I don’t remember when I started using Google. Google Just…. This is the function of the Internet search, it commands 10 times the shared market share of all its rivals, and it is responsible for rooting a large amount of Internet traffic.
About two years ago, I got out. I signed up for search engine KagiWhich receives $ 10 a month and in return, promises better search results, no advertising, no data collecting, and many modern features. I’ve tried a lot of search engines and always ended up with Google – somewhere else felt the results somehow Inferior. This time, whether the reason is that Kagi is very good or Google is declining or both, I have not felt any drop -off in any way.
I am still using kagi, and it is difficult to imagine changing its direction. This is now Google Whenever I open it, it seems strange and unfamiliar. Since Google is more visual, more chaos, and simply finding the things I am looking for, Kagi is easy and straightforward. This is a page full of links, and they are usually right.
Kagi, as a product, is about three years old, but the company has been going on since 2018. It was started by Vladimir Perluk, who started the company after selling its previous start to Goddess. He tells me that he started his start because Google is very common – he found himself surprised, do I want my children to come to know all these ads and all these data? He paid the YouTube premium, which offered a way to get all the good things and none of the ads. “And then I thought, why not experience such a search?” He says.
When searching is a paid product, a felicitative data, it can be better. He doesn’t have to worry about engagement – in fact, whenever you find, it costs it, so you have to win fast and go out for everyone. “You pay the information, you get the information,” he says.
The use of kagi feels like using Google a decade ago, and I mean that in a good way
The use of kagi feels like using Google a decade ago, and I mean well. You type in search, and it returns a page full of links. It also contains image search, video search, maps, news, and even a specific tab related to a podcast that I have found very useful. Find something, and you will find some links, after which a side scrolling of news stories will be carousel. Find a person, and Kagi practically begins with a brief quote from his Wikipedia page.
Generally, I have found the results as well as at least like any other search engine. Although it is difficult to correct the quantity; That is why I waited so much to write this review, to see if I would ultimately miss. I didn’t I suspect that a part of this reason is the search index itself. Kagi is making his database for search and news, and uses it for a lot of searches, but it has also called Google, Beng, Wilfremilea, Wikipedia, and many third -party providers because it is looking for information. It is already a step from other non -Google search engines, which are the only interfaces at the top of the Bang results, but Kagi also thinks these pieces more than most.
Pelvilwick says the Kagi index is focused on quality rather than quantity, which means that Kagi is making decisions about what is good and what is bad, while Google only crawls everything and expects the best. As a result, it seems that Kagi is significantly lower than SEO junk than Google, and while its default settings are as straight as boring – many Alexypes for cooking, many episodes for sports, a lot of good for everything is a great deal.
Just let me give an example of how to find a difference in the point of view. I’m looking for a new pair of headphones to wear (my air pods are eventually starting to die, all of this is very sad). I find “the best headphones to run”, and on Google, I face sponsored shopping options, a runner world advertisement, a kissing advertisement, a couple of buying, some redd with link, a great shopping link, a “what people are saying”, a group of more, a group of aforementioned link. The results of the Kagi search include 14 direct links to various purchases. Google is full of one -click answers, but hardly any information or context, while Kagi really helps me browse the Internet.
There are only two things for which I go back to Google myself. There are a map: the Kagi interface is very rough, and Google is unbeaten on everything on everything. The other is really for inward things. For example, if I am looking for an email address that only appears on a web page or data from a long -deleted blog post that is only in a safer form, the sheer size and scope of Google’s search index is just unbearable. But this happens once a month, if it is. For everyone else, Kagi is sufficient.
Being good like Google is a big win. Where Kagi starts separating himself, it is to provide you with a wide control of search engine functioning. You can click on any search results and select the “more results from the site” to add how often the domains will appear. You can select “Remove the results from this site” and stop watching it fully. (You can also go to the settings to add to which domains you want to see at least. Kagi has a public list of most blocks and the most raised domains, which is comedy-people. Not Pennacists want the results of their search results. And with two clicks, it can go forever.
You can turn the toggle to the “small web” in search results and only see the hand -made sets of personal blogs, well -liked publishers, and so on. Another Togel looks exclusively in forums, the other especially on the programming websites. Kagi calls these “lenses”, and you can create yourself – I have developed a place that only searches on sites I like and subscribe, which has essentially created my own personal Google News. This is great.
Such specialization is so clear how every search engine should work, and it is spread all over the platform. By default, I think that the yellow tone of the kagi mustard is like a kind of eye, but there are some theme options, and you can also write your CSS to change the custom app. The whole thing, every time we talk, tells me, should you be able to make your custom? You pay the same price.
You also pay privacy, which I think Kagi handles well. Both Perluk and Kagi Privacy Policy Say that Kagi does not store data on what you find or on what you click. Clearly, this is not a completely private thing: some of its third -party integration collect your activity related data, and the app has some information about yourself and your preferences. But at least the search engine is not looking for you. This is not a great solution, but it is better.
In the upper part of some searches, Kagi will show a small indication for a “quick answer”, which is primarily a version of Google’s AI review. Click on it, and you will find a short, AI power piece of information, and some links to the information you try to answer your question. If you pay the most expensive level of kagi, which is $ 25 a month, you also have access to this Kagi AssistantWhich you can use both with a general purpose chat boot (with chatting, cloud, and more) and interact more deeply with search results.
The $ 10 monthly project gives you access to some AI: Fast GPT is a chat boot, which is primarily a dedicated page for quick answers, and you can plug any link to its Universal Summer to obtain basic information. Kagi’s thinking style, a pair of AI assistants, can be really interesting over time. But right now, this is not the one I use it.
The easiest way to convert to Kagi is to download the browser extension, which also helps you convert to Kagi as a default search engine. (It’s usually very easy on the desktop and is disturbing complications on mobile, but Kagi Help Documents You are a good leader to get it through it.) If you are going to use Kagi, there is nothing to do – you should not pay the search engine at all unless you use it full time. Kagi also has a mobile app and a dedicated browser called Orion, both of them are fine, none of which I often use.
The search payment is a tough question, and a month is not $ 10 cheap. (If you just want to see how it works, you can test Kagi for 100 searches for free.) Search is a fundamental part of the online experience, and it feels like the search is happening. Google is investing a lot in the search AI overdol, designed to answer your questions directly, and is turning everything into a hyperwel, shopping focus, and often worse experience. Meanwhile, companies like Openi, Microsoft, and Trouble are producing their AI search products. The search is no longer about finding in fact and just about trying to work for you. Performance at every price.
I haven’t been interested in keeping the internet quickly What for me We live a lot of our lives within many algorithms, hidden agendas products, and platforms that have no interest or consumer experience. That’s why I believe in the Federous, and the RSS readers, and the algorithm. They offer me internet experience I am in charge. I feel like a search engine – which means, a way to find things on the Internet – is an important part of this experience. And Kagi is a search engine I control. I give it 10 rupees, and it gives me the internet. I like that trade.