Seriously, this is the best layout. And I’m going to prove you!
I Perfect size and density: Motor cars were invented at the end of the 19th century. This means that in an ancient city like Rome, the fastest way to travel inside a city was from a horse. It limited their size, which makes them the best of the game. Lost Enough enough, but it is not that it is fola. And Rome was only full of buildings and people. There will be no loss of space and very vertically. Many stories with the underground sewerage system with the two apartment complexes are high and low.

ii. Signs and filled with incredible buildings: Rome was a city full of monuments that helped create the history of Western architecture. Colozium, Panthenon, Maxinas Baselica, Karakala’s bath. Many of them still stand in some shape or shape. Wherever you see, there will be something new to discover, something unique and outstanding.
iii. Of multiple possibilities activities and varieties: Gladiator fighting, chariot racing, naval battles!

iv. Very Cosmopolitan Setting: In Rome you will probably be able to find people from the whole (old) world. The empire itself was spread in three continents, but you can see people from far away. All the Sahara African, India and even China.
v. An important moment of history: The rise of Constantinople and Christianity has been identified in the early fourth century. The battle of the Milvian Bridge was fought very closely to the city in 312 and the destiny of both political and religious empire was explained.

SIGHS: Rome history has been used to talk about modern themes in centuries, and this is no different. Rome had many successes and problems with modern -day nations and cities. And you can increase it in any way.
vii. We know a lot about it, it will be the work of art. Many details about ancient cities were lost over time. But we know a lot about Rome, its monuments and its design. In fact, even pieces of map survived. A well -entertainment will get its place in museums everywhere!

It’s about it.
If we are ever blessed, who would you like to see his development?