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Even the announcement is strict in bronze.
Miracle competitors There is a beautiful complex game, and fans are starting to feel that a special announcement is not making the gameplay easy.
Whenever your game is playing OpponentYou will hear a woman named Galata, identifying the start of the game, reading the score, and occasionally giving advice. While most players are more salty than Gallata when they tell them they “can’t expect them to win all,” A user on the Reddate It is indicating that players should never follow the rows of their voice.

“They hit a checkpoint! Now it can be a good time to stop them, “when Galta says that when the enemy team has reached a checkpoint on the Payload map, there is only one line. The original poster of the Reddate Thread wants to teach players of every skill that is very serious, and you should never be very serious.
Hero shooters, both teams have spread, or are places where you will work again after your murder. Whenever the invading team occupies a checkpoint, their spoon’s location goes to the post. Playing with a team checkpoint is incredibly dangerous, because enemies will have a safe haven for attacking and if they have worked again, the journey will be very low.
In response to the thread, A player Thankfully, someone is finally indicating the glamorous sound lines: “You are 100 % fine and it has always bothered me.” For example, the defenders of both players and the attacking players should activate their ultimatis before securing a checkpoint, or is still able to win, even though they are bending the tide of a war. Instead, it feels as if the Galcatta is telling the defense team to use whatever resources they have in the most of the Innoparton hours.

Galacta fans are not taking the news well, some immediately jump in defending it. “Don’t talk about Space Mom like this,” A user Comment on the thread. It seems that some players are ready to ignore anything that Glacia has said … for clear reasons. Other players Claim that they are so focused on the game that they barely listen to the sound of Galika’s voice, which means they refrain from her horrible advice with sugar.
Galacta detectors The thread is going to such an extent that the campaign for various anonymous packs that players can buy and equip. Like games Smite Allow players to buy players based on sports roles or popular members of this community, such as streamers, coasters, and professional players. While there is currently no official news or leak about the anorcular pack OpponentA huge community push can put such a buyable cosmetic at the forefront of the development team.
Until then, players will have to make a conscious effort to avoid all Galata’s advice and protect their most powerful abilities for the right time. Even you can completely silence the galacta, but some players find “space moms” a lot more compelled.
Publication: March 14, 2025 05:53 Evening