Yubisoft has confirmed that the shadow of Hassan’s belief will be in accordance with the steam deck and will be fully confirmed after the launch.
This is a huge 180 from Ubesoft, which only weeks ago said in uncertain terms that due to the technical boundaries of mobile hardware, the shadow of Hassan’s profession will not be in line with the Steam Deck. A Tech questions and answers From February 12, Perry F, director of Ubesoft Technology, said: “At the time of launch, the game is not compatible with the steam deck, because of the fact that it is below our minimum sunglasses for the PC.”
Now, after a few months, Ubesoft dropped the steam refreshing, which confirmed that not only the shadow of the Asyan profession would be in line with the steam deck, it would also be confirmed by the steam deck, which means there should be no compatibility problem.
“We have some interesting news to share: Our talented developers have given steam deck players the option to play Hassan’s credit shadows at the launch. Even though we will not be able to support it later.” In fact, the team had made a lot of progress in the past few weeks and was able to perform it for launch, despite the fact that the team thought it would not happen. “
Six days before the start of the game – Steam Deck Support shooting within a month and then tells me that Ubesoft must have received many impressions from Steam Deck players who want to play Hassan’s latest game at launch without problem. Regardless, it is a surprising news that portable gamers are ready to sink in the brush of Hassan’s credit with Japan.
The shadows of Hassan’s profession launch on PS5, Xbox Series X, and PC on March 20.
I finally sold on the shadow of the Hasan profession when Yasoka saw a bad boy in a move through a building that described Hassan’s profession Odyssey’s Spartan Cook as a shame.