Lego’s video games in the world of joy in the world of happiness happiness happiness happiness joy joy joy joy joy jory jory jory jory jory jory jory jory jory jory jory But earlier in the year, the launch without a lot of dhoom dham is the same that is still one of the best game tie in Lego: Lego Mario Cart.
One of the reasons is that there was not so much dhoom because the Mario cart is mainly expanded to the current Lego Super Mario line. Like the recent donkey Kong sets that offer mine carts and iconography from the Donkey Kong Country Games, it has clearly decided to group all the items associated with Mario in a product line, even if they belong to different video games. Thus, Mario Cart is not a new product line, and it has not received a big splash launch. But do you know what? Probably this Should be – Because it’s beautiful, and can change some folk that are not in the current Mario line.
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I understand what I am getting, I think the first Lego is the key to solving the ‘problem’ with the Super Mario seats. Basically, the Lego Group and Nintendo clearly wanted to create something that had eliminated the gap between traditional toys and video games. Lego Mario sets are driven by Mario, Lugi, and Pachi special personalities that they have screens, so they have impressions, as well as a sensor to read QR code style. Each boxed set is usually a rough construction that can be attached to other sets in a modular manner. The idea is that you make Lego Mario ‘stages’ and then use data and attached Bluetooth device to track your progress through the surface. Even you can play in collaboration.
It’s good, but it all has come at a price. If you look at any given Lego Mario set… it really meets Mario Games. Individual bits can be – a pipe, a patch palace, or baiser, one of its children, or a key NPC’s brick -made representation. But many of them feel painful, especially compared to more traditional sound playstations, which really really happen to the visuals of some places and scenes of the entire series. Channel.
But the Lego Mario Cart collided with a different caden. They are still consistent with these major electronic personalities. Each vehicle has a slight slot to fit them, as well as a code to scan the toy, so it finds that it is now running a basket – but there is something about the construction that is just… clicks.

I guess it would be another good word for that Mario Cart Translates Lago well. Mario is a special design language for the cart, and there is a really a storey history in making a cool -looking vehicles of every shape and size of Lego. Both brands meet well.
So when you develop an entry level mario cart that sets like a motorcycle in the form of Yoshi, which is mounted by Yoshi, or is complete with Mario’s classic cart parcel, which comes with a small tad to work as a mechanic for it, each looks like a right -like classic and in a simple way. Large sets are still pushed into a more satisfying area – donkey kong rides on a car in the form of a barrel when they and Daddy do in double dash, the wiggler influenced by the enemy, peach on the car, and a mini plane, as you expect.
Some clean small little little touches. Lego’s Stud Shooter ‘Gunz’, which usually shoots only single circular studies, but now they have been extended with special copy shell ammunition, which means that the racers can really hit each other – though the deadly blue shell has not yet been represented. A beautiful new mold represents the classic banana peel of Mario Cart, and in a set, it also includes a great entertainment to ride on its cloud with the light that began its race.
I can see the way for children to create my tracks around a house, leaving great obstruction courses for pets and navigating without stepping on painful plastics – the way it should be. I can see that folk are making their own vehicles. I can see children Racing With much enthusiasm and intensity than the Mario Cart Live, which was initially sent with thrilling but eventually with flat remote control cars. I can see how this set can give rise to imagination.

Even electronic personalities have a role to play here, even if they are not my favorite thing. If you sit them in a cart and then around the cart, racing and flowing like children, the data reacts as if they are actually running with related facial impressions and sound effects. Children will love it, I’m sure, as they do with the main sets of Mario – but the important thing is, I think that Mario Kart offers Lego and Mario’s unique but harmonic feelings get more firmly than any Lego Mario set so far. As far as I am concerned, this is a win.
However, the truth is, I am still waiting for more zelda seats. And how about an arunning? Come on Lego, you know you want.