are looking for a new keyboard layout to try, a Utobar has invented a keyboard that can only type 1,000 most common words and, do not need to say that it will not replace your old QWERTY board.
Youtuber Attoparsc (Through Hecta) A new video is presented showing “1000 computer letter gaters” (1,000 words keyboard). After six months of work and 1,020 keys, the ten hundred computer litter gutters have a thousand most common words for communication, including some extra keys to create longer versions of words like “ING”, “ED”, and “Est”, and the keys to such utility as “escape” and “enter”.
This idea comes from an XKCD web comic title “Gore Five“Where author Randle Monroe said how a rocket works with just a thousand most common words. After that branches The thing to explain.A book where Monroe describes a lot with microwave, helicopters and similar parameters.
The keyboard itself is comprised of five panels, all of which are aimed at fitting at the Outoparasic desk. Then a thousand words are arranged according to the alphabet and divided into five boards, such as “Enter”, “Escape”, “Air”, “Ing” etc. for utility keys under the right panel.
To avoid having a unique distance PCB for each individual word, ATTOP, the autopsy chose to make each one an inch width and long words hypnot. A Previous videoFor another keyboard, autopardic 3D print and customized caps, but in 86 keys, one month was taken.
Etoparasic says the same technique felt unbearable for the 1,020 keys needed to obtain a letter, and it had done it before. Instead, Autoparisc chose to use dye bars on empty causes to print all 1,020 keys, which is a method of printing used in many cheap users keyboards.
After all this work, Autoparesk says, “There are a lot of keys, and are still not enough”. He calls 1,000 words limited, not just because you are not enough 1000 words you want to say. 1,000 words pay special attention to the “1-7” and “10” but not “8” or “9” on the physical organs and incomplete categories.
On his normal keyboard, Autoparasic received 83 words per minute on the accuracy of 97 % on the typing speed test. By conducting a typing speed test with only the words of the 1000 computer letter gaters, he managed to get only 13 words per minute.
Etoparasic says finishing the script for your video using just a liter gutter,
“It is a complete physical task to do. It seems that you are using some early computers, though, or a bad movie is a crazy thinking thing, so it’s very good.” Well said, autopardic, well said.