Marvel Rivals: Invisible Woman Guide

by pokogame

The Susan Hurricane, which is a hidden woman, is incredibly powerful in the Marvel universe. Once you know how to use its tolls. How to use a set, this is also true among Marvel rivals. As one of the first addition of launching in a strategist class, she fills the role of ‘Man Heller’ with a basic attack that fixes allies And At the same time damages the enemies. It also has many regional and hostile manipulation skills. With the ability to be invisible, she is slipping and contracting for opponents is also difficult. They are the best of players who want to put the team top, make shields to hide, and push their enemies where they want.

How should you play a hidden woman?

The hidden woman has a shield on the ally.

Screenshot: Miracle rival / kotaku

The hidden woman has a wonderful cut, and you will need to balance all your coalidone to play it properly. Whenever the enemies are present, you will want to use its basic abilities, and the projection, to shoot through your tanks (or other damaged allies) and target enemies on the other hand. Whenever you can heal a nearby ally, use the Guardian Shield, make sure you step behind it if you need healing in the middle of war.

Stay away from the next posts and withdraw from the developed opponents with a veil, which will give you some sharp distance and keep you hidden until you use any other ability. If an enemy takes you to health of 75-50 %, never retreat. If you have Ko’D, the team will be very weak.

When you are protecting a point, you would like to use psionic vertex to risk harm to these enemies where they live where they do not want, or choose enemies in low health, who are living in the area, but so far go ahead with the projection of orbit.

The hidden woman stands behind the fight.

Screenshot: Miracle rival / kotaku

Use force physics to draw enemies to your group, separate them from the allies and quickly separate them (do these strategies or dual enemies, which is easy to send quickly). You can also pull off the enemy groups (or push) into your psionic vertex. Keeping the pesonic vertex under the feet of the enemy, then pulling them back after they escape is a great way to cause a huge loss.

If its ultimate abilities are well used, fighting in favor of your team can swing. If your team is in a tough position, or you are pushing an objective point, keep the zone ahead (or if moving forward) to keep your entire team heal). It can free you to use direct healing on the target or attack opponents. You can also draw enemies within the zone to slow down and take them, or to heal you more More to give you more scope to remove them.

What are the abilities of a hidden woman?

A screenshot shows the different abilities of the invisible woman.

Screenshot: Miracle rival / kotaku

  • And the projection: (primary attack): A procedure that turns away, and returns to the hidden woman. They harm both enemies and heal the allies as it happens.
  • Hidden Limit (Ultimet): Creates a huge area that heals allies over time, and slows down enemies. In addition, the allies of the hidden woman also make hidden for enemies outside the area.
  • Psionic Vertex: An area of ​​effect creates an area that draws enemies closer to one another and bargains for permanent damage. Press again to explode in the air. They will also explode while killing enemies or surfaces.
  • Force Physics: Press Enemies or Stretch. If they have been group, many enemies can be transmitted.
  • Forty strike: A three -hit tumultuous scroll. The third hit launches enemies up and down.
  • Curtain Step: A double jump that also gets hidden and begins the process of healing.
  • Guardian Shield: Creates a stationary shield (with its own health bar) in front of the targeted ally. As long as it is health, it will stop the damage, fix the nearest allies, and prevent the lazy enemies that pass through. Running out of health will mobilize a cold cloud until it is reused. While it is health, it can be transferred for free.
  • Secret advance (inactive): When not attacking enemies for a few seconds, the case becomes hidden and healing.
  • Fantastic Force (team -up with Mr Fantastic): The case provides Mr. Phantestic to Mr Fantastic permanent bonus health while activated by Mr. Phantistic.

Keep all this and your team will have your price Duration From the hidden

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