Kraven the Hunter clarifies the main flaw of Sony’s Spider-Man Universe

by pokogame

After seeing Crohn Hunter In theaters in December 2024, I couldn’t stop thinking about a film description. CrawlinArrival on Netflix this week – her first film for Streaming audience – brought her ahead of my brain. Crawlin The box office had a huge flopScoring about $ 60 million worldwide on a $ 110 million production budget, but this is a flop that gives rise to curiosity of the disease. This weekend, many, Many Netflix subscribers will pop this flick on their television or other screens, and find out that there is a superhero movie in 2024, where a white man on a trip to Africa has given the power of animals by drinking vodo medicines.

To ensure, my problem here is not about the accuracy of the source content. These Is Technically it is true that Crowen got better power and speed options than a medicine that stole from an African “witch doctor”. –Voodo“As short -hand racist for” Jungle Magic “. Not to mention the real tonal swore to try to be more for a movie Eastern promises Against Indiana Jones.

But then, maybe my complaint Is About accuracy, on the way to the circle. Cinema universe associated with Sony’s Spider -Man’s Low Spider -Man movies (MorbiusFor, for, for,. Madam WebFor, for, for,. Poison movies, and now Crawlin) The superhero action thrillers themselves were born from the mandate of bending the characters of secondary comedians as a serious hero or anti -heroes in new molds. Crohn Hunter The best example of this may be how this limited short was preferred over other good and clear choices.

If you had to choose one of Spider -Man’s outout villain to stop your film franchise, Cravine is as compatible as you can. However, he is almost not even from Marvel’s comedians.

Stan Lee borrowed with superhero fabrics and in the great tradition of the great ideas of polishing, Kravin (full name Sergey Crohnov) is just an amazing adaptation from General Zarov Richard Connell’s Seminel 1924 short story “The most dangerous game,” The origin of the proverb Person The most dangerous victim of the hunter. Zarov is a villain of this piece, an elderly Russian big game hunter who supports unwanted human victims on private protection to enjoy its own.

Brushing Peter Parker aside, JJ Jameson asked Hunter in the amazing Spider -Man #15.

Cravine says his reference is in the loud, in his first hearing Amazing spider man #15
Photo: Stein Lee, Steve Datco/Marvel Comedy

The “most dangerous sport” La Li in 1964 and Datco debuted Cravan, already influenced many loose or direct adaptation in film, radio and television. Amazing spider man #15 The story of a person with a lot of resources that uses them to pursue their horrible desire to hunt people, as they were trophy animals, had already become a common trip in the Central adventures’ fiction, as well as a great spleen in modern action movies and TVs. Crohn was himself An aspect of large trump – Or its natural continuity in the superhero circle, however, you want to see it.

And Cravine Marvel is one of the most flexible villain in comedy. Traditionally, the spider man is his semisus, but in fact, he stands against everyone. Creators can hunt him Black Panther or Captain America, or even make him close, personal friends with a squirrel. She is a highly effective hook because she is really a lighter of a wider trump that is used as a tonley in tasks differently The island of Glagon And Criminal brain. And it’s not as if the villain the film can’t anchor the franchise – just watch the horror gender. Craws and hunters are the same archeology.

But even when it was handed over to the universal bogamine, Sony’s mandate was to be included in the form of familiarity: In a world, the morally objectionable hero of the action thriller, which was largely established without superheroes, was established. The film took the boy whose famous character is hunting innocent people for the game, even as a hero wins it, and makes him a punishment with a lion head in his shirt instead of skull.

I don’t think it’s important because people are behind CrawlinOr Sony Spider’s other films, do not see the capabilities that source comedians have revealed in these characters. Kravian actor Aaron Taylor-Janson and both Crawlin Director JC Chandor Have said They were dedicated to the JMMettis and Mike Zack’s 1987 cross -over description of The last victim of the crawlinAnd hope they one day adopt this classic story. Can meet

But it was always going to be a long order in the structure of Sony’s Spider -Man’s movie without Spiderman (first “spumc“), While considering it The last victim of the crawlin There is a story about Crohn that has lost to Spider -Man after many years of loss. He revives, subordinate and bury the Wall Crawler so that he can donkey clothing and follow the duties of fighting his crimes while maintaining his own brutal methods. Finally, by defeating Crown Spider -Man and (in his view) (in his view), the hero is personally fulfilled by performing the spiderman and takes his life. He is a Alexander who has no more world to conquer.

Given all of this, just not removing the spiderman, and he has long been enmity with the crew, The last victim of the crawlin. And Taylor-Janson and Chandor are not the only Sony Spider-based human figures that Is known That the franchise will always be a two -foot stool without Wablinger.

But on the other hand, it is just as difficult to imagine this story in which Taylor-Janson’s Crohn-a serious adult man who turned his back from the Lord Family of the crime and dedicated himself to killing the world’s most difficult criminals, as Tom Holland’s Spider-Man, who is a 17-year-old, and a 17-year-old, a 17-year-old, and a 17-year-old. , Which is a PP 17 -year -old. Success

Spider -Man (wearing his black symbolic clothing) offends her to give her drugs in Crown and bury her in amazing spiderman #294.

Photo: JM Demotes, Mike Zack/Communist Comedy

And this, in my view, is at the center of the selection of Vodu medicine. If you are making a Crohn movie where his spider is not enmity with a man and he is not even villain, maybe you Is To maintain Vodu medicine. Maybe, once you have practically changed everything about the character, aimed at a short -run fit rather than a resonance update or rehabilitation, everything else in the original property to mark it as adaptation is extremely external, history and burdensome humorous book details. Like vodo medicine, An Amazonian spider sectA tremendous controversial medical veteran change of vampire, or gradually dropped into a series of hilarious references to the poison franchise.

If the priority is not to make the best adaptation, but to make the mold fitting adaptation, it is very difficult to make. Nice Adaptation. With the entry of Sony It has no current plan to continue the spider -man universe than a spider manFor, for, for,. Crohn Hunter Not just standing on this endeavor like a cape stone, but as the best example of its flaws. The problem was never that there were only two ways to make a great film outside the Crown Hunter. The problem is that there are many ways, and Sony still chose it.

Crohn Hunter (Along with Madam Web And Poison: Last dance) Now running on net flakes.

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