I’ve been collecting raw videos of trailers and such and archiving them at Archive.org, and I’d love your help to add to it!

by pokogame

So I have taken a break from doing 4k60 upscales of 1080p/now trailers and I’m just doing what is really the most logical thing. Just uploading raw videos to enjoy everyone! No more media fire and mega need to be trusted!

So far I have been uploading the old RAW 720p .WMV files by IGN which was only able to be saved by IGN internal (many E3 2006 camera recording, and even grinder). In addition, yesterday I added RAW 240p .flv Wii and DS software line -up trailers from Nintendo’s 2008 autumn conference. Even I threw myself into some of the games, like two. The next -level sports logo dynamic images, “Sonic’s quarrel”. The trailer of the dispute disk, and (unable to play in most players) Sonic video date from Sonic Mega collection ..Sfd files are difficult … Thank you for your forecast.

Check them here:

But a source that is really ridiculous is the video of the game Tribiles. As most knows, they closed the shop in 2016 and basically all their videos have disappeared, so the only way to get them is through people who have already downloaded them. When they were around, the game Treellers had really high quality things. I had only one event for Wiware (alias that showed Allen Dildo … you’ll remember when you see it) trailer because I uploaded this raw a decade ago on my YouTube channel, and with the amazing archive downloader of YouTube, I was able to return it!

I’ve been collecting raw videos of trailers and such and archiving them at Archive.org, and I’d love your help to add to it!

This raw of the Debit Trailer of the Dispensary of Game Trailers for the TGS 2008.WMV HD 1280×720 is downloaded.

Archive Dot Orch

My goal is to find many videos and trailers and enjoy all that have been wasted over time and to find the cruel shutdown of the websites. Archive dot or is a wonderful site and such a thing is perfect. In the past few months I have managed to find a lot of videos there. It’s crazy!

So it is a phone call for someone to see their dust folders and pass with whatever they have, they should keep it safe! Hell you can do with your own account! Only a few poets for newcomers:

1. The name of your screen becomes your own identifier (the name of the URL and what the note on the note) which is once. You can rename the screen, but the identifier cannot be changed. For example, if you have a name with spaces (such as the “Legend Hero”), which becomes the Hero of Legend, it was already a headache for me. I wanted to use the Gold Metallason (so GoldMetsonic) and managed to delete it and use it instead. Just keep in mind when creating your account on the Archive Dot. I hate forced hyphens in usernames … just a long time nutpack/pet offer.
2. Item URL (“identifier”) is once again, you can’t change it, and even delete the item/page won’t free it-you want it again (why), so select it carefully and commit it!
3. The creator should be the only content creator when uploading the file in the tab (if the website is particularly through them, or the publisher if it is a suitable trailer), and it should be only one, and this page will connect multiple names together even if you will use a coma, even though everyone is identified. I will recommend keeping it in only one (so “Sega” and “Sega, IGN”).
4. For any reason to edit the page with anything after the reality you have added this year that you mark the date and you cannot remove it. No big deal, but only a warning that increases the information (so if you personally make a VID in 2006-05-02, the “2006” below edit it after the force). Oh and do not forget to delete “sound” and “color” before the edit is finished, they are automatically joined, but are able to remove. All amendments to your item/page date have been saved, so these pointers will help prevent them from piled up … Just saying, when I started, I will be saved headache/stress. : p.
5. .Sfd files cannot be uploaded upright, and anyone else who is not compatible with the first .zip/.rar file, then works perfectly.
6. a big; Although you can upload the files, they cannot be transferred to your pages. If you want a file on its own page, you need to upload it again. Super lame, but this is what is. So just upload bulk files if you want them all in one page/item.

BTW, I am looking for specific game trailers VIDS right now includes TGS 2007 Maramasa Demon Blade Blade Floor Trailer. It is a 44.9MB .WMV 720p vid “t_oboromuramasayoutoden_tgs2k7_GT_H264.WMV” as well as Zelda HD experience camera from E3 2011 with camera walkthrough video, whose file name should be. “t_wiiiu_e311_zeldatechdemo_gt_cam_v2.mp4” or something else. And finally the TGS 2005 Sonic ’06 trailer’s HD Cam Recording was “t_sonic15_cam_tgs5_h264.wmv”. I think this was the best standard of any version of these trailers. Also the trailer of Maramasa was God, here is a rough version on YouTube:

Even the horrible compressed this is still beautiful!

So let’s keep our heads together and combine your elders to share with each, so much happy! : D:

If he needs to be reminded, Media Fire And Mega Files are fully retaining files are excellent free of sharing Google Drive Many.

Good wishes to all!

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